Tuesday, January 31, 2006

President of the UNITED STATES - Mrs. Hillary?

President Mrs Clinton..!

“The frontrunner for the Democrat nomination for president in 2008, Hillary Clinton is heading into a hall of opposition after a poll showed last week that most Americans would not vote for her…” Times International.

“I like Hillary,” said a banker from New York, “but it could prove to be a little dangerous fer the rest of the women in our country if she is elected! Jes’ fancy my young daughter going for a conducted tour of the White House; she passes the Oval room and suddenly finds someone coming out from behind de curtains. “Hi!” says dis tall man, you want to see de other side of the White House? Come wid me, I’ll be yer guide!” My poor daughter she nearly faints and runs to catch up wid de rest of the group. “What happened?” asks de guide. “I saw Bill Clinton,” she says, and he made a pass at me!”

“Lady!” says de guide, dis is his house too, you’re his guest, either please him or you’ll have to leave! Mrs Clinton in de White House is too dangerous fer de rest of de wimmin in America. Dat Bill he’ll even make a pass at me wife!”

A voter from Texas, asked how he would like to have Hillary in the White House, grinned, “Heck, we’re damn used to havin’ a Presiden’ who likes joggin’ and cyclin’ and horsin’ around, we like to show de rest of de world dat our president has muscles not jes’ between his ears but on dem shoulders and thighs too, but what is Mrs Clinton gonna do? Sunbathe? Sit on de White House porch in her bikini and show de world her skimpy figure? I donna how de world will think of us? And I don’ know whether I’m particularly fond of Mrs Clinton’s figure!”

“Maybe we could have Chelsea in a bikini dad?” said the Texan’s son.

“Awe man in dat case I’d prefer Hillary!” guffawed his dad.

A man from Lexington, Kentucky looked a bit worried when queried: “Wiv’ bin avin cowboy presidents fer sometime now,” he murmured, “and its bin fun to see dere guns blazin’ all over Afghanistan and Iraq and Kuwait, but never me heard of a cow girl! I begin to git de gut feelin’ dat de woman will stop shootin’ and shoutin’ at de world and will start doin’ wimmin’ things. Shucks dats boring y’know!”

“What wimmin’ things?” asked the journalist.

“Like lookin’ after babies and wimmin’ and ole people. Shellin’ out social security and health care! Shucks dem wimmin’ dey only know ‘bout carin’ and nursin’, what we ‘Mericans need is a trigger happy feller, not a mammy kissin’ wommin..!”

“So Senator Clinton?” asked the same journalist as she met Hillary at JFK airport, “Are you planning to run for President in 2008?”

“I don’t know,” said Hillary, “I hate that ole haunted house!”

“Why?” asked the puzzled journalist.

“Too many ghosts!”

“You mean Honest Abe and Eisenhower and Kennedy?”

“No, Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers and Linda Tripp and….Bill!” screamed Hillary as she caught his hand as it tried to reach out and grope…

Monday, January 30, 2006

My Business

My Business

A father walks into the market followed by his ten-year-old son. The kid is spinning a 25-cent piece in the air and catching it between his teeth. As they walk through the market someone bumps into the boy at just the wrong moment and the coin goes straight into his mouth and lodges in his throat. He immediately starts choking and going blue in the face and Dad starts panicking, shouting and screaming for help.

A middle-aged, fairly unremarkable man in a gray suit is sitting at a coffee bar in the market reading his newspaper and sipping a cup of coffee. At the sound of the commotion he looks up, puts his coffee cup down on the saucer, neatly folds his newspaper and places it on the counter. He gets up from his seat and makes his unhurried way across the market. Reaching the boy (who is still standing, but only just) the man takes hold of the kid and squeezes gently but firmly. After a few seconds the boy coughs up the quarter, which the man catches in his free hand.

The man then walks back to his seat in the coffee bar without saying a word. As soon as he is sure that his son was fine, the father rushes over to the man and starts effusively thanking him. The man looks embarrassed and brushes off the thanks. As he's about to leave, the father asks one last question. "I've never seen anybody do anything like that before - it was fantastic - what are you, a surgeon or something like that?"

"No" the man replies, "I work for the IRS, getting people to cough it up is my

Girlfriend upgrade to wifefriend

Girlfriend 1.0

Dear Tech Support:

Last year I upgraded Girlfriend 1.0 to Wife 1.0 and noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. No mention of this phenomenon was included in the product brochure. In addition, Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs and launches during system initialization where it monitors all other system activity.

Applications such as Poker-night 10.3 and Beer-bash 2.5 no longer run, crashing the system whenever selected. I cannot seem to purge Wife 1.0 from my system. I am thinking about going back to Girlfriend 1.0 but uninstall does not work on this program. Can you help me?

Dear Sir,

This is a very common problem men complain about but is mostly due to a primary misconception. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 1.0 to Wife 1.0 with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a "UTILITIES & ENTERTAINMENT" program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and designed by its creator to run everything. It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the program from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 1.0 because Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this. Some have tried to install Girlfriend 2.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with more problems than original system. Look in your manual under Warnings - Alimony / Child Support. I recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and just deal with the situation.

Having Wife 1.0 installed myself, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Protection Faults (GPFs). You must assume all responsibility for faults and problems that might occur. The best course of action will be to push apologize button then reset button as soon as lock-up occurs. System will run smooth as long as you take the blame for all GPFs. Wife 1.0 is a great program but is very high maintenance.


LESSON 293 from Living with Siva

Emotional Slumps

Everybody falls into negative slumps at one time or another when they
deny the God principle within themselves, when they deny their knowing
power, absolutely, deliberately deny it, by allowing their thinking
principle--what they themselves think as a little ego--to take hold and
cancel off, just like an eraser on the blackboard of life, the soul's
attempts to express itself.

For example, you are going along fine, just wonderful, you are feeling
great, and a little opportunity to serve comes up and you miss it. You
know you should, but you don't think it is quite the time, when it would
be just as easy to fulfill whatever you know you should fulfill. But you
think, "Well, this isn't exactly the best time for me." You have very
good reasons to say no, excellent reasons, because the thinking mind is
always filled with excellent reasons. They are wonderful for the time,
but they wear out. That is why we don't exercise our memory and remember
all the reasons we had for our actions.

If I asked why did you do this and that and those unseemly actions,
you might say, "Yes, I know what you're thinking. I had a very good
reason at the time, but I can't recall it just now." You don't want to
remember the reason, because you know it was only an excuse sufficient
for a time. Yet the action remains, along with the reason, which was a
weak one, vibrating in the subconscious mind. If you accumulate two or
three such incidents, pretty soon you fall into a negative slump, where
you don't feel like doing anything and nothing seems to make sense to you
in the spiritual world or any other world. You just drag along and say,
"Oh my, the burdens of life are getting pretty heavy." Eventually that
condition wears out, too, and you swing back and get a little light
in you. That is why people turn to stimulants, excesses of chocolate,
sugary yum-yums (the junk food business makes millions on the negative
slumpers) and various innervating beverages, such as coffee and soft
drinks, to pep up the physical body. But the body can take only so
much of these negative slumps before it reacts and, in its reaction,
becomes unhealthy. Finally it succumbs to disease; it is not at ease
within itself because the subconscious mind is not at ease.

When you refrain from denying that soul source within you and fulfill
what you know you should do, then you are filled and thrilled with
life force. Your soul is shining out in the material plane. You don't
go into negative slumps. You become like the people who don't just get
up to do things, they jump up and are happy to do anything they have an
opportunity to do. But deny your knowing principle, and it becomes an
effort to do anything--even an effort to remember how you should respond
and what you should do.

Many people know they should do certain things to help out, to help
their families, their relatives and friends. But as the weeks go by,
what they know they forget, because they really didn't want to do it
in the first place. They didn't think they had time; they didn't think
they could help; they didn't think they could afford it. They have so
many limitations. They put their poor old soul into a cage. Excuse me,
I am going to rephrase that. They put their poor young soul into a cage,
because old souls manifest consideration. Young souls are just learning
how. And this poor young soul climbs right into this little cage and sits,
like a newborn baby, waiting for the subconscious mind--which has been
filled with negative activity, negative thoughts and a negative approach
to life--to unwind itself. But the soul within has to first watch itself
wind up--and it winds up through the many lives, with all its negative
creations, all of its thinking versus knowing, and thinking winning
out every time. Then it has to unwind, and when it does unwind, pretty
soon knowing gets stronger than thinking. Then we notice a spiritual
unfoldment. Then we know that observation is taking hold.

Do you know how I can tell when someone is spiritually unfolding? When
I suggest something, and he takes me up on the suggestion and observes
and thinks of the next step before I think of it, I know that he is
spiritually unfolding, because through his observation he is producing
knowing, and through his knowing he is being considerate of his fellow
man, just as he expects everyone to be considerate of him.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Lt. Saurabh Kalia of 4 JAT Regiment of the Indian Army
laid down his life at the young age of 22 for the
nation while guarding the frontiers at Kargil. His
parents, indeed the Indian Army and nation itself,
lost a dedicated, honest and brave son.
He was the first officer to detect and inform about
Pakistani intrusion. Pakistan captured him and his
patrol party of 5 brave men alive on May15, 1999 from
the Indian side of LOC.
They were kept in captivity for three weeks and
subjected to unprecedented brutal torture, evident
from their bodies handed over by Pakistan Army on
June9 ,1999. The Pakistanis indulged in dastardly acts
of inflicting burns on the Indians with cigarettes,
piercing their ears with hot rods, removing theireyes
before puncturing them and breaking most of the bones
and teeth. They even chopped off various limbs and
private organs of the Indian soldiers besides
inflicting unimaginable physical and mental torture.
After 22 days of torture, the brave soldiers were
ultimately shot dead. A detailed post-mortem report is
with the Indian Army.
Pakistan dared to humiliate India this way flouting
all international norms. They proved the extent to
which they can degrade humanity. However, the Indian
soldiers did not break while undergoing all this
unimaginable barbarism, which speaks volumes of their
patriotism, grit, determination, tenacity and valour
something all of India should be proud of.
Sacrificing oneself for the nation is an honour every
soldier would be proud of, but no parent, army or
nation can accept what happened to these brave sons of
I am afraid every parent may think twice to sendtheir
child in the armed forces if we all fall short of our
duty in safeguarding the PRISONERS OF WAR AND LET THEM
It may also send a demoralising signal to the army
personnel fighting for the Nation that our POWs in Pak
cannot be taken care of. It is a matter of shame and
disgust that most of Indian Human Rights Organisations
by and large, showed apathy in this matter.
Through this humble submission, may I appeal to all
the civilized people irrespective of colour, caste,
region, religion and political lineage to stir their
conscience and rise to take this as a NATIONAL ISSUE?
International Human Rights Organisations must be
approached to expose and pressure Pakistan to
identify, book and punish all those who perpetrated
this heinous crime to our men in uniform. If Pakistan
is allowed to go unpunished in this case, we can
imagine the consequences.
Below is the list of 5 other soldiers who preferred to
die for the country rather than open their mouths in
front of enemy.
1. Sep. Arjun Ram s/o Sh. Chokka Ram; Village & PO
Gudi. Teh. & Dist. Nagaur (Rajasthan)
2. Sep. Bhanwar Lal Bagaria h/o Smt. Santosh
Devi;Village Sivelara;
Teh. & Dist. Sikar (Rajasthan)
3. Sep. Bhikaram h/o Smt. Bhawri Devi; VillagePatasar;
Teh. Pachpatva;
Distt. Barmer (Rajasthan)
4. Sep. Moola Ram h/o Smt. Rameshwari Devi;
VillageKatori; Teh. Jayal;
Dist. Nagaur (Rajasthan)
5. Sep. Naresh Singh h/o Smt. Kalpana Devi;
VillageChhoti Tallam; Teh.
Iglab; Dist.Aligarh (UP)
Yours truly,
Dr. N.K. Kalia (Lt. Saurabh Kalia's father).
Saurabh Nagar,
Himachal Pradesh
Tel: + 91(01894) 32065
Please sign in by writing your name and then copy and
paste it again to forward it to yourfriends and
relatives. Let us give some supporting hand to Dr.
Kalia in his efforts to get justice.
Remember, Lt Kalia and his colleagues died on the
front so that we could sleep peacefully in our home.
JAI HIND .......Victory to India
1. Sudhir Singh ( Pune, India)
2. Neha Sarode (Pune, India)
3. Sanjay H Shrotriya, Pune India
4. Vivek Apte Bangalore, India.
5. Virendra Mantri, Mumbai, India
6. Jayant Sardesai, Nagpur, India
7. Pratap Shinde, Nagpur , India.
8. Jaisingh Dhumal, Mumbai, India
9. Umesh Gaikwad, Mumbai, India
10. Mandar Aryamane, Mumbai, India
11. Santosh Sawant, Mumbai,India
12. Prashant Pandya, Mumbai, India
13. Dilip Gurav, Mumbai, India
14. N.V. Santosh, Mumbai, India
15. Sameer Narsapur, Mumbai, India
16. Rajeev Mahajan, Mumbai, India
17. Siddharth Lohia, Mumbai, India
18. Bibhash Jha, Mumbai, India.
19. Dhirendra Jha, Pune, India
20. Gaurav Nagpal, Pune, India
21. Sachin Mehrotra, Pune, India
22. Sanjay, Bangalore, India.
23. Jothi Krishnan, Bangalore, India
24. PSB Bharath, Chennai, India
25. Vijeesh S, Chennai, India
26. Nimeesh, Chennai, India
27. Iqbal Ahmed, Kolkata, India
28. Sanchita Chanda, Chennai, India
29. Kaushik Borbora, Chennai, India
30. Priyanka Mishra, Bangalore, India
31. Amit Kumar Sinha, Bhubaneswar, India
32. Joydeep Mondal, Bhubaneshwar, India
33. Kaustubh Krishna Srivastava, Pune, India
34. Shatrughan Tamaskar, Pune, India
35. Manjul Chawda, Pune, India
36. Vinit Puri, Pune, India
37. Vivek Goyal, Pune, India
39. Rajesh Kumar,Bangalore, India
40. Pramesh Mandraha, Bangalore, India
41. Indrajeet Singh, Hyderabad, India
42. Amit Kumar, Mumbai, India
43. Ashish Agarwal, Pune, India
44. Supriya , Pune, India.
45. Atul Jain, Indore, India.
46. Tanmay Singhal, Indore, India.
47. Ankur Agarwal, Mumbai, India
48. Murtuza Shiyaji, Mumbai, India
49. Murtuza Rohawala, Calcutta, India
50. Arti Syal, Chandigarh, India
51. Sheeja Bhaskaran, Bangalore, India
52. Homa Roy Choudhury, Bangalore, India
53. Soumya Nanda Mohanty, Bangalore, India
54. Capt Abhilash Sahoo
55. Rajat Madhok, UK
56. Himmat Singh, Delhi, India
57. Anuja Gill, Delhi, India
58. Brig. (Retd.) A. K. Sanyal, VSM, Pune, India
59. Abhishek Amal Sanyal, Pune, India
60. Sudhir Jatar
61. Rahul Bhajekar, Thane, India
62. Atul S Pathak, Mumbai, India
63. S. Narayanan, Chennai, India
64. Capt. Suman Banerjee
65. Arjun Wallia, Delhi, India
66. Vivek N Gour, Gurgaon,India
67. Nidhi Sekhar, New Delhi, India
68. Priyanka Ray, Mumbai, India
69. Pragya Dayal, Delhi, India
70. Soumya Dayal, Delhi, India
71. Vandana Sehgal, Bangalore, India
72. Pooja Raswant, New Delhi, India.
73. Pronita Roy, New Delhi, India
74. Neeraj Gupta, New Delhi, India
75. Rajesh Sharma, Mumbai, India.
76. RS Anand, Mohali, India.
77. JR Sharma, Mohali, India
78. Manmohan Singh, Mohali, India
79. Ram Chet, Chandigarh, India
80. GS Bakshi, Chandigarh, India
81. Parminder, Chandigarh, India
82. JS Sethi, New Delhi, India
83. Navtej Singh, Kota, India
84. SS Dulat, Sangrur, India
85. Sudeesh Kumar, Kerala, India
86. Leelamma Jose, Kerala, India
87. Abilash Kumar, Kerala, India
88. JS Pannu, Amritsar, India
89. Lt.Col KS Sidhu, Retd, Amritsar, India
90. GS Dhaliwal, Ludhiana, India
91. Nitu Marwah, Germany
92. Ravi Sharma, Bottrop, Germany
93. MS Pannu, Chandigarh, India
94. Deepak Mehan,Chandigarh, India
95. Lt. Col GS Dhillon, Chandigarh, India
96. Lt.Col K C Singh, Chandigarh, India
97. Brig. Bhagwant Singh (Retd), Panchkula, India
98. Lt.Col Gurdev Singh (Retd), India
99. Lt Col Sudesh Sharma, Chandigarh, India
100. NS Aulakh, Chandigarh, India
101. Gursimran Sandhu, Sacramento, USA
102. Sukhbir Singh, Sacramento, USA
103. Manjit Sandhu, Sacramento, USA
104. Inderpreet Sheina, Antioch, USA
105. Shalu Suri, Parwanoo, H.P, INDIA
106. Ashwani Sabharwal. Chandigarh, India.
107. RK Kakar, Bhopal, India
108. Anuradha Manna, Kolkata, India
109. Neha Nigam, New Delhi, India
110. Mamta Meena, New Delhi, India
111. Nalini Singh, Ranchi, India
112. Capt Malay Mishra , 4 JAT
113. Ruchi Mishra, TCS Gurgaon.
114. Neetu Mathew, TCS, Gurgaon
115. Nishtha Dwivedi, IBM PUNE
116. Shailesh Pandey, QA InfoTech, Noida
117. Prashant Gour NIC Pune
118. Narendra Singh Rajput NIC Pune
119. Rishi Sohaney,Quark, Chandigarh, India
120. Gagan Chawla
121. Rohit Kalia, Quark, Chandigarh
122. Sukhendra Rai, HCL Technologies, Noida, India
123. Swati Agarwal, GE Capital, Gurgaon, India
124. Rahul Shanker Saxena, CMC Ltd, Delhi.
125. Ashish Tonk , CellNext Solution Ltd.
126. Bhupesh Pant, Pune, India.
127. Lokesh Malik, Delhi, India
128. Vijay Kr Rajput
129. Shubhangi Mishra, Noida
130. Nitin Goyal, Noida, India
131. Tavish Malhotra, Chennai, India


--kenchee aitho(n) maro--


O Balle Balle Balle ... YO YO YO!
The maddest and the baddest is back again
With another wild rap to drive you insane

So whoz the story 'bout this time?
Well its all 'bout Jeet - me partner'n rhyme

Remember the dude who married a gori?
Well he's back again in yet another story !!

Refresh your minds when the dude got dumped

When Gina suddenly said ciao and left him stumped

Now a year has passed since that sorrowful day
And our veer has since come a long way

He wrote a dozen letters to his dear mum
Saying "Maaf Karna Ji, I was a real bum!"

"Arranged Marriage,
Buss Arranged Marriage is the only true way
That an ishq connection will forever stay"

"Valentine's Day is almost here
And the smell of ishq is in the air!"

"So mummy ji, please find me a sohni vohti
Who'll make me the saag and maki di roti"

His mum read the letters and wept with joy
What wonderful words to hear from her boy!

"Oh Jeetya, mera beta, aja mera raja

I forgive you I forgive you so aja vayee aja"

"There's a beautiful and dutiful vohti for you
So chhaytee vapas aja and we'll find her for you"

Jeet jumped on a plane the very next day

And was soon back home eating paronthhay

Mummy ji then opened the album
And asked Jeet to make his selection

There was Neeti from Ludhiana and Preeti from Patiala
And Meena from Samrala and Reena from Ambala!

The photos of girls went on and on ...
And Jeet kept looking until 'twas dawn!

It sure was hard trying to choose
So Jeet thought ...
Let's meet them all there's nothing to lose!

His head was now spinning outta control

As he pulled out the dice and began to roll!

Three showed up, so who could that be?
Yep that meant a trip to see Preeti!

They got to Patiala just before four
And Preeti's father opened the door

They talked and talked for a quite a long while
And man, was it great to see everyone smile!

But then her dad learnt all 'bout Gina ...
Could Preeti marry Jeet? ... Na jee na!

Jeet's mum tried real hard to change his mind

Hoping that those events could be put behind ...

Mera beta is a top scientist in New York city
Working for a company making plenty of money

He drives a Toyota - yes a phully-loaded Camry!
And has a beautiful condo in the city

He is a caring and loving young man ofcourse
So let's not talk about his innocent divorce!

But Preeti's father was hard to convince
And in his eyes, Jeet was no prince!

So that then called for a trip to Jalandhar

To meet an MBBS girl called Narinder

She was sitting and reading on the balcony
Buried in a tome that read Human Anatomy

She wore glasses so thick - Jeet could swear ...
They were the latest in bullet-proof designer wear!

He asked her then if her nickname was Nerd
But she just looked away not saying a word!

Jeet then decided to show off his knowledge
By recalling something he'd learnt in college

The human body has 200 bones do you know ...

... 206 she interrupted but children have more

She then began naming them all
And Jeet just smiled and stared at the wall

She talked about Caesarean sections
And about heart bypass operations

But when the subject changed to vasectomies
Jeet just cringed and said: "Mummy, next please!"

So then to Jagraon they went to see Mohno
But Jeet messed up when he said: "Ki haal ai Moto!"

She glared at him right in the eye
And Jeet knew right then it was goodbye!

So the barfi and laddoo were still nowhere in sight
And everyone by now was dying for a bite!

In Chandigarh, Raunki was his mother's first choice

Who just loved to hear the sound of her own voice

She talked and talked and talked and talked
So Jeet just gave up and out he walked!

And then 'twas time to meet Jasmeen
A kurri from Delhi who was only nineteen

She opened the door and said:
"Hi, aap kaisay ho?"
And Jeet looked up and said "Oh no!"

What had happened to our piyaari boli?
That was the problem with the folks in Delhi!

In Ludhiana city, Jeet then met Neeti
An interesting girl though she looked past thirty!

And then down the road he went to see Reena
But her name sounded too much like Gina!

Mummy ji was now getting upset

On seeing how picky Jeet could get!

"Oh tu Jinny gori de naal na compare kar, rajay
Punjabi larkian vee bahut sohnian hundian ay
Yaad rakh ... beautiful te dutiful ...
Ay kurrian gulab de phul vargian hundian ay!"

So next in line was Moni ...
A pretty young woman with a Home Science degree

She was cooking in the kitchen when Jeet got there
Wow! Now his cupboard at least would never be bare!

But she brandished the belNa in such a way

That Jeet signaled his mum "cholo chaliyay!"

Jeet was now quite depressed
His life was more than totally messed

Rano turned him down because he was clean shaven
and Mano said no because he was five-feet-seven!

His mum's favorite words came to mind: "gulab de phul"
But now all he could think of was: "gobi de phul!"

Jeet decided to hit the local dhaba
And sat down to have an alloo da parontha

He just had taken his second bite
When he suddenly choked on a lovely sight

There she stood the woman of his dreams
Balle oh balle ... the queen of queens!

She was the prettiest woman he had ever seen

Prettier than any model in Vogue magazine!

But then he remembered he was in Ludhiana
And asking her for a date was totally mana!

There sure had to be another way
To at least say hi before she walked away

Jeet's eyes were glued in one direction
What was to be his plan of action?

But right at that moment came Jeet's biggest blow
When a kid ran up to her saying ..
"Mummy mummy, let's go!"

Jeet raised his arms in despair
What rotten luck he had to bear!

He called up Madmats the very next day
Saying he was packing his bags for Norway!

I hear out there that girls are real fine

Who think that dark guys are totally sublime

So all ye ladies in the house
Please help my veer find a spouse

He's losing his hair at an alarming rate
So he's got to marry before it's too late!

Madmats too is longing for some jalebi
And how can you forget - a wonderful bhabhi!

So please give Jeet some sound advice
So he never ever needs to roll the dice!!


Today's Quote

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

-Mother Teresa

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Today's Quote

There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.

-French Prove


Diet Rules for Cheaters
1. If you eat something and no one sees you eat it, it has no calories.

2. If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar, the calories in the candy bar are cancelled out by the diet soda.

3. When you eat with someone else, calories don't count if you don't eat more than they do.

4. Food used for medicinal purposes NEVER count, such as hot chocolate, brandy, toast and Sara Lee Cheesecake.

5. If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you look thinner.

6. Movie related foods (Milk Duds, Buttered Popcorn, Junior Mints, Red Hots, Tootsie Rolls, etc.) do not have additional calories because they are part of the entertainment package and not part of one's personal fuel.

7. Cookie pieces contain no fat-- the process of breaking causes fat leakage.

8. Things licked off knives and spoons have no calories if you are in the process of preparing something. Examples are peanut butter on a knife making a sandwich and ice cream on a spoon making a sundae.

9. Foods that have the same color have the same number of calories. Examples are: spinach and pistachio ice cream; mushrooms and white chocolate.

NOTE: Chocolate is a universal color and may be substituted for any other food color.

10. Foods that are frozen have no calories because calories are units of heat. Examples are ice cream, frozen pies, and Popsicles.

Friday, January 27, 2006


3. Hindu Widow of Indian Soldier Buried as a Muslim Appeals to Malaysia's Supreme Court
Dow Jones Newswire

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, January 24, 2006: The Hindu widow of an ethnic Indian soldier has filed an appeal against a civil court in Malaysia for failing to prevent her husband's Muslim burial by Islamic authorities who claimed he converted. The case of Maniam Moorthy, a former commando who was part of a Mount Everest expedition, is at the heart of a raging debate on minority rights and conflict of power between civil courts and the Islamic Shariah Court in this Muslim-majority country. Moorthy's body was taken over last month by Islamic authorities after the Shariah Court ruled he had converted to Islam before his death on Dec. 20. Moorthy apparently never informed his family of the conversion, and his widow, Kaliammal Sinnasamy, failed to convince the civil High Court to give her custody of the body. Being a non-Muslim, she couldn't file a petition in the Shariah Court.

The High Court said it has no jurisdiction over the Shariah Court, implying that non-Muslims had no recourse to justice in a dispute with Muslims because they could neither appeal to the Islamic justice system nor the civil system. Kaliammal petitioned the Court of Appeal on Tuesday saying the High Court had erred in concluding it didn't have jurisdiction to determine the validity of conversions to Islam. "This is a public interest case and the people want to know the jurisdiction of the civil court on conversion," Kaliammal's lawyer, M. Manoharan, was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times newspaper Wednesday. Kaliammal hopes to exhume the body - if she wins the appeal - and perform a Hindu cremation.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has promised to review any unfair laws, but has refused to consider constitutional provisions on the jurisdiction of the civil court over the Shariah Court despite its ambiguities. The ambiguity was demonstrated on Tuesday when the Shariah Court ruled the body of Nyonya Tahir, an 89-year-old ethnic Malay who was a Muslim by birth, should be handed over to her children to be buried according to Buddhist rites. She died last week after 70 years of marriage to an ethnic Chinese Buddhist. In passing the judgment, the court rejected an appeal by Islamic authorities for custody of the body for an Islamic burial. An advocacy group for religious minorities said the verdict showed the Islamic court is inconsistent in its protection of religious minorities, and that the Moorthy and Nyonya cases highlighted contradictions and weaknesses in Malaysian law. Religion is one of the most sensitive issues in Malaysia. Nearly 60% of the country' s 26 million people are ethnic Malay Muslims, while the large ethnic Chinese and Indian minority communities mostly practice Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism.



LESSON 290 from Living with Siva

You Can Make A Difference

Here's a true story to show how effective a timely expression of
appreciation may be. A young man tried the above practice on his rather
gruff employer, whose heart melted when he heard the words, "One of the
things that I appreciate most about you, sir, is your brilliance as an
inventor. You have so much to teach me." After saying that and more, the
youth urged the astonished elder to pass on the voicing of appreciation
to another person. The man sat with his only son that same evening and
awkwardly told him how much he appreciated his many fine qualities. "I
never take time to say such sentimental things," he said, "but rather tend
to keep to myself and be demanding and harsh because of the pressures of
work. But please know that I do love you." The youth began sobbing and
confessed, "Father, thank you so much. You can't imagine how glad and
relieved I am to hear that. I was planning to commit suicide tomorrow
because I thought you didn't care about me any more, or even like me. Now
I won't." You never know how much difference your appreciation will make.

To prepare yourself for this sadhana, stand before a mirror and look at
your face, right into your eyes, and say aloud, as if talking to another
person: "I am grateful to you and appreciate your being in my life." Then
describe to yourself in many sentences all the good you have done during
the past five years. You can jog your memory by reading from your list
of goodness that you made earlier. You will soon see the reflection in
the mirror soften and begin to smile as it absorbs the happy feeling
of your appreciation. Once this art is perfected between you and you,
you can begin to appreciate others in the same way. Don't be shy. No
one is shy when angry. Why be shy when we are happy and lovingly grateful?

There is a brave new world on the horizon for followers of dharma (religion), one
in which we are kindly to each other, trusting and aware of one another's
feelings, a world in which we acknowledge our debt to others and express
our thanksgiving, first in our silent heart and then outwardly. Gratitude
is one of life's richest resources, containing the power to change
people's lives. Its opposite is a disease that erodes all contentment and
fills our life with emptiness and despair. Take heart. These sadhanas
on gratitude and appreciation have worked wonders for many. Yes, each
one of us can make a difference. The world is changing, and we can make
it change for the better, or we can leave it in the hands of those who
make changes for the "badder." It's our choice.

I appreciate you, our reader of Living with Siva, you and other men
and women, boys and girls who are strengthening Hinduism in hundreds
of remote communities, upholding the Sanatana Dharma, being a beacon
light to others on the path. It is you who are inspiring us to produce
this series of books on contemporary Hinduism, giving us so many ideas
and cheering us on. You are making a great difference by simply living
the dharma, aspiring for self-transformation and speaking on these high
principles that are so important to us all and to the future of humanity.

Just a little bit of kindness is so easy to express. Just a little
bit of kindness heals the mind. And in this day and age, when so many
are frustrated, troubled and need a little bit of help, appreciation
and encouragement, your kindness can help. Your criticism, your gossip
about them, hurts them and also hurts yourself. But the kindness that
you express in what you do is healing unto you, too. So, see yourself as
a being that always expresses kindness. What you think about, you become.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


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Sania Mirza gets Padma Shri

January 25, 2006 22:22 IST
Last Updated: January 25, 2006 23:22 IST

Sania Mirza was conferred with the prestigious Padma Shri award for her contribution to tennis on the eve of the Republic Day on Wednesday.

The 19-year-old was one of the six sportspersons who got Padma awards today.

The others were Vijaypat Singhania (aviator), Bahadur Singh (shot putter), Madhumita Bisht (badminton player), MC Mary Kom (boxer), Mohan Singh Gunjyal (adventure sports).

Singhania got Padma Bhushan while others got Padma Shri.


Never upset your mind
With yes and no.
Be quiet.
You are awareness itself.
Live in the happiness
Of your own nature,
Which is happiness itself.

-Ashtavakra Gita 15:


Be not like a bird that sees the seeds but not the trap.

- Judah ibn Tibbon (c.1120-c.1190, Spain)

15 yr old driving

Fla. Highway Crash Kills 7 Adopted Kids

LAKE BUTLER, Fla. (AP) - A car full of siblings headed home was crushed between a truck and a stopped school bus, killing the seven adopted children just two miles from where they lived.

Investigators were trying to understand why the driver of a truck hit the car from behind, pushing it in to the bus that was carrying nine students.

Everyone in the car was killed Wednesday, including the 15-year-old girl who was driving illegally. Tina Mann told CNN that her niece, who had a learner's permit, had dropped off another child and was taking her siblings home ``to get ready to go to church.''

``Even though she was an underage driver, it's my understanding she did not cause the accident,'' Mann told CNN. ``The same thing would have happened had there been an adult in the car with her. We'd just have one more death in the family.''

The victims in the car were identified by authorities as 15-year-old driver Nicki Mann; Elizabeth Mann, 15; Johnny Mann, 13; Heaven Mann, 3; Ashley Kenn, 13; Miranda Finn, who was either 8- or 9-years-old; and Anthony Lamb, who was almost 2 years old.

Five of the students onboard the bus were taken to University of Florida's Shands Hospital in Gainesville. Three were in serious condition and two were in fair condition, hospital officials said Wednesday night.

The other four were taken to area hospitals. It was believed that they were treated and released, said Lt. Mike Burroughs of the Florida Highway Patrol.

``It was horrible. People were screaming, children were wandering around, two were laying (in) the middle of the road,'' said Joy Clemins, who lives near the crash site. ``It is like they were walking around in a dream.''

The bus driver, Lillie Mae Perry, was transferred to a Gainesville hospital where she was in stable condition, hospital officials said.

Grief counselors were scheduled to be on hand Thursday to help students deal with the tragedy, said Union County School Superintendent Carlton Faulk. Lake Butler is about 60 miles southwest of Jacksonville in rural northern Florida.

``In a small county you get to know the kids,'' he said. ``A lot of the administrators and myself actually taught the parents of some of these kids. It's a very close knit community.''

Alvin Wilkerson, 31, the truck driver, suffered minor injuries. Burroughs said charges against Wilkerson were pending an investigation.

``We want to know why he didn't see a big, large school bus,'' Burroughs said.

He said authorities were looking into whether Wilkerson was possibly talking on his cell phone, if he was tired or if there was a mechanical failure of the truck.

Burroughs said a sample of Wilkerson's blood-alcohol level has also been collected.

The National Transportation Safety Board will investigate the crash.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


The Rediff Interview/Lakshmi Narayanan, CEO, Cognizant

'The best minds are in India'

January 23, 2006

Lakshmi Narayanan, CEO, Cognizant Tech Solutions"Reservation in the private sector is a retrograde step. Any system that is not based on meritocracy is not a good system. Nowhere else in the world has it ever been attempted," says Lakshmi Narayanan, president and CEO, Cognizant, which is all set be a billion-dollar company this year.

By recruiting more than 8,000 engineers in 2005, Cognizant became one of the largest recruiters in India. Founded in 1994 as a division of Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, Cognizant in headquartered in New Jersey, USA, with sales offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, London and Frankfurt, and development facilities in Chennai, Kolkata, Pune, Hyderabad and Bangalore in India.

In a freewheeling interview with Shobha Warrier, Narayanan expresses his views on infrastructure in India, elucidates how the perception of the world on India has changed over the years,and highlights the attitude of different Indian states to investment proposals.

You have offices in the United States, the United Kingdom and in Germany. In India, you have offices in Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad and Kolkata. How do you compare these cities?

From Cognizant's perspective, the profile of the people working in these offices is different. The overseas offices are our front-end offices working closely with customers, and they are senior people who participate in the day-to-day activities of decision-making.

But those working in India are in the development centres, so they are technology-oriented people with some business orientation. In short, the back-office functions in India and the intensity of the work are very, very high.

How will you compare the infrastructure of the Indian cities? Infosys chief Narayana Murthy had recently remarked that the infrastructure in Bangalore has almost collapsed, and if nothing was done, there may be an exodus to countries like China.

About 99% of the people working in the Indian cities are local Indians who are used to the conditions here. When you bring someone from outside and get them to work here, they may not be able to adjust. Each city in the world has its advantages and disadvantages. But if you look at specific cities within India, again, there are advantages and disadvantages.

An individual needs a good society to live in and needs time to spend with the society, which is pretty much the same in most of the cities except that Bangalore is a little divergent.

In Chennai, you can talk about a social fabric, a culture, and you see a homogeneous set of people working here although there are a number of migrants from outside. But the culture in Bangalore is very heterogeneous and there is no sense of belonging, as there is no local culture there.

When it comes to the much talked-about physical infrastructure, the roads and commuting, clearly the commuting time has increased in all the places. So, we need to reduce the commuting time so that people can be more productive.

We (Cognizant) have the largest number of people in Chennai, and clearly the condition of the people working in Chennai is better as compared to the other cities from the societal and infrastructure perspective.

Do you think that the infrastructure in cities like Bangalore is collapsing?

You really have to look at what infrastructure is. To me, the foremost infrastructure I look at are in this order: educational infrastructure, law and order infrastructure, network connectivity and bandwidth infrastructure. Only then comes the road infrastructure and, finally, the airports, ports and railways.

It doesn't really matter to me even if the airport is not the best as those who working in Chennai do not go to airport everyday. So, it is of less importance to me. Since Cognizant is not a manufacturing company, I don't need ports.

Road infrastructure impacts me because it increases the commuting time and causes inconvenience. Bandwidth clearly impacts us more. I have no complaints in this regard. Educational infrastructure has the higher order of impact, and it is very good here. I am surrounded by engineering colleges with bright people coming out of these places every year.

Law and order, and work ethic are important. They should feel safe moving around, I believe the cities are safe. Although people talk about the deteriorating road infrastructure, and traffic jams, if you look at the overall context, that is relatively lower in priority. But certainly, that is an important issue that can be improved.

Does that mean you are satisfied with the available infrastructure in India? So, there is no threat of you moving to China because you are unhappy with the infrastructure in India?

Yes, we are satisfied being here. People understand the way India is, with all its pros and cons, its dichotomy. It has the richest and poorest people. It has the best and worst hotels. It has the best and worst roads. It's accepted. I don't think suddenly, we need to create a Singapore to succeed.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of India from a business perspective?

In a service-oriented business, the people, their attitude and their talent are the positive aspects, which is the reason for our economic growth. We have hard working people with great and average intelligence, which I guess is much above the world average.

There is a criticism that 70 per cent of the engineers from Indian colleges are unemployable. As one of the largest recruiters of freshers in India, do you agree with this view? Do you have to pump in a lot of money, time and energy to make them employable?

It is all a process of elimination. Two lakh (200,000) students appear for an examination and the top 2,000 get to the best colleges. And, they are directly employable. But if you go to the next 2,000, they are also employable although they require certain additional inputs before they can be ready for the industry.

The next 2,000 may require some more inputs. So, it depends on the number of people you require. If you can take from the top bracket, it is easy.

Do your feel that 70-80 per cent is an exaggerated figure?

Clearly, the number is exaggerated. Even if 70 per cent is not employable, it doesn't bother me because even if they are employable, we won't be able to employ all of them.

How does the US and the rest of the world perceive India? Is it as an IT superpower in the making? Or, is India just a place where cheap labour is available?

India was considered as a destination for cheap labour till a few years ago. Now, there is a clear transformation. They think India has the capability to go far beyond mere programming, they can do higher order of things in technology.

They would like to collaborate with India in the area of space technology. It could be in the area of space research, agriculture and stem cell research. The potency of human mind in India has been realised. IT was the forerunner in terms of creating that visibility much more than any other area.

As far as IT is concerned, where does India stand, when compared to China or countries like the US or Germany?

You have to look at it in two areas. When it comes to technology innovation, the United States tops the charts. They continue to innovate and introduce new products. When it comes to applications, India is a topper.

India's 8 per cent GDP growth is driven mainly by the IT sector. Do you feel our growth is lopsided?

I don't think so. The service sector is growing very rapidly. It contributes more than 15 per cent of the GDP, but it employs only about 20 per cent of the people. To that extent, the employment generation from the service sector perspective is less. The manufacturing sector may be contributing 20-25 per cent and employs about 30-35 per cent of the people.

Agriculture, which employs 70 per cent of the people contributes only about 20-25 per cent in terms of the overall GDP. So, if you make agriculture a little more efficient, the same 70 per cent of the people in the rural sector can contribute more and the overall growth will go up.

Once the Chinese master the English language, do you think India will lose many outsourcing projects to them. Do you feel China will be a big threat to India's BPO industry?

You cannot compare the way India and China are growing. I always say China is ahead of us already in terms of overall growth rate, in terms of social infrastructure and in physical infrastructure. We are only trying to catch up with them!

The demand on the service side is so high that I don't think we need to worry about things going from here to China.

From all over the world, manufacturing is shifting to China. Are we worried about all the manufacturing from India going away? We still continue to manufacture here.

What kind of bureaucratic hassles have you faced ever since you came here to set up Cognizant? Has it come down over the years?

It has certainly reduced. When we came here first, we had to deal with many people to get work done, and it was not that they didn't want to help. Everything was very procedure oriented, and there was no precedence.

Now, the bureaucracy is more aggressive and ready to take risks. Their attitude is a little more positive.

Is the attitude different in different states?

Yes, a state like West Bengal, in an effort to catch up with the rest of the states, is far more aggressive than any other state in the country today. They open up and lay no conditions.

There are some states like Karnataka that have reached a point of saturation that they are indifferent to any more new companies coming there, which is reflected in the bureaucracy.

Tamil Nadu has always been very, very balanced. They never swung from one extreme to the other. Their attitude is, 'We want you here but we will not roll out a red carpet for you. We will be helpful to you. You come and establish yourself.' I think this balanced approach is very nice.

Andhra Pradesh is also proactive but it is not as big as these two states in terms of size.

What are your views on reservation in the private sector?

It is not a good move. It is a retrograde step. Any system that is not based on meritocracy is not a good system. For us to remain the best, we need the best and the brightest people, no matter what their social status is, no matter what any other parameter is. We can come up only through merit, and sustain this growth.

The government's mandate is different and the corporate mandate is different. In our case, whatever we produce, has to be the best in the world.

If the government enforces reservation, how will a private player like Cognizant deal with it?

From the customer's perspective, he will back off a little bit. He may say, I thought I was getting the best capability in India. The reason why I came to India is because the best minds are in India. This is going to impact not just the company but the country as a whole.

From our perspective, if we have to live with that, we have to make extra investments, extra caution to take these challenges. We will have to settle for something that can be done by a broad mix of people. This is not going to help job creation in the country.

This will not help individuals working in the industry who thrive on challenges. They are not going to be excited anymore.

If you want to help the under-privileged, provide them with education and other opportunities so that they become as capable as the others and compete with them.

So, from a company perspective, it is not a good move. From a country perspective too, we will be sending the wrong messages.

Will India's private sector be able to send this message across to the government?

The private sector can reason it out (with the government) and I think the government will listen. Nowhere else in the world, such a thing has ever been attempted.

Photo: Sreeram Selvaraj

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

know him...

Know him to be the primal source of life,
Whose glory permeates the universe:
Who is beyond time and space, and is seen
Within the heart in meditation.

Know that he is beyond the tree of life,
He whose power makes the planets revolve:
Who is both law and mercy, and is seen
Within the heart in meditation.

Know him to be the supreme Lord of lords,
King of kings, God of gods, ruler of all,
Wihout action or organs of action,
Whose power is seen in myriad ways.

-Shvetashvatara Upanishad
Excerpted from The Upanishads, translated by Eknath Easwaran, copyright 1987.


3. Hindu Conference Concludes in India

AHMEDABAD, INDIA, January 18, 2006: The fourth Vishwa Sangh Shivir (VSS) concluded in Ahmedabad on January 1, 2006, with a ceremony that included an impressive display of various forms of yoga, prayers in unison by hundreds of Hindus, and a speech by Shri Sudarashan, head of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). But perhaps more impressive is the message that the 510 attendees from 32 countries took home with them. Jeffrey Armstrong, also known as Kavindra Rishi, one of the 85 attending from North America, described the event in a very eloquent way, saying "One often hears the words: 'Vasudeva Kutumbakam,' but this gathering was the very core of the beautiful and inspiring family of the eternal Supreme Being. It was as if ambassadors from around the world each came bearing the seeds of their own special garden of Divine flowers."

The delegates, who were together for a week, included NRIs from around the world, champions of Hindu Dharma from within India and, perhaps most significantly, the newly emerging non-Indian Hindu community from global communities everywhere. Prominent attendees from the USA included Dr. Ved Nanda, Provost and Vice Chancellor of the University of Denver and President of HSS-USA; Dr. Bhisma Agnihotri, former ambassador at large for NRIs; Brahm Agarwal Chairman of Hindu University; Jyotish Parikh, President of VHP of America; Dr. Mahesh Mehta, Vice President VHP International; and Dr. Radheshyam Dwivedi, President of International Center for Cultural Studies-USA.

Talking about the problems of Hindus living abroad, Shri Nilkesh Mehta from UK pointed out that the Hindus living in the metropolitan culture of UK are finding it difficult to maintain their cherished identity as Hindus. Shri Pravesh from South Africa stated that the Hindus of South Africa are being "deprived of the philosophy and history of Bharat," but that through the constant efforts of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) and the local residents, the government agencies have started extending cooperation to Hindus. Smt. Bhavana Upadhyaya from Norway expressed the need for a more accurate history of India to be taught there. But although identifying common problems was an essential first step, delegates went on to share various activities that, in different areas contributed to solutions to these problems. For instance, Shri Darshan Soni of America told how, through the HSS, they are enlightening the college students about the Bharatiya culture and Dharma.

Sujatha Amin, freshman at George Washington University who had attended the event with her family in 1995 and 2000, stated "It was a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with Hindu youth from various parts of the world. Our bonds strengthened by exercising and playing games together and by participating in the concluding ceremony parade


3. Hindu Conference Concludes in India

AHMEDABAD, INDIA, January 18, 2006: The fourth Vishwa Sangh Shivir (VSS) concluded in Ahmedabad on January 1, 2006, with a ceremony that included an impressive display of various forms of yoga, prayers in unison by hundreds of Hindus, and a speech by Shri Sudarashan, head of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). But perhaps more impressive is the message that the 510 attendees from 32 countries took home with them. Jeffrey Armstrong, also known as Kavindra Rishi, one of the 85 attending from North America, described the event in a very eloquent way, saying "One often hears the words: 'Vasudeva Kutumbakam,' but this gathering was the very core of the beautiful and inspiring family of the eternal Supreme Being. It was as if ambassadors from around the world each came bearing the seeds of their own special garden of Divine flowers."

The delegates, who were together for a week, included NRIs from around the world, champions of Hindu Dharma from within India and, perhaps most significantly, the newly emerging non-Indian Hindu community from global communities everywhere. Prominent attendees from the USA included Dr. Ved Nanda, Provost and Vice Chancellor of the University of Denver and President of HSS-USA; Dr. Bhisma Agnihotri, former ambassador at large for NRIs; Brahm Agarwal Chairman of Hindu University; Jyotish Parikh, President of VHP of America; Dr. Mahesh Mehta, Vice President VHP International; and Dr. Radheshyam Dwivedi, President of International Center for Cultural Studies-USA.

Talking about the problems of Hindus living abroad, Shri Nilkesh Mehta from UK pointed out that the Hindus living in the metropolitan culture of UK are finding it difficult to maintain their cherished identity as Hindus. Shri Pravesh from South Africa stated that the Hindus of South Africa are being "deprived of the philosophy and history of Bharat," but that through the constant efforts of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) and the local residents, the government agencies have started extending cooperation to Hindus. Smt. Bhavana Upadhyaya from Norway expressed the need for a more accurate history of India to be taught there. But although identifying common problems was an essential first step, delegates went on to share various activities that, in different areas contributed to solutions to these problems. For instance, Shri Darshan Soni of America told how, through the HSS, they are enlightening the college students about the Bharatiya culture and Dharma.

Sujatha Amin, freshman at George Washington University who had attended the event with her family in 1995 and 2000, stated "It was a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with Hindu youth from various parts of the world. Our bonds strengthened by exercising and playing games together and by participating in the concluding ceremony parade


3. Hindu Conference Concludes in India

AHMEDABAD, INDIA, January 18, 2006: The fourth Vishwa Sangh Shivir (VSS) concluded in Ahmedabad on January 1, 2006, with a ceremony that included an impressive display of various forms of yoga, prayers in unison by hundreds of Hindus, and a speech by Shri Sudarashan, head of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). But perhaps more impressive is the message that the 510 attendees from 32 countries took home with them. Jeffrey Armstrong, also known as Kavindra Rishi, one of the 85 attending from North America, described the event in a very eloquent way, saying "One often hears the words: 'Vasudeva Kutumbakam,' but this gathering was the very core of the beautiful and inspiring family of the eternal Supreme Being. It was as if ambassadors from around the world each came bearing the seeds of their own special garden of Divine flowers."

The delegates, who were together for a week, included NRIs from around the world, champions of Hindu Dharma from within India and, perhaps most significantly, the newly emerging non-Indian Hindu community from global communities everywhere. Prominent attendees from the USA included Dr. Ved Nanda, Provost and Vice Chancellor of the University of Denver and President of HSS-USA; Dr. Bhisma Agnihotri, former ambassador at large for NRIs; Brahm Agarwal Chairman of Hindu University; Jyotish Parikh, President of VHP of America; Dr. Mahesh Mehta, Vice President VHP International; and Dr. Radheshyam Dwivedi, President of International Center for Cultural Studies-USA.

Talking about the problems of Hindus living abroad, Shri Nilkesh Mehta from UK pointed out that the Hindus living in the metropolitan culture of UK are finding it difficult to maintain their cherished identity as Hindus. Shri Pravesh from South Africa stated that the Hindus of South Africa are being "deprived of the philosophy and history of Bharat," but that through the constant efforts of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) and the local residents, the government agencies have started extending cooperation to Hindus. Smt. Bhavana Upadhyaya from Norway expressed the need for a more accurate history of India to be taught there. But although identifying common problems was an essential first step, delegates went on to share various activities that, in different areas contributed to solutions to these problems. For instance, Shri Darshan Soni of America told how, through the HSS, they are enlightening the college students about the Bharatiya culture and Dharma.

Sujatha Amin, freshman at George Washington University who had attended the event with her family in 1995 and 2000, stated "It was a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with Hindu youth from various parts of the world. Our bonds strengthened by exercising and playing games together and by participating in the concluding ceremony parade


Today's Quote

Good and evil do not befall men without reason. Heaven sends them happiness or misery according to their conduct.


Monday, January 23, 2006

Can't promise that , Sir!

The local District Judge had given the defendant a lecture on the evils of drink. But in view of the fact that this was the first time the man had been drunk and incapable, the case was dismissed on payment of ten shillings costs.

"Now don't let me ever see your face again," said the Justice sternly as the defendant turned to go.

"I'm afraid I can't promise that, sir," said the released man.

"And why not?"

"Because I'm the barman at your regular pub!"


Maid Talk

"Hey, Mom," asked Johnny "Can you give me twenty dollars?"

"Certainly not."

"If you do," he went on, "I'll tell you what dad said to the maid when you were at the beauty shop."

His mother's ears perked up and, grabbing her purse, she handed over the money. "Well? What did he say?"

"He said, 'Hey, Marie, make sure you wash my socks tomorrow.' "


In meditation, don't expect anything. Just sit back and see what happens. Treat the whole thing as an experiment. Take an active interest in the test itself, but don't get distracted by your expectations about the results. For that matter, don't be anxious for any result whatsoever.

-Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, "Mindfulness in Plain English"

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Have faith in God the Omnipotent,
the Eternal, the First and the Last,
who grants life and determines death.
He bestows bounty,
and only He can restore crushed hopes.
Have faith, do not lose hope, wait patiently.
He indeed will create a way
to deliver you from your hardships.

-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, "Fayuz E Yazdani"


Come, O lover!
Come, let Me ease your suffering.
Let Me be your friend;
let Me improve your state.
Come, O lover!
Come, surrender yourself to Me
that I may give you My life
and make you rejoice once again.

-Rumi, "The Life and Thought of Rumi"

We see stars too by the day!

A visitor from Holland was chatting with his American friend and was jokingly explaining about the red, white and blue in the Netherlands flag. "Our flag symbolizes our taxes," he said. "We get red when we talk about them, white when we get our tax bill, and blue after we pay them."

"That's the same with us," the American said, "only we see stars, too.by the day."


2. New Hindu Temple Under Construction in North England


MIDDLESBROUGH, ENGLAND, January 20, 2006: In the latest example of exquisitely carved Hindu temples in Britain, a team of four marble masons from India has arrived to build a temple in Middlesbrough in north England. There are several Hindu temples in towns across Britain - many of them featuring Deities and stonework brought from India or executed here by experts brought in from India. The most popular of such temples is the Swaminarayana temple in Neasden, London, and the Jain temple in Leicester. For the temple under construction in Middlesbrough, blocks of marble have been imported from the same quarries from where marble was used during the construction of the Taj Mahal - the Chosira mines in Rajasthan. The team of four marble masons led by Shokat Ali Rander Munnabhai is currently working on the 150,000 pound-temple inside the Hindu Cultural Centre in North Ormesby. The entire marble shipment arrived in 76 boxes in October. "It took us two days just to unload it all. About 15 masons worked for six months to carve the marble by hand, and it is a very intricate design," Hindu Cultural Centre's president Krishan Nath told reporters. "The whole plan for the temple started two years ago and prior to this, our temple was made of wood. We thought we would make the temple like the traditional ones in India that are marble. "The priest and I appealed to the congregation to buy one square metre of marble each that costs US$212. One family bought one metre, then another would buy two metres and then someone else would buy three metres. It just went from there," he said. "Once this (the temple) is finished, it will last for 100 years," Nath said. The four masons will stay until February 20.


There are pearls in the deep sea, but one must hazard all to find them. If diving once does not bring you pearls, you need not therefore conclude that the sea is without them. Dive again and again. You are sure to be rewarded in the end. So is it with the finding of the Lord in this world. Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886).

Bhagwat Gita 6:23-25

The practice of meditation frees one from all affliction. This is the path of yoga. Follow it with determination and sustained enthusiasm. Renouncing wholeheartedly all selfish desires and expectations, use your will to control the senses. Little by little, through patience and repeated effort, the mind will become stilled in the Self.

-Bhagavad Gita 6:23-25

Saturday, January 21, 2006



Hi Friends,
(Don't avoid Pls read this mail)
FROM S. Dinesh Gopinath, I.A.S, Director of Medical & Research Div, Chennai

Dear Friends,

Kindly take a couple of minutes to go thru this
mail. If useful may advise others also . Please pass this on to others this
happened in Paris recently and may happen elsewhere also.

A few weeks ago, in a movie theatre, a person felt something poking from her
When she got up to see what it was, she found a
needle sticking out of the seat with a note attached saying "You have just
been infected by
HIV". The Disease Control Center (in Paris) reports many similar events in
many other cities
recently. All tested needles were HI V Positive.

The Center also reports that needles have been found in cash dispensers at
public banking machines.We ask everyone to use extreme! caution when faced
with this kind of situation. All public chairs/seats should be inspected
with vigilance and caution before use. A careful visual inspection should be
enough. In addition, they ask that each of you pass this message along to
all members of your family and your friends of the potential danger.

Recently, one doctor has narrated a somewhat similar instance that hppened
to one of his patients at the Pri! ya Cinema in Delhi. A young
girl, engaged and about to be married in a couple of months, was pricked
while the movie was going on. The tag with the needle had the message
"Welcome to the World of HIV family". Though the doctors told her family
that it takes about 6
months before the virus grows strong enough to start damaging the system and
a healthy victim could survive about 5-6 years, the girl died in 4
months, perhaps more because of the "Shock thought".

We all have to be careful at public places, rest God help! Just think about
saving a life by
forwarding this message. Please, take a few seconds of your time to pass

With Regards, S. Dinesh Gopinath,
I.A.S, Director of Medical & Research Div, Chennai.

Rather than forwarding irrelevant mails, kindly pass this to every one.
Probably ur mail can help someone save his/her life.

Thanks & Regards,
Varun P M


Psychiatric Hotline

Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline.
If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.
If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2.
If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5 and 6.
If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line until we can trace the call.
If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press.
If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer.


Ignorance is the failure to discriminate between the permanent and the impermanent, the pure and the impure, bliss and suffering, the Self and the non-Self.

-The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 2:5

Friday, January 20, 2006

Phone repair

Phone Repair

A friend of mine was a frequent user of a pay telephone at a popular truck stop, and was greatly inconvenienced when the phone went out of commission.

Repeated requests for repair brought only promises.

After several days, the phone company was again contacted and told that there was no longer a rush.

The phone was now working fine--except that all money was being returned upon completion of each call.

A repairman arrived within the hour!

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Hon'ble PM Saheb,

Greetings from Seattle, USA.

Sir, I wish to draw your kind attention to the ZTV news item of 18 Jan 06 whereby the son and daughter in law of one 73 year old man and his wife, have occupied their apartment by trickery while they were away for a few days and are not allowing them back. Now the old parents are spending the night outside at the gate in the cold starving and the son and the daughter-in-law are treating them worse than animals. Sir, can the police not be given authority to intervene in such cases and restore the apartment to the father, who bought this houset with his life's savings to be able to spend their retirement. In my BHARAT MAHAN is no morality, ethics or decency left, and can the government not intervene in such cases through the police, pending court action and other red tape. Please have laws passed so that in such apparent cases of lawlessness by these young, progressive and bright men, they be called to the police station for questioning and be obliged to restore the property to the parents forthwith pending any court settlement later. Please do take urgent action. Thank you, Sir.

Yours truly,



The Priest and the Bum

A drunk that smelled like a brewery got on a subway one day. He sat down next to a priest. The drunk's shirt was stained, his face was full of bright red lipstick, and he had a half empty bottle of wine sticking out of his pocket.

He opened he opened his newspaper and started reading. A couple of minutes later he asked the priest, "Father what causes arthritis"?

"Mister, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap wicked women, too much alcohol and contempt for your fellow man."

"Geez, I'll be darned," uttered the drunk and returned to reading his paper.

The priest, thinking about what he said turned to the man and apologized.

"I'm sorry son, I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had arthritis?"

"I don't, father. I was just reading in the paper that the Pope has arthritis.. "


New Teeth

Our local minister had all of his remaining teeth pulled and new dentures made a few weeks ago.

The first Sunday, his sermon lasted 10 minutes. The second Sunday, he preached only 20 minutes. But, on the third Sunday, he preached for an hour and a half.

I asked him about this. He then told me "well, John, that first Sunday, my gums were so sore it hurt to talk. The second Sunday, my dentures were still hurting a lot. Now the third Sunday, I accidentally grabbed my wife's denture and I couldn't stop talking.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


A Birthday Wish

Little Sonia was shouting her prayers. "Please God send me a new doll for my birthday."

Her mother, overhearing this, said, "Don't shout dear, God isn't deaf."

"No, but Grandad is, and he's in the next room," Sonia replied.


LESSON 281 from Living with Siva

The Art of Forgiveness

The Vedas are full of verses which speak of the Divine within man,
and therefore Hindu Dharma today implores us to let go of grudges,
resentment and especially self-contempt. Most people today are working
harder to correct the faults of others than they are their own. It is a
thankless job. It truly is. Most are trying to recreate the relatively
real world into being absolutely real. Another thankless job. The wise
implore us to accept things as they are, to be happy and content at every
point in time. They tell us: do not be discouraged in seeing the failings
of others. Rather, let it help awaken your understanding of them as to
where they are in consciousness and the suffering they must be going
through. If others harm you in thought, word or deed, do not resent
it. Rather, let it awaken compassion, kindness and forgiveness. Use it
as a mirror to view your own frailties; then work diligently to bring
your own thoughts, words and deeds into line with Hindu Dharma.

The secret is that we have to correct all matters within ourselves. We
have to bear our karmas--the reactions to our actions--cheerfully. And
what are the apparent injustices of life but the self-created reactions
of our own past actions in this or a former life? The person of perfect
understanding accepts all happenings in life as purposeful and good. We
must be grateful to others for playing back to us our previous actions
so that we can see our mistakes and experience the same feelings we
must have caused in others. It is in this way that we are purified and
trained not to commit the same adharmic acts again.

All the great ones have preached the art of forgiveness. First we
must learn to forgive ourselves, to accept ourselves as we are and
proceed with confidence. Many people live their whole lives immersed in
guilt. It's a way of life passed on from generation to generation. It's
like a passive fear, different from a threatening fear. Certain religions
push people into fear and guilt. Therefore, if they don't feel guilty,
they don't feel that they are being religious. Mary Baker Eddy once said
God is love and was viciously attacked for it by the Christian community
of her day, who believed with a vengeance that God is wrathful, fear
invoking. Families who live in guilt pass it on to their children. People
who live in a state of guilt don't give a lot, they don't produce a lot,
and they don't move forward spiritually very far.

New energy is released for a healthy future when we forgive
ourselves. Yes, forgiveness is a powerful force. We must start with
ourselves, for as long as we hold self-contempt, we are unable to forgive
others, because everyone else is a reflection of ourself. We react to
what we see in them that we are not ready to face up to in ourselves.

It is a great power to be able to look beyond ourselves and see others
as they really are, how they really think and how they really feel. When
we are wrapped up in our own individual ego, this is hard to do. We
surmise that those we know are exactly like us, and we find fault with
them when they are not. But eventually we break the shell of the ego--an
act symbolized by smashing the rough, dark brown coconut in the temple,
revealing the beauty of the pure, white fruit inside which represents
our pristine spiritual nature. It takes a hard blow to subdue our ego,
and this is never without pain. But we can remove the ego's hard shell
painlessly through absolute surrender to Hindu Dharma, absolute surrender
to our own soul, to God within us. External worship and internal worship,
external surrender and internal surrender, bring about the softening of
the ego and the unveiling of spirit.


The demonic do things they should avoid and avoid the things that they should do. They have no sense of uprightness, purity, or truth.

"There is no God," they say, "no truth, no spiritual law, no moral order. The basis of life is sex; what else can it be?" Holding such distorted views, possessing scant discrimination, they become enemies of the world, causing suffering and destruction.

-Bhagavad Gita 16:7-

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Click to learn more...

Men: Live Longer If You Eat This Spice?

Men, if you want an easy and effective way to stave off prostate cancer, the second-leading cause of cancer death in American men, then eat curry. For the most powerful punch, sprinkle curry on one of these vegetables: cauliflower, kale, cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, watercress or turnips. That's the word from new research at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J.

Here's a bizarre medical benefit you'll get if you eat lots of broccoli or Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

These eight vegetables contain a chemical that can prevent cancer. Add curry powder to the mix and the vegetables then become quite effective in actually treating estab


2. Kite Offering for Lord Krishna on Makar Sankrati


JAIPUR, INDIA, January 14, 2006: Special kites embellished with gold and silver threads will be offered to Lord Krishna to celebrate the annual kite festival in Jaipur Saturday, which is one of the most important festivals on the city's calendar. Several temples of Lord Krishna and his consort Radha across the city are being spruced up for the kite festival, which is also celebrated as Makar Sankranti. The main attraction on this occasion would be at city's historic Govind Dev Ji's temple, which is situated in the City Palace's precincts in the old city. Anjan Kumar Goswami, head priest of the temple, said: "Like every year we would have special kite flying arrangement for Lord Krishna. This year he would fly kites decorated with gold and silver threads." He said devotees would also be allowed to offer colourful kites to Lord Krishna on this day. Goswami said: "There are many incarnations of Lord Krishna and Bal Gopal is one of them, wherein the followers t reat the God as their son. "Since kite flying is a festival for children, devotees offer kites to him to enjoy the festival. This custom is being followed every year for the past two decades. Krishna's devotees actually celebrate the festival with him." Narendra Purohit, a devotee, said: "I would start Makar Sankranti by offering kites and threads to Lord Krishna. Krishna is the master of the world and we are his followers. So I cannot even think of enjoying the festival without offering prayers to him." Mohan Sharma, another kite lover, said: "I wil


2. Kite Offering for Lord Krishna on Makar Sankrati


JAIPUR, INDIA, January 14, 2006: Special kites embellished with gold and silver threads will be offered to Lord Krishna to celebrate the annual kite festival in Jaipur Saturday, which is one of the most important festivals on the city's calendar. Several temples of Lord Krishna and his consort Radha across the city are being spruced up for the kite festival, which is also celebrated as Makar Sankranti. The main attraction on this occasion would be at city's historic Govind Dev Ji's temple, which is situated in the City Palace's precincts in the old city. Anjan Kumar Goswami, head priest of the temple, said: "Like every year we would have special kite flying arrangement for Lord Krishna. This year he would fly kites decorated with gold and silver threads." He said devotees would also be allowed to offer colourful kites to Lord Krishna on this day. Goswami said: "There are many incarnations of Lord Krishna and Bal Gopal is one of them, wherein the followers t reat the God as their son. "Since kite flying is a festival for children, devotees offer kites to him to enjoy the festival. This custom is being followed every year for the past two decades. Krishna's devotees actually celebrate the festival with him." Narendra Purohit, a devotee, said: "I would start Makar Sankranti by offering kites and threads to Lord Krishna. Krishna is the master of the world and we are his followers. So I cannot even think of enjoying the festival without offering prayers to him." Mohan Sharma, another kite lover, said: "I wil



Dr Neeru Dhingra | January 16, 2006

How you eat your food is as important as what you eat. So, the next time you sit down to eat, enjoy your meal by keeping these pointers in mind.

Energise your lifestyle in 2006

i. Eat slowly; chew your food well

It takes 20 minutes before your stomach sends a clear message to your brain that you're full.

If you take the time to chew your food well, you will find you end up eating less. Ideally, you should have smaller, frequent meals as opposed to larger, infrequent ones.

ii. Eat more

If you want to lose weight, starving yourself does not help -- you need to eat well.


Here's the explanation: When your body doesn't receive the required nutrients, your metabolism slows down. Metabolism is the rate at which you burn calories while resting. So, if you don't eat enough, fewer calories will be burnt and there will be less fat loss. You should eat small meals at regular intervals to keep your energy levels high. Eat till you are satiated (at the same time, don't forget what we suggested in Tip No 1).

Get MORE out of your cardio workout

iii. Eat less red meat

Red meats are high in saturated fat and should be avoided by people with high cholesterol.

Chicken and fish are the best meats to consume.

Fish is better than chicken because it has antioxidants. Antioxidants are organic substances that include vitamins C, E, A and carotenoids; carotenoids add pigment to some fruits and vegetables. For instance, carrots wouldn't be orange without them. Beta-carotenoid is the most popular of carotenoids. Antioxidants help prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke.

These meats can be baked, grilled or roasted. Frying will add unnecessary fat.

iv. Prevent constipation

Add fibre to your diet; this adds bulk to your food and prevents constipation. Whole grain foods like oatmeal, bran, wheat germ, brown rice, fruits (especially with their skin), prunes (dried plums), etc, are all good sources of fibre. Home remedies for constipation including the following:

~ Have guavas with the seeds.

~ Have honey in a glass of milk twice a day.

~ Have one tablespoon of corn syrup in a glass of water. Corn syrup is actually corn starch, which is primarily glucose. It is used in making candies, jams and jellies because it does not crystallise like sugar. Corn syrup is available in any well-stocked supermarket.

Lifestyle tips for diabetics

v. Have onion and garlic

Onion decreases blood pressure and garlic decreases cholesterol. Any amount and form of onion and garlic will give you the benefits of their properties, but a raw garlic clove taken on an empty stomach in the morning is the best.

vi. Use less salt in your cooking

Use minimum amount of salt for cooking if you have high blood pressure. Salt also causes water retention. This means your body will retain water if it is not receiving enough.

After all, it still has to carry on the normal functioning of the organs and, if you are not drinking enough H2O, then the body starts keeping it.

Water being taken in other forms, such as, soups, dals, drinks, etc, is retained for later use. Bloating and puffiness are all signs of water retention.

10 sensible diet habits for 2006

vii. Have calcium-rich foods

Use skimmed or double-toned milk and milk products as these contain less fat. Double-toned milk has lesser fat than toned or full cream milk.

In the non-packaged variety, cow's milk is just as good as skimmed milk; it is definitely better than buffaloes' milk as the latter contains large amounts of fat. You should have between one and two glasses of milk a day.

Other sources of calcium and protein can be taken instead of milk, if one is allergic to it. Calcium rich foods include almonds, figs, red kidney beans (rajma), mustard greens (sarson ka saag), etc. Proteins can be found in meats, sprouts, soya, dals, etc.

viii. Switch from maida to whole grains

Replace maida products with whole grains, whole wheat, soya breads, etc, as these have a good amount of fibre; fibre helps in binding cholesterol, which helps in less production of bad cholesterol. Whole grain foods like oatmeal, bran, wheat germ and brown rice, fruits, especially with skins, prunes, etc, are all good sources of fibre.

Too much fibre may cause loose stools, so you have to monitor your individual intake accordingly. Medically, approximately 25 gm of fibre a day is enough to help maintain your digestive system.

A good indicator: four slices of brown bread contains five grams of fibre; so does one large banana or orange.

Dos and don'ts for migraine attacks

ix. Have foods that contain iron

These include red meats, especially liver, fruits like watermelon and pomegranate, vegetables like spinach, beans, beets and broccoli, whole grains, dried fruits, especially prunes, sunflower seeds, etc.

x. Relish the flavours

You may have heard some of these before. But the best good food habit, which we all seem to overlook, is to actually taste and enjoy the flavour of the food with your emotions instead of just your tongue.

image Dr Neeru Dhingra is the COO -- North India, Gold's Gym.

Gold's Gym has more than 680 branches in 24 countries and adheres to global standards with state of the art equipment, cutting edge technology and scientifically designed fitness programmes.

Illustration: Dom



Dr Neeru Dhingra | January 16, 2006

How you eat your food is as important as what you eat. So, the next time you sit down to eat, enjoy your meal by keeping these pointers in mind.

Energise your lifestyle in 2006

i. Eat slowly; chew your food well

It takes 20 minutes before your stomach sends a clear message to your brain that you're full.

If you take the time to chew your food well, you will find you end up eating less. Ideally, you should have smaller, frequent meals as opposed to larger, infrequent ones.

ii. Eat more

If you want to lose weight, starving yourself does not help -- you need to eat well.


Here's the explanation: When your body doesn't receive the required nutrients, your metabolism slows down. Metabolism is the rate at which you burn calories while resting. So, if you don't eat enough, fewer calories will be burnt and there will be less fat loss. You should eat small meals at regular intervals to keep your energy levels high. Eat till you are satiated (at the same time, don't forget what we suggested in Tip No 1).

Get MORE out of your cardio workout

iii. Eat less red meat

Red meats are high in saturated fat and should be avoided by people with high cholesterol.

Chicken and fish are the best meats to consume.

Fish is better than chicken because it has antioxidants. Antioxidants are organic substances that include vitamins C, E, A and carotenoids; carotenoids add pigment to some fruits and vegetables. For instance, carrots wouldn't be orange without them. Beta-carotenoid is the most popular of carotenoids. Antioxidants help prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke.

These meats can be baked, grilled or roasted. Frying will add unnecessary fat.

iv. Prevent constipation

Add fibre to your diet; this adds bulk to your food and prevents constipation. Whole grain foods like oatmeal, bran, wheat germ, brown rice, fruits (especially with their skin), prunes (dried plums), etc, are all good sources of fibre. Home remedies for constipation including the following:

~ Have guavas with the seeds.

~ Have honey in a glass of milk twice a day.

~ Have one tablespoon of corn syrup in a glass of water. Corn syrup is actually corn starch, which is primarily glucose. It is used in making candies, jams and jellies because it does not crystallise like sugar. Corn syrup is available in any well-stocked supermarket.

Lifestyle tips for diabetics

v. Have onion and garlic

Onion decreases blood pressure and garlic decreases cholesterol. Any amount and form of onion and garlic will give you the benefits of their properties, but a raw garlic clove taken on an empty stomach in the morning is the best.

vi. Use less salt in your cooking

Use minimum amount of salt for cooking if you have high blood pressure. Salt also causes water retention. This means your body will retain water if it is not receiving enough.

After all, it still has to carry on the normal functioning of the organs and, if you are not drinking enough H2O, then the body starts keeping it.

Water being taken in other forms, such as, soups, dals, drinks, etc, is retained for later use. Bloating and puffiness are all signs of water retention.

10 sensible diet habits for 2006

vii. Have calcium-rich foods

Use skimmed or double-toned milk and milk products as these contain less fat. Double-toned milk has lesser fat than toned or full cream milk.

In the non-packaged variety, cow's milk is just as good as skimmed milk; it is definitely better than buffaloes' milk as the latter contains large amounts of fat. You should have between one and two glasses of milk a day.

Other sources of calcium and protein can be taken instead of milk, if one is allergic to it. Calcium rich foods include almonds, figs, red kidney beans (rajma), mustard greens (sarson ka saag), etc. Proteins can be found in meats, sprouts, soya, dals, etc.

viii. Switch from maida to whole grains

Replace maida products with whole grains, whole wheat, soya breads, etc, as these have a good amount of fibre; fibre helps in binding cholesterol, which helps in less production of bad cholesterol. Whole grain foods like oatmeal, bran, wheat germ and brown rice, fruits, especially with skins, prunes, etc, are all good sources of fibre.

Too much fibre may cause loose stools, so you have to monitor your individual intake accordingly. Medically, approximately 25 gm of fibre a day is enough to help maintain your digestive system.

A good indicator: four slices of brown bread contains five grams of fibre; so does one large banana or orange.

Dos and don'ts for migraine attacks

ix. Have foods that contain iron

These include red meats, especially liver, fruits like watermelon and pomegranate, vegetables like spinach, beans, beets and broccoli, whole grains, dried fruits, especially prunes, sunflower seeds, etc.

x. Relish the flavours

You may have heard some of these before. But the best good food habit, which we all seem to overlook, is to actually taste and enjoy the flavour of the food with your emotions instead of just your tongue.

image Dr Neeru Dhingra is the COO -- North India, Gold's Gym.

Gold's Gym has more than 680 branches in 24 countries and adheres to global standards with state of the art equipment, cutting edge technology and scientifically designed fitness programmes.

Illustration: Dom

Monday, January 16, 2006



This is an old UP saying which means that either you pay someone to help you, and he may help you. Or the one who feels your pain and has dard for you, perhaps a sibling, parents or sons and daughters will help you in time of your need.










Hunting Flies

A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a flyswatter. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Hunting Flies" He responded.

"Oh!, Killing any?" She asked.

"Yep, 3 males, 2 Females", he replied.

Intrigued, she asked. "How can you tell?"

"3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone". He responded.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Better players do two things.

First, they avoid the hazards and don't get in them in the first
place. Most hazards are fairly easy to see. Many come with
warnings placed right on them.

Second, they get out quickly if they do get in. The better
skilled they are, the faster and easier they get out.

Key #2
Life has hazards and most of them are fairly well defined.
If you want to score well and finish the game with the least
amount of pain, avoid the hazards; and if you do get in,
get out fast.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Fast Escape Excuse

A police officer attempts to stop a car for speeding and the guy gradually increases his speed until he's topping 100 mph. He eventually realizes he can't escape and finally pulls over.

The cop approaches the car and says, "It's been a long day and my tour is almost over, so if you can give me a good excuse for your behavior, I'll let you go."

The guy thinks for a few seconds and then says, "My wife ran away with a cop about a week ago. I thought you might be that officer trying to give her back!"

Friday, January 13, 2006

I and WE

If you wish to shine like the daylight, burn up the night of self-importance. Dissolve the self like copper in the elixir; dissolve in Him who fosters all existence. But you are bound by the discord of "I" and "We." The cause of your ruin is this sad dualism.

-Rumi, "Mathnawi"


If you think, “I breathe,” the “I” is extra. There is no you to say “I.” What we call “I” is just a swinging door which moves when we inhale and when we exhale. It just moves; that is all. When your mind is pure and calm enough to follow this movement, there is nothing: no “I,” no world, no mind nor body; just a swinging door.

-Shunryu Suzuki, "Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mi


The Children of Israel

"Mr. Goldblatt," announced little Joey, "there's something I can't figure out."

"What's that, Joey?" asked Goldblatt.

"Well, according to the Bible, the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, right?"

"Right.""And the Children of Israel beat up the Phillistines, right?"

"Er, right."

"And the Children of Israel built the Temple, right?"

"Again you're right."

"And the Children of Israel fought the Egyptians, and the Children of Israel fought the Romans, and the Children of Israel were always doing something important, right?"

"All that is right, too," agreed Goldblatt. "So what's your question?"

"What were all the grown-ups doing?"

Thursday, January 12, 2006





Supposed to be a powerful prayer to God Shiv; does it make sense to you and on top of that this is supposed to be a chain letter which is supposed to bring you good or bad luck, if you do or if you don't etc. etc. When these Hindus will get out of their hypocrisy?

Buddhist wisdom

Guarded in speech,
Well-restrained in body & mind,
Do nothing unskillful.
These three courses of action.
Bring to fruition
The path that seers have proclaimed.



The Web



Get Rediff headlines in your inbox !

Save tax with Fidelity

January 11, 2006

# Type
Open-ended tax-saving
# Benchmark
BSE 200
# Min. Investment
# Rs 5,000 Face Value
Rs 10
# Entry Load
# 2.25%* Exit Load
# Issue Opens
# January 5, 2006 Issue Closes
January 31, 2006
*On lump sum investments below Rs 50 m. On SIP investments entry load is 1.25%.

Investment Objective

To generate long term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities.*
*Source: Offer document

Is this fund for you?

Tax planning finally got the attention it deserved when the restrictive Section 88 gave way to the 'free-flowing' Section 80C. Under the revised tax regime, investors now have the option to invest in line with their risk appetite, which is how tax-planning should be done. Moreover, Section 80C is more pervasive, it applies to all investors regardless of the tax brackets (Section 88 benefit was not applicable to investors with gross total income in excess of Rs 500,000).

Of particular interest to the risk-taking investor is the flexibility to invest a lot more in tax-saving funds (ELSS) than the puny Rs 10,000 earlier. Under Section 80C the limit stands revised at Rs 100,000. This means that aggressive investors can allocate a larger share of tax-saving monies to such funds.

In order to appreciate whether Fidelity Tax Advantage Fund (FTAF) is a fit in your tax-saving portfolio, it is important to first consider a few points. Fidelity Fund Management Private Ltd. (the Asset Management Company) launched its first scheme (Fidelity Equity Fund) in March 2005.

Although the asset management company (AMC) is yet to complete a year, it has had exposure to the domestic stock market for over 10 years by virtue of its presence as a FII in India. Over the 9 months since inception Fidelity Equity Fund has performed reasonably well vis-à-vis peers. Although, a 9-month time frame is not sufficient to gauge the performance of an equity fund, we would nonetheless like to draw the investor's attention towards the fund's well-diversified investment strategy and process-driven approach.

An interesting feature about the NFO is that the AMC will absorb all the initial issue expenses; it will not pass on the cost to the investor, which is the standard industry practice. The same will reflect in the investor's return.

Given Fidelity Mutual Fund's well-defined processes, we recommend that investors consider allocating a portion of their ELSS investments to FTAF. Also since most investors already own equity/tax-saving funds from other AMCs, investing in FTAF will allow them to diversify across a new AMC and benefit from its investment strategy and processes.

Portfolio Strategy

FTAF's investment style is unlikely to be very different from Fidelity Equity Fund. The fund manager will invest across large cap, mid caps, small caps, sectors and themes. It will combine the value and growth styles of investing. In other words, it will adopt an inclusive investment strategy. In terms of stocks, its portfolio will have about 60-80 stocks with no single stock likely to account for more than 4% of net assets.

Instruments Normal Allocation
Equity & equity-related 80%-100%
Money market 0%-20%

Fund Manager Profile

Arun Mehra is an electrical engineer and holds an MBA from the University of Chicago. He has been with Fidelity since 1997.


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In our outlook for Fidelity Equity Fund we had mentioned that the fund's processes and a well-diversified investment portfolio would be its biggest allies in generating a return at lower volatility. We feel the need to revisit this since FTAF will be managed in a manner similar to Fidelity Equity Fund.

Moreover, we also have the benefit of hindsight as far as Fidelity Equity Fund is concerned. Fidelity Equity Fund's stock portfolio is well-diversified with 32.1% of net assets invested in the top 10 stocks as on September 30, 2005; in all it had 103 stocks in its portfolio. In our view, a diversified equity fund should have no more than 40% of its assets in the top 10 stocks and Fidelity Equity Fund fares well on that front.

Since FTAF will be managed in a comparable style, investors can expect similar performance traits viz. consistency in performance across market cycles at lower volatility. If anything, investors can probably expect more consistency, since FTAF will be managed with a 3-Yr lock-in giving the fund manager the flexibility to make long- term investment calls.

The 2006 guide to Tax Planning. Download the complete guide today! Click here!
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