Friday, April 30, 2010



Question: Which is the one incarnation of God that can be considered the most apt Avatar for the Age?

Ravishankar Gopal Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 5:49 PM
To:, FHRS_USA , hindusociety , delhindu , omganesh , usbrahmins ,
Radhe Krishna To all,

Which is the one incarnation of God that can be considered the most apt Avatar for the Age?

Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji:

Let us consider all the avatars of the Almighty one by one in terms of their relevance to us, the mortals stuck in the sea of ignorance and yet aspiring for liberation.

Even before we venture deeper into this discussion, I would like to firmly reiterate the fact that when we say that all are avatars of the Almighty we automatically admit that they are all great, relevant and significant in their own way. We bow down before all these great ones and the legacy that they have left behind. Our intention is not to compare one with another or hurt any individual sentiments. What we wish to convey is the relevance (or the lack of it!) of each avatar from the point of view of a commoner in this Kali yuga!

Blessed are those few who have managed to rightly comprehend and tread the paths exactly as shown by those great ones!

But what is the solution for the majority who are unable to understand the essence or the true intent of those great teachers? What is the most relevant avatar for them - one that is open to all? That is the standpoint from where we are about to view every avatar. Let us bear that in mind firmly and clearly as we move along.

The incomparable Lord Sri Rama led a life of purity that exemplified Dharma. He led the life of an ideal person in every manner possible. But what do we find today? A man does puja to Lord Sri Rama and divorces his wife. He breaks every law in the book.

His truth and righteousness is not even close to one percent of what was demonstrated in Sri Rama's life. So, it is difficult to conclude that Sri Rama Avatar has really impacted the common man of today.

Let us consider the avatar of Lord Sri Krishna – the absolute personification of Brahman – "Poornam Brahma SanAtanam". The Dharma and path shown by the Lord is way beyond the levels of comprehension of the mundane worldly brain. Why go that far? Even the greatest of minds cannot fully comprehend the mysterious ways of Lord Sri Krishna in His form.

Coming to a relatively recent historical past, let us get down to the life of the proponents of the three great philosophies – Advaita, Vishistadvaita and Dvaita.

Sri Adi Sankara Bhagavatpada expounded the greatest Truth indeed in the clearest manner possible. There is absolutely no doubt about it. But has that philosophy, by itself elevated the common man to that level of spiritually? We see that today, such a great philosophy has been reduced to merely the level of a great intellectual feast in the forums of the learned. Knowledge has not been transformed into real experience.

Sri Ramanujacharya, the great avatar who gave the noble Vishitadvaita philosophy advocated the path of temple worship. He formulated a beautiful scheme for the worship in the temples and devotional practices. Unfortunately the sad state of the present day is that places of worship have mostly become venues of thriving businesses. Much of his philosophical teachings are now being followed in letter, but not in spirit.

Sri Madhwacharya bestowed the Dvaita philosophy upon mankind. A majority of the followers of this philosophy have unfortunately lost sight of the core principles completely and have lost themselves in futile observance of orthodoxy.

Sri Vallabhacharya dedicated his life to preaching Srimad Bhagavatam. But that did not touch the common man as well.

Analyzing so, we still find the our question unanswered, Which is that incarnation that touches everyone? The One Avatar whose teachings are relevant in the daily life of everyone today? The One whose way of life is a perfect example to elevate everyone in this Age – from the most capable to the least capable?

It is undoubtedly the divine Avatar of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who taught the simplest and most effective path of Nama Kirtan to the world. Not only did he boldly proclaim this path, but he also lived by it throughout his life and showed the world the potency of the Divine Name.

A path that is the most practical and feasible to the common man; a path that does not distinguish people based on differences; a path that has absolutely no scope for any negative impact; a path that can be treaded upon by anyone, anytime and anywhere; a path that guarantees worldly comforts as well as the Supreme state of Ultimate Bliss.

Is it not most appropriate to call the Chaitanya avatar

"The most apt Avatar for this Age"?

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare |
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare ||

Gayatri Mantra for Kali Yuga
Regards & Chant The Maha mantra:
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare




[IndianVoice] Fw: [Iyer123] Fascinating Account of Village life 100 years ago: The Vision of the Sages

G Balasubramanian Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 4:13 AM
Reply-To: "H.S.A.Narayana"

Date: Apr 29, 2010 6:19 AM
By way of sharing.Pl. read.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: viji
To: viji
Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 8:08:51 PM
Subject: [Iyer123] Fascinating Account of Village life 100 years ago: The Vision of the Sages

The Vision of the Sages
************ *****
Yoga International Magazine, Asia Edition, Nov./Dec. 2004
Pandit Raimani Tigunait, Ph.D.
http://www.hvk. org/articles/ 0805/163.html

There are still thousands of villages in India that are as yet untouched by the complexities and comforts of modern civilization. Here people live simply, farming, raising cattle, and practicing the same trades their ancestors practiced working as carpenters, blacksmiths, washermen, barbers, cobblers, tailors, ropemakers, potters, and fishermen. I was born in one such village and raised on the plains of northern India. I grew up in a world that was lighted only by sunlight, moonlight, and firelight, a world governed by the rhythms of nature the rising and setting of the sun, the waxing and waning of the moon, and the slow turning of the seasons.

But it was not until my life in the village had become a childhood memory that I realized it had been shaped by the vision of the sages.

Our village had the only primary school in a ten mile radius, so it drew hundreds of children. The small building housed an office and one classroom, which was reserved for fifth-graders. The rest of us had our lessons under the surrounding trees. After fifth grade we went to a middle school in a village three miles away, but we considered ourselves lucky - some of the students had to travel fifteen miles to get there.

School was where we learned to read and write and work with numbers and where we heard about such exotic inventions as electricity, telegraphs, and telephones. But we learned how to behave and formed our concepts of virtue and sin - and of gods and demons - in the course of village life.

None of what we knew about the causes of disease had anything do with the principles of modern science. We learned that killing frogs would cause an earache, for example, and we were certain that anyone who eavesdropped would be reborn as a bat. We called ladybugs Rama ki Ghodi, "the mares of Rama," because it was from the back of these tiny creatures that Lord Rama inspected and nourished our crops, and we knew that harming them was self-destructive and offensive to God. We were convinced that a ghost lived in the eye of the small, powerful dust devils that swirled across the countryside in the dry season, and we knew that tucking an onion in our pockets would protect us from being possessed by these ghosts. But if the dust devil was exceptionally strong, the ghost might prove more powerful than the onion. The symptoms of possession thirst and feeling hot were unmistakable. I was possessed more than once, but I knew how to exorcise the demon: wash my hands and feet and recite a prayer to the mighty god Hanuman before taking a drink or eating anything.

These were facts of life as real to me as the ground beneath my feet. Even when I was quite young I never sat with my feet pointed toward the fire, because I knew it was a sin. Spitting, urinating, or throwing garbage in fire or water was a spiritual offence, and so was selling either fire or water. It was a sin to turn away a stranger stopping at your door in the evening, and no one ever ate before an invited guest began eating.

In our village, as in all of rural India, the economy operated on the jajamani system, in which every family in the village is a "client" of all other families. We all worked for each other, and remuneration for all labour was in the form of an exchange of goods and services. (Money was scarce, and scarcely needed.) The washermen collected and laundered the clothes of the entire village, and in return collected pots from the potters, rope from the ropemakers, hay and grain from the farmers; they got their hair cut by the barbers and their clothes stitched by the tailors. Our family owned some land, and by observing how my parents treated the barbers, washermen, cobblers, and others who performed services for us, I understood that giving these people less than their fair share of hay and grain was a sin.

In the interval between harvest and planting anyone's livestock could graze in our grain fields and those of the other landowners. The same was true of vegetable patches the owner took only what he needed and when he declared himself finished with his harvest, anyone could come and take what remained. When all the vegetables were harvested, cattle and goats ate the plants. Thus nothing was wasted, and at certain times of the year all the land around the village was open pasture.

The same attitude applied to fruit trees. We all understood that the person who owned the land where the tree grew was the only one entitled to pluck fruit from its branches, but anyone even a passing stranger was entitled to fruit that had fallen. (Shaking the tree to make fruit fall was theft.) Once I heard someone tell my father that a landowner had prevented other villagers from picking up fruit that had fallen from the trees on his land. "How low of him," my father remarked. "This is one more proof that the kali yuga [the dark age] is in full swing."

In the realm of personal behaviour, separating yourself from your aging parents and failing to take care of them in their old age was an unthinkable disgrace. Sleeping after sunrise and failing to light the lamps at dusk were spiritual offences. A teacher who did not pass on his knowledge to the next generation would remain unembodied after death.

Using wind and light as a locus for his consciousness, such a teacher would become a brahma rakshasa and suffer regret, hunger, and thirst until the bad karma incurred by his negligence was exhausted.

There were many actions we all regarded as especially virtuous. Chief among them was planting trees, tending them, and renouncing all claim to them when they began to bear fruit. Thus the roads were lined with trees that gave fruit and shade to us all. We understood that the fruit from these trees could be plucked only when it was ripe taking unripe fruit was stealing. Cutting down one of these trees or indeed any tree growing on public land was a sin so grave that it carried the taint of murder.

The villagers associated lack of progeny with bad karma and believed that performing virtuous deeds, such as digging a pond for the use of the entire village, would wipe that karma away. A woman could enhance her chances of conceiving by planting banana trees, watering them daily, and watching them blossom. Building bridges across streams and rivers would strengthen the bond between wife and husband. Future troubles could be averted by building a doorless shelter on the roadside for travellers.

Digging a well and offering the water to anyone who came ensured that you would never suffer from thirst.

In village life, almost every useful plant is believed to have some sort of association with the divine realm. My mother worshipped the neem tree because, like her neighbours, she saw it as the abode of the Divine Mother. We all revered the ashoka tree because Mother Sita had lived under just such a tree for ten months. We knew the peepal tree as the home of Shiva and revered the bilva tree because Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, lived there. We knew that the tulsi plant is always accompanied by Lord Vishnu; keeping one in the courtyard guaranteed Lord Vishnu's presence in your home. Durva grass is favoured by Ganesha. Sugarcane is the direct manifestation of Sri, the goddess of beauty and bliss, whose favourite flower is the aparajita. Palasha is the tree of Agni, the fire god, and the banyan is the tree of Krishna himself.

Destroying or threatening any of them would offend the gods, and no religious ceremony was complete unless the leaves, the flowers, or the fruits of one or more of these plants were incorporated into the ritual.
Each of life's transitions sacred or mundane was marked by ritual ceremonies. Conception, childbirth, naming a child, the child's first haircut, the first bite of solid food, the first day of school, marriage, death, the funeral, and post-funeral rites all had their own ritual. Each day of the full moon and of the new moon was dedicated to worshipping the god of protection and nourishment. In addition, those people wishing to lead a virtuous life performed specific rituals on certain days of the week. For example, they worshipped the sun god on Sunday, Shiva on Monday, Hanuman on Tuesday, the spiritual teacher on Thursday, and the Divine Mother on Friday. Then there were special days such as Diwali (the festival of lights), Holi (the festival of colours), Navaratri (nine days dedicated to the Divine Mother) which the villagers celebrated with grand rituals. There were also special days dedicated to honouring the plant and animal kingdom, such as Naga Panchami, honouring snakes (the fifth day August), and Vata Savitri, honouring the banyan tree (the day of the new moon in early summer).

All of these rituals centred around the fire offering. We could compensate for failure to perform the obligatory practices or any shortcomings (known or unknown) in our performance of the rituals simply by performing the fire offering portion of the ritual. Many of the villagers did not know the meaning and purpose of the fire offering; they made it because it was their custom their fathers and their forefathers had done it before them. But they all believed that fire is the mouth of God and whatever is offered into the fire reaches God. Every family tried to make at least three oblations to the fire each day. Chapatis (unleavened bread) were a staple of life, and the first one was always offered to the flames over which it was cooked. Those villagers who were especially devout also offered raw sugar and clarified butter into the fire each day.

The web of life
While I was growing up it never occurred to me that these were religious practices they were simply part of everyday life. When I was twelve I joined a traditional Sanskrit school and began to study the scriptures.

There I learned that certain customs and rituals are more important than others. I began to believe that if I observed those customs and performed those rituals I would become a better person and that worldly and spiritual prosperity would be mine. I also came to believe that if I did not perform them, I would be abandoned by the benevolent forces. I admired my Sanskrit teachers, who were deeply devoted to rituals, and their company fuelled my conviction that I too should perform these rituals.

But later, when I went to the University of Allahabad and began taking courses in social science, ethics, anthropology, and the history of philosophy, my attitude toward these customs and ritualistic practices changed. I began to regard them as silly and to believe that the villagers observed them only because they were backward, illiterate, and

Then I met Swami Sadananda, a saint who in a mysterious way restored my respect for the web of rituals that governed village life. Though he lived simply, he was intelligent and highly educated, an expert in ayurveda, astrology, and all systems of Indian philosophy. He was also an unmatched scholar of Sanskrit and well-versed in the scriptures. And he was known for his miraculous healing powers.

One morning I arrived at his ashram to find him in the company of a man who suffered from epileptic fits so frequent and severe that someone always had to accompany him. After a short conversation Swami Sadananda gave this man a powder that looked like ash and told him to take it as a medicine. Then he instructed him to feed cracked wheat and other grains to wild birds before eating the first meal of the day.

When the man and his companion left I said, I understand the value of taking medicine, but why does he have to feed the birds?" "You should watch," Swami Sadananda replied. "When he is cured I will explain."

For three days the man went hungry because the birds would not eat the grain he scattered for them. Finally on the fourth day they ate the grain, and the man too could eat. It became his routine to feed the birds before starting his day, and within a month his fits came less frequently; within six months they vanished. When I asked Swami Sadananda to explain he said, "Birds are part of nature. Their relationship with humans is not contaminated by selfishness and expectation. Serving them is serving nature, the repository of all our karmas."

I did not understand how curing epilepsy had anything to do with feeding birds, and told him so. "You are unable to grasp this because you don't understand the spiritual aspect of the planet's ecology," Swami Sadananda replied.The earth is one living organism. Here everything in the web of life is interconnected. Our health and happiness are not separate from the health and happiness of others. Similarly, the world within us and the world outside us are interconnected. What happens in the outer world affects our inner life; our inner life affects the outer world. Everything within and without is part of the collective consciousness that pervades both the manifest and unmanifest aspects of creation. And if the collective consciousness is undernourished, then our individual consciousness becomes sick. If we are to be healthy and lead harmonious lives, nature's forces must be healthy and harmonious, for we are an integral part of nature. To cure this man of epilepsy, I used feeding the birds as a means of propitiating the collective consciousness that supplies healing energy to all individuals. "

Then, after pausing for a moment, he said, "You are not yet satisfied with my explanation. You are a Sanskrit student. Study the Vedic and tantric scriptures properly and you will develop a better understanding of yourself and the world in which you live."

I had already read many of the scriptures Swami Sadananda was recommending and had found them to be a collection of prayers and mantras for ritual worship. But after this encounter I began to read them with a different intention and a new attitude. To broaden my understanding of the scriptures, I studied Hindi texts on Vedic and tantric mythology. I was particularly intrigued by the Hindi translation of the book Vedic Mythology by A. A. McDonald. An eminent twentieth-century Indologist, McDonald described the place of each particular god in the Vedic pantheon. According to him the people of ancient India were polytheists and worshipped a host of gods, each of which presides over a different aspect of nature. For example, Indra presides over rain, Varuna rules the ocean, and Vishnu presides over the three worlds - earth, heaven, and the space in between.

But when I discussed these Ideas with Swami Sadananda, he said bluntly, "This is a Western interpretation. The god Indra does not preside over the rain - rain itself is the god. The word for 'god' in the Vedas is deva, which means 'shining or bright being, one who is loving and compassionate, one who is constantly giving, serving, protecting, and nourishing all creation.' Life on earth depends on rain, therefore rain is deva. Further, rain is central to life, therefore rain is the central deva. All other forms of nourishment are secondary to rain which is why Indra is the king of the gods. The actual, physical form of rain is the body of god, and the dynamic forces that act together to bring the rain form the spirit of that god. The entire universe is the body of the Absolute Divine Being, known in the scriptures as Virat, the cosmic being. Different aspects of nature are the limbs and organs of that cosmic being. Everything in this world big or small is an extension of one cosmic being."

This explanation helped me understand why the ancient sages called earth, water, fire, air, sky, sun, moon, stars, day, night, lightning, clouds, mountains, ocean, rivers, and forests "deva." These sages had a very simple definition of god: one who illuminates our path and enables us to complete the journey of life. We cannot survive without food, they realized, therefore food is deva. We cannot complete the journey of life without water or air, therefore these forces of nature are deva. There would be no light on earth without the light of the sun, therefore the sun is deva. There is a perfect symbiotic relationship between plants, insects, birds, animals, and humans because all are an integral part of the web of life. ... ...
Pandit Raimani Tigunait, Ph.D., the Spiritual Head of the Himalayan Institute, is Swami Rama's successor. Lecturing and teaching worldwide for more than a quarter of a century, he is a regular contributor to Yoga International magazine, and the author of eleven books. Pandit Tigunait holds two doctorates: one in Sanskrit from the University of Allababad in India, and another in Oriental Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. _
25 Amazing Facts About India
http://www.nriol. com/info/ amazingindia. asp


Wednesday, April 28, 2010



Fw: Revered Dada J.P. Vaswani Yatra to San Juan [SVC]

Rukmini Chainani Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:14 PM

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Devindra Chainani
Sent: Tue, April 27, 2010 1:58:53 PM
Subject: FW: Revered Dada J.P. Vaswani Yatra to San Juan [SVC]

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 15:43:22 +0530
Subject: Revered Dada J.P. Vaswani Yatra to San Juan [SVC]

Dada's arrival in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on 13th April, was greeted by heavy showers, with the sun soon peeping through the clouds to smile on Dada and his group. As it is a tropical island, the climate is extremely unpredictable and volatile. One moment it is hot and humid and the other it is cloudy and windy. There is rain in one part of the island and a few furlongs down, it is bone dry.

Dada is truly enjoying this tryst with Nature. The daily schedule is more or less the same, with a few variations. Every morning Dada goes for his morning walk for 2-3 hours and satsang is conducted in the morning and evening at the residence. He takes his walk sometimes at the edge of the ocean, along the frothy line of the tide. Or else he rests for a while under the shade of a cluster of trees. Often, he walks up to a rock and sits on it, relaxing, unwinding and soaking in the beautiful, natural ambience. Many times he does his work in the open air. On certain occasions Dada is driven in a golf cart, or he even drives it himself, and thoroughly enjoys the experience, with the echoes of his joyful laughter trailing behind.

One day, while resting his gaze on the bounty of Nature, Dada said that we should touch everything with reverence, every leaf, tree, or insect. Loosely translating from a Sindhi saying, Dada said, there lies tremendous wealth behind every blade of grass. We must learn to value and appreciate it. The conducive climate and the natural surroundings of this tropical wonder have made Dada extremely relaxed and rested.

Dada narrated a story based on an incident in the life of Gautama Buddha. Once, he needed to be rowed across to the other shore, and asked the boatman there to help him do so. The boatman said he would only do so if the Buddha had something to give him. The Buddha said that he had nothing, so was unable to pay him. The boatman refused to take him across.

Some time later, the village in which the boatman lived was being decorated and being prepared to welcome some dignitary. When the boatman asked around, he was told that a renowned ascetic was visiting their village, who had to power to bestow 'mukti', salvation on the deserving.

When the boatman went to see this personage, he was astonished to see that it was the same person whom he had refused to row across in his boat a few years ago, due to lack of payment. He was ashamed and could not approach him. But the Buddha, on seeing him, called him towards him, and blessed him abundantly. Thus teaching us that we should not brush aside anybody. We should help all whom we can, for we never know who that individual may turn out to be.

Once when Dada was asked what were the best moments of his life, Dada reminisced about the beautiful time he spent alone with Sadhu Vaswani for a few days. This was in 1931, in Karachi, during the time of the Satyagraha Movement. As Sadhu Vaswani had participated in it, the police had got hold of him and were putting him in jail. Seeing this, Dada slipped in between the crowds and stood beside his Master, so he could be imprisoned along with him, knowing that Sadhu Vaswani would require help with his personal care. It was to have been for 14 days but was reduced to 4, due to political pressure to release Sadhu Vaswani. But those 4 days in jail were heaven for Dada, for he, for the first time, had an opportunity to be alone with his Guru, and serve and assist him in his daily chores, all by himself.

Dada, one day, spoke about the law of gravity, and that how everything on this earth responds to and depends upon this gravitation. He continued that the centre of gravitation of each individual is his character, which is determined by each one's karma. But this character can be modified by one's will power and through the grace of the Guru.

While talking about the unending mercy of the Guru, Dada once narrated the story of a man named Tola, who was a multi-millionaire, but was also an inveterate gambler. In time, he loses everything and is reduced to complete poverty. He has to sleep on the roadside, with no cover to even keep him warm.

One day, a man passing by that way recognised Tola and was amazed to see the sorry state to which such a wealthy man had been reduced. He brought a blanket and covered him with that. The next day, Tola was again filled with the desire to gamble. So, he sold the blanket and gambled away the money. That night the man again found Tola shivering in the cold. He got another blanket and covered him. In this manner, Tola was assailed by the itch to gamble 12 times and 12 times the man brought him a blanket.

On the 13th time Tola questioned himself and wondered at the goodness of the man. It is then that the hidden soul in him was awakened. We too are the same as Tola. We too are consumed by some itch or bad habit. It is only when a special person of God untiringly pours his grace on us that we are transformed.

On Saturday, 17th April, Dada's English talk was well-attended by an overwhelming number of local people. They gamely joined in the kirtan with their clapping and were so engrossed in Dada's talk that they just would not let him end, requesting him to go on. Dada ended up giving a very long discourse, followed by a session on meditation.

Dada spoke on stress which is aggravated by our petty annoyances. But one of the major causes of stress is our constant rushing around, we have no time. Someone from the audience wondered if we had more than 24 hours at our disposal, would life be easier? Dada replied that even if each day comprised of 30 hours, it would not suffice. We should take hold of the time we have at our disposal and make the most of it. We should work towards transcending time and space. One of the ways is to devote a minute from each hour to silence. These 24 minutes of each day will go a long way towards being an effective stress buster.

Dada was asked the question, is it necessary to give up all our desires in order to attain self-realisation? Dada replied in the affirmative, saying that even one single desire cannot be retained if one wants to attain salvation. Just as every fibre of the thread has to be put together to successfully thread the needle, or just as the tiniest piece of wire has to be intact in order to obtain cent percent electricity or there is zero percent transfer of power, similarly every desire has to be eradicated. The best way is to offer everything to the Lord, then there is no desire towards the outcome of the action.

There was another question about the first requirement of spiritual life. Dada answered, it is the purity of life, then all else will flow unto thee. We succumb to temptation easily. But with purity, God's mercy and love will flow through us.

The following incident depicts Dada's caring nature. There is a lady, Yamira, who drives one and a half hours each way, every day, to meet Dada. Dada commended her efforts, but she said Dada has come thousands of miles to meet us, if I drive for a few miles to meet him, it is no big deal. But one day she got delayed and it was around 11 p.m. before she left for home. Dada was extremely concerned, and urged her to call us and let us know when she reached home safely, just like a loving and caring father.

Shivali, the daughter of the host, mentioned that since that age of 6 she has Dada's photograph in her room and over the years has developed a loving relationship with Dada, making her regard him as a role model.

Each devotee of Dada has their own, individual and personal relationship with Dada, and he is able to keep up with each of them.

There are four qualities of a truly evolved soul--

1) In the presence of such a one, the agitation within us subsides and our minds become calm and still, and all our anger dissipates.

2) Such a one is able to perceive and cognize the good in all.

3) Such a soul is a source of light, spreading that brightness and joy wherever he is.

4) He has no thought for his own personal comfort, but only considers the comfort and happiness of others.

As is obvious, such a soul is our beloved Dada who possesses all these four qualities and many more.

-Krishna Kumari

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Monday, April 26, 2010


Q: If everything is God's work, are the good things and bad things occurring to me is also His action?

Sri Sri: God has given you intellect. If you don't use it, you land up in trouble. Animals have no choice because they have no intellect. We cant be like that. Freedom comes with intellect. So we cant say that everything happens. Life is a combination of Rules and Freedom. Let us say that a cow is tied to a bamboo through a rope. Cow's freedom is within the rope's limit. We have little freedom. Increasing freedom is spirituality. Through seva you get merit and achieve increase in freedom. Complete freedom is siddhi. Mind (that) is stable and does not get stuck is free mind and it is called siddha's mind.

Jai Guru Dev


Daily Hindu Wisdom

Having taught the Vedas, the teacher says: "Speak the truth. Do your duty. Neglect not The scriptures. Give your best to your teacher. Do not cut off the line of progeny. Swerve not From the truth. Swerve not from the good. Protect your spiritual progress always. Give your best in learning and teaching. Never fail in respect to the sages. See the divine in your mother, father, Teacher, and guest. Never do what is wrong. Honor those who are worthy of honor. Give with faith. Give with love. Give with joy. If you are in doubt about the right conduct, Follow the example of the sages, Who know what is best for spiritual growth. This is the instruction of the Vedas; This is the secret; this is the message."
- Taittiriya Upanishad
More Hindu Quotes

Saturday, April 24, 2010


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ramesh Gupta
Date: Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 11:12 AM
Subject: [IndianVoice] Don’t treat Army men shabbily, SC tells govt

Date: Apr 2, 2010 6:39 AM

Don’t treat Army men shabbily, SC tells govt
R Sedhuraman
Legal Correspondent

New Delhi, April 1

The Supreme Court has directed the government to treat Army personnel in a “better and more humane manner” in respect of emoluments, pension and other benefits as they were bravely defending the country at the cost of their lives.

A Bench comprising Justices Markandey Katju and AK Patnaik passed the order yesterday while dismissing a government appeal against a Punjab and Haryana High Court verdict, granting disability pension to an officer for the entire 10-year period of commissioned service.

CS Sidhu was given short service commission on June 22, 1968, for five years, which was extendable by another five years. He was posted in a high-altitude field area and while being on duty on November 21, 1970, he met with an accident and suffered severe injuries. As a result of the accident, his right arm had to be amputated and he also suffered a compound fracture in the thighbone and another fracture in the jawbone. He was released from service on June 23, 1978.

For calculating the amount of disability pension, the Army authorities had taken into account only the period between the date of joining and the date of the accident.

Describing as “a pittance” the “meagre pension” of Rs 1,000 a month plus DA granted by the Army to the affected officer, the Bench said, “If this is the manner in which the Army personnel are treated, it can only be said that it is extremely unfortunate.”

Friday, April 23, 2010


For a flame to go up, you need space above. In the same way, for a man to rise up in his life, he needs an ideal, he needs something to adore and worship. Worship is the culmination of love and appreciation. Worship prevents love from turning into hatred or jealousy, and appreciation into low self-esteem. In life, if you do not adore or appreciate anything, you will be filled with negativity. And a person who has nothing to worship or adore is sure to fall into depression.
Lack of adoration has led to many emotional, psychological and social problems in the society. If you have nothing to hold up high in life, selfishness, arrogance and violence are sure to follow. Adoring and honoring each other in society eliminates stress and fosters compassion and love.
In the previous century, it was thought that worshipping was an uncivilized and unintelligent thing to do. Worship was thought to rise from a slavish mentality. In fact it is just the contrary. Worship can only happen through gratefulness and not through slavish mentality.

In worship, a sense of belongingness, love, honor and respect all come together. Without a sense of belongingness, worship or idealism can bring low self-esteem. The ancient people knew this so they insisted that people should feel part of what they worship. They encouraged people to worship the sun, moon, mountains, rivers, plants, animals and people.


Shrimad Bhagvat Gita - quote

Daily Hindu Wisdom

The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. There has never been a time when you and I and the kings gathered here have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will cease to exist. As the same person inhabits the body through childhood, youth, and old age, so too at the time of death he attains another body. The wise are not deluded by these changes.
- Bhagavad Gita 2:12-13
More Hindu Quotes

Saturday, April 17, 2010



The concept of destiny in Vedas is completely different. The same is echoed in other philosophies of East also with minor differences. The salient points are as follows:

a. Soul is not created by Ishwar. It is eternal, unborn and undying.

b. Thus, Soul, Ishwar and Nature have always existed together and are all unborn and undying.

c. Soul keeps taking birth till they do not get rid of all ignorance and achieve Moksha or ultimate bliss.

d. Soul is somewhat free to do its actions and bound by laws of Ishwar to face the consequences.

e. The type of acts that a soul does (karma)- thoughts, words and acts – develop tendencies of mind (Sanskaars). As per these Sanskaars, they face the fruits of their karma.

f. Thus if a soul strives to purify its karma, it gradually creates a more favorable environment for its progress and prosperity.

g. The key to this process of purification is to listen to what is commonly called ‘voice of soul’ which protests when we do something wrong through feelings of fear, shame or doubt; and encourages us when we do something good through feelings of satisfaction, enthusiasm and peace. (This is not to be confused with mindless urges for material satisfaction)

h. Hence the discrepancies and anomalies in the world, and whatever that happens in the world with us are not due to whims of Ishwar. They are merely fruits of our own actions or karma as per unchangeable and completely uniform laws of Ishwar devoid of any favoritism. Hence all souls are exactly equal in all respect in terms of their competence and mentoring by Ishwar.

i. Ishwar is unchangeable and never deviates from his laws. So if a crooked is on wrong path, it is due to his own karma and not due to Ishwar’s whim. Further, each soul has the potential to reach Moksha regardless of its current state of ignorance.

j. The only way to achieve Moksha or bliss is through removal of ignorance. The only way to remove ignorance is through efforts. The only way to put these efforts is to perform actions. Thus soul needs mind, intellect, body and world to perform these actions. That is the purpose of this creation.

k. Just as soul, Ishwar and nature are eternal, similarly creation and destruction are also eternal processes. It is not that Allah decided one moment that he should create and then said “Fay Kun”!

l. There is no permanent Hell or Heaven. Deviating from path of good is Hell and striving on path of knowledge is Heaven. Thus everything is a continuous process. There is neither a permanent Paradise full of virgin girls, nor their is a permanent oven called Hell.

In fact beliefs in such superstitions and desires for such material pleasures are cause of miseries and grief, as per Vedas.

Muslim brothers and sisters should objectively evaluate the dogmas of false Quran that they have got trapped into, free their minds, and return to the path of Vedas, which is their original and only reliable passport to the true Heaven.

That is the only way to free their destiny from clutches of Lohe-Mahfooz and its author, and shape their own future of bliss!

Related posts:

1.Islam: Creation, Human and Satan Blatant fallacies in the Islamic description of creation, human and Satan....
2.Allah – Shapeless or Limited? Allah of Quran - it is really shapeless and perfect? Read and discover....
3.Bismillah – Questionable Beginning Read how the beginning of modern Quran exposes that it is not from Allah. ...
4.Quran and Vedas Both claim to be divine revelations. Let us analyze both the claims and decide!...
5.Why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much? Reasons why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much. What makes this protagonist of Islam the most hated person of contemporary Islam?...

Posted in Analysis, Islam, Top | Tagged allah, bismillah, Human, irf, islam, Jesus, Kafir, laden, Last Judgment, muhammad, osama, quran, Religion and Spirituality, Vedas, Zakir Naik

Articles in this series
Islam: Creation, Human and SatanHelpless destiny in Islam
Allah - Shapeless or Limited?Bismillah - Questionable BeginningShare

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0 Vote up Vote down Jilani · 3 days ago
Agniveer bhai,

right in the starting you mentioned that
"The Islamic belief is that whatever happens in world, good or bad, is due to will of Allah"

Well...Not a single bad will be with Allah's will. Allah never wills us to do bad. If we will to do good He will help, if we wish to do bad He never wills it rather He'll let you do it. Since this world is a test.
If we intended to do a good thing, or righteous deed He'll guide us and He'll show us the path.

May be you are taking the Islamic belief in other way. The above statement you quoted (which I quoted above), should be like this

"Whatever happens tomorrow, or day after tomorrow, or a year later ...Allah knows it ahead of the time irrespective of it is bad or good".
"He knows what we do (Good or Bad) with every single creation".
It is simply like "You know what your close friend or dad or mother or brother or wife will do if they get 1 Lakh rupees" don't you?

Allah knows every one's destiny ahead of the time. But yes He'll change it if we really want to change our destiny.
Small thing we have to understand here.
He'll change it if we really wants to change, but He knows whether we really wish for it or not. Based on this everything is written in LOHE MAHFOOZ.

But Yes, we still can change our destiny.

I'll tell you one incident happen in Prophet Mossa's Time

"There was a lady during the time of Prophet Musa. She was married but she didn't have a child. When She asks Prophet Musa to pray to Allah for her. Prophet Musa requests Allah to give children to that lady.
Allah Says to Prophet Musa that in her destiny she won't have children. but after couple of months or so, Prophet Musa see's that lady and he wonders that that lady got a child. Prophet Musa asks Allah, How it is possible. Allah Sayst to Prophet Musa that She prayed in such a way I should have to change here destiny."

You know if we really wants, we can change our destiny (If Allah wills). But Allah knows the fact that that lady will ask for the baby and He'll change her destiny ahead of the time.

" Muslim brothers and sisters should objectively evaluate the dogmas of false Quran that they have got trapped into, free their minds, and return to the path of Vedas, which is their original and only reliable passport to the true Heaven. "

Thank You very much for your invitation.

I follow my belief you follow yours. I believe in Qoran and you believe in Vedas. I never rejected or claimed Vedas are fake or completely fiction. And let us wait for some time, one day we all have to go to see the God, He'll judge who was on right track who are not..
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1 reply · active 3 days ago 0 Vote up Vote down Vik · 3 days ago

Brother, how can you say life is a test? Suppose a woman gets raped, who is GOD testing? the woman being raped OR the man raping her? If the man, why would GOD put that man such a disgusting TEST? if a woman, then why would he throw that woman in such a position where she is helpless and will further refuse to live life happily?

brother, in your religion, i have even heard if a kafir embraces islam, all his her sins prior to conversion will be automatically forgiven since this person is now a muslim and he she as an empty account balance starting from zero since he she is now muslim.

Brother, suppose this kafir has commited so many sins including murder, rape, and robbery, how can Allah just forgive all that just because she he has become muslim?

If this is true, then its funny. We can commit all the enjoying sins we want and then embrace islam so GOD can forgive us, brother please think logically, just like how a customer is lured to join a new company when they lure him with countless benefits similarly, the arab authors of quran want to expand this religion by telling you all your sins will be forgiven. On contrary, if you leave islam, you will be killed. Brother, islam is like a GANG, ur free to join, but if u think of leaving, it will cost you ur life.

Brother please grow up, islam is nothing but a joke in the name of religion.
Report Reply 0 Vote up Vote down Arya Musafir · 3 days ago
Brother, everything has already been written in LOHE MEHFOOZ. Can anybody act against it? If not, then there is no freewill for souls, and if yes then knowledge and writing of Allah will get changed. But Quran states that there can not be any change in lohe mehfooz, hence we are bound to think and act the way lohe mehfooz contains. Allah says that He could have made everyone noble but He did not do so because He has to fill the hell. What is the freewill do we have in this case when we are meant to fill hell?

Brother, think about the questions asked in the article. Dont try to answer anything which you have no answer for. Read the article carefully before writing here because all your points have already been refuted in the article.


Helpless destiny in Islam
By Agniveer on April 17, 2010

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retweetThe concept of destiny or Taqdeer in Islam has certain very fundamental inconsistencies. Scholars have tried to explain it in various ways but reach an impasse somewhere in process. And then they simply have to escape by saying, “Allah knows the best!”.

Fine! All agree that Allah knows the best. But if that would suffice, what is even the point of believing in rest of Quran or on anything in the world, for that matter. Why then even argue that Islam is best religion?

In this article, let us briefly evaluate some concepts regarding destiny in Quran and judge for ourselves if they stand the test of reason and rationality. And more importantly, can this concept leave any scope for a better future for anyone? We shall also then compare it with concept of destiny in Vedas.


0. Islam believes that there is only one life and then we shall go to Hell or Heaven forever. There is no rebirth.

1. The Islamic belief is that whatever happens in world, good or bad, is due to will of Allah. Except Allah, nothing else, including soul is eternal and is merely a creation of Allah. Thus their existence and properties are determined by Allah. Allah may create a soul, decide its nature and also decide to destroy it.

2. Islam goes a step ahead from this belief and states that not only has Allah Miyan decided our fate from very inception, but He has also documented it in a book called “Lohe Mahfooz” that is kept under the throne of Allah. (The throne of Allah is over the water which is above the air.)

3. Thus Allah has already decided who will go to Hell and who will enjoy the virgins in Paradise. If that be so, whatever good or bad acts that humans do is due to will of Allah. Why then Allah punishes us for his bad intentions? This very concept makes Allah the greatest Kafir!

4. Surate Fatih states that no one is deviated from their paths, be those whom Allah gives gifts or those whom Allah tortures.

Tafseere Husaini details it further and states that those who are Kafirs became so because even before they were created, they had to face anger of Allah!

If Allah indeed has decided who will be Kafir, even before they were created, then what is the fault of Kafirs if they refuse to accept Islam?

Surate Bakr 7 explains it further: The Kafirs will not believe whether you scare them or not. Because Allah has put seal in their hearts and ears, and curtain over their eyes, and shall punish them severely. Tafseer-e-Jalalayn commentary on Islam explains it further by stating that many like Abu Zahal are destined by fate to be Kafir.

Thus if someone is a Kafir, he or she is not the culprit. The real culprit is Allah himself who decided Kufra for them even before their creation!

Thus the Islamic Allah cannot be just and honest, if this modern Quran is indeed true.

5. The next Ayat of Surate Bakr writes that Allah has increase the disease of their hearts. Tafseer-e-Jalalyn explains: Allah increased their disease in a way that these Kafirs went against the message that Allah brought down on earth.

Mujihul Quran explains this disease further: One pain that they suffered was that they were forced to believe what they did not want to believe. The second pain was that they had to forcibly fight in Jehad battles.

This also amply proves that the religion of peace was actually spread by sword and force, by will of Allah. Not to say about Allah being the cause of all evil!

6. Surate Bakr 86 states that Allah decides by his grace whom he shall love. Tafseer Husaini details and states further that Allah decides whom he wants to be his messenger for his message.

The same is stated in Aale Umran 173 and Surate Bakr 130.

Now this looks like match-fixing. Allah decided some to be Kafir, some to be Momin and then some he chooses to be messenger. There is nothing that you or me can do anything about it.

So all that is happening is telecast of a TV Serial. Howsomuch you may try, you are destined to do and achieve what Allah has already decided before your creation and has written in Lohe-Mahfooz. There is no concept of free will or efforts here.

7. Surate Bakr 248 states that some brought faith and some remained Kafir. If Alla wanted, they would not have fought. But Allah wants them to fight.

Tafseer-e-Jalalyn writes here that Allah may make one capable and another person incapable of doing noble acts.

This view is repeated again in Surate Bakr 264.

So the Allah of Quran is the greatest criminal and trouble-maker.

8. Surate Bakr 280 states that Allah shall forgive whom he wants and punish whom he wants.

9. Surate Raad 26 states that Allah confuses whom he wants and guides others to His path.

So it is like Allah decided that some of us shall play villains and some shall play heroes. And then we face all the punishments including Hell for eternity because he thought so even before He created us!

10. Surate Hood 7 states that He tests who is best among us.

Thus Allah is no more than a corrupt chairman of selection committee. He has decided what questions to ask whom, he has decided what answers each one of his stooges will answer, he has decided what evaluation criteria he shall choose and has also decided who shall then be the winner. And everything has been documented in Lohe-Mahfooz under his throne!

11. Bani Israel Ayat 13 states that Allah has hanged an account over neck of every person and shall see an open book of justice on day of judgment.

Tafseer-e-Jalalyn demystifies this by explaining that no child is born without a sheet of paper over his neck which states whether the child is fortunate or unfortunate.

Tafseer-e-Husaini states that whatever has been written regarding fate of the child including his actions, cannot be changed in any manner.

12. The angry Allah states further in Surate Sijda that if I wanted, I could have shown the right path to everyone. But I have decided to fill the hell with humans and jinn together.

13. While all these Ayats of Quran prove that Allah is the greatest Kafir, there is a bigger question mark. When good people are already on right path as per Allah’s will, and evil-doers can no way be inspired to right path, what is the purpose of revealing Quran. What more is importance of Quran except a fake drama?

14. Some more examples of this whimsical nature in Quran are as follows:

Surate Bakr 212 – Allah gives unlimited wealth to those he desires.

Surate Shuara 78-79 – Allah has created me and he alone guides me and feeds me.

(Why is there a difference among different people then in the way they are fed?)

Surate Shuara 48 – He gives daughters to those he desires and renders others childless.

Surate Kasas 68 – He creates whatever He wants to.

Surate Bakr 118 – He has created the skies and earth. When he wants something to happen, he says “Fay Kun’ and it happens.

(Why the moody Allah needs to say even ‘Fay Kun’ is beyond comprehension? May be thats His habit! But then we are merely puppets)

15. Surate Imran 50 even claims that Allah is the greatest cheat!

Tafseer-e-Husaini explains this: He captured Jesus Christ in variety of ways and imprisoned him. In morning Allah sent Yahuda, an old man in his house. In night Allah had already lifted Jesus Christ over the sky. Now he gave the face of Jesus to Yahuda. So instead of Jesus, Yahuda was hanged and killed.

Surate Infal 30 also states that Allah used to cheat and is the greatest cheat.

Surate Tarik 15 −16 again has Allah claiming that I am the greatest cheat. Allah taught special lessons of Adam and did not teach them to Angels. Then He asked both to compete. Obviously Adam won because he was taught by Allah. Thus Adam became superior to angels and angels had to bow to Adam.

Surate Tauba Ayat 79 says that Allah jokes with those who joke with Him. Nasa Ayat 142 states that those who deceive are deceived by Allah.

Surate Bakr 98 says that Allah is enemy of Kafirs.

Surate Nisa 88 states that Allah does opposite with those who do so. They have been deviated from path by Allah and hence you cannot bring them to right path even if you want.

Tafseer-e-Jalalyn explains this: In the battle of Uhad, a group of warriors retreated. So some said that they should be killed and others said they should be reverted back. Then Allah said that they have been deviated from path by Allah and hence they cannot be brought back again.

Surate Nisa 137 states that those who became Muslim and then became Kafir, then again became Muslim and again became Kafir and increased Kufra, they are not pardoned or shown path by Allah

Thus Allah is revengeful and emotionally surcharged. He creates souls, decides who will joke with him or deceive him or be Kafir. Then he gets angry with them and takes revenge. Are we discussing Allah or a psychopath in an asylum?

In summary, Allah is simply playing a game, if Quran is to be believed. And we all are mere guinea pigs whose fate was already written in Lohe-Mahfooz. Based on one single birth as per His will, we will act as per His will and then burn in Hell forever as per His will!


The concept of destiny in Vedas is completely different. The same is echoed in other philosophies of East also with minor differences. The salient points are as follows:

a. Soul is not created by Ishwar. It is eternal, unborn and undying.

b. Thus, Soul, Ishwar and Nature have always existed together and are all unborn and undying.

c. Soul keeps taking birth till they do not get rid of all ignorance and achieve Moksha or ultimate bliss.

d. Soul is somewhat free to do its actions and bound by laws of Ishwar to face the consequences.

e. The type of acts that a soul does (karma)- thoughts, words and acts – develop tendencies of mind (Sanskaars). As per these Sanskaars, they face the fruits of their karma.

f. Thus if a soul strives to purify its karma, it gradually creates a more favorable environment for its progress and prosperity.

g. The key to this process of purification is to listen to what is commonly called ‘voice of soul’ which protests when we do something wrong through feelings of fear, shame or doubt; and encourages us when we do something good through feelings of satisfaction, enthusiasm and peace. (This is not to be confused with mindless urges for material satisfaction)

h. Hence the discrepancies and anomalies in the world, and whatever that happens in the world with us are not due to whims of Ishwar. They are merely fruits of our own actions or karma as per unchangeable and completely uniform laws of Ishwar devoid of any favoritism. Hence all souls are exactly equal in all respect in terms of their competence and mentoring by Ishwar.

i. Ishwar is unchangeable and never deviates from his laws. So if a crooked is on wrong path, it is due to his own karma and not due to Ishwar’s whim. Further, each soul has the potential to reach Moksha regardless of its current state of ignorance.

j. The only way to achieve Moksha or bliss is through removal of ignorance. The only way to remove ignorance is through efforts. The only way to put these efforts is to perform actions. Thus soul needs mind, intellect, body and world to perform these actions. That is the purpose of this creation.

k. Just as soul, Ishwar and nature are eternal, similarly creation and destruction are also eternal processes. It is not that Allah decided one moment that he should create and then said “Fay Kun”!

l. There is no permanent Hell or Heaven. Deviating from path of good is Hell and striving on path of knowledge is Heaven. Thus everything is a continuous process. There is neither a permanent Paradise full of virgin girls, nor their is a permanent oven called Hell.

In fact beliefs in such superstitions and desires for such material pleasures are cause of miseries and grief, as per Vedas.

Muslim brothers and sisters should objectively evaluate the dogmas of false Quran that they have got trapped into, free their minds, and return to the path of Vedas, which is their original and only reliable passport to the true Heaven.

That is the only way to free their destiny from clutches of Lohe-Mahfooz and its author, and shape their own future of bliss!

Related posts:

1.Islam: Creation, Human and Satan Blatant fallacies in the Islamic description of creation, human and Satan....
2.Allah – Shapeless or Limited? Allah of Quran - it is really shapeless and perfect? Read and discover....
3.Bismillah – Questionable Beginning Read how the beginning of modern Quran exposes that it is not from Allah. ...
4.Quran and Vedas Both claim to be divine revelations. Let us analyze both the claims and decide!...
5.Why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much? Reasons why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much. What makes this protagonist of Islam the most hated person of contemporary Islam?...

Posted in Analysis, Islam, Top | Tagged allah, bismillah, Human, irf, islam, Jesus, Kafir, laden, Last Judgment, muhammad, osama, quran, Religion and Spirituality, Vedas, Zakir Naik

Articles in this series
Islam: Creation, Human and SatanHelpless destiny in Islam
Allah - Shapeless or Limited?Bismillah - Questionable BeginningShare

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0 Vote up Vote down Jilani · 3 days ago
Agniveer bhai,

right in the starting you mentioned that
"The Islamic belief is that whatever happens in world, good or bad, is due to will of Allah"

Well...Not a single bad will be with Allah's will. Allah never wills us to do bad. If we will to do good He will help, if we wish to do bad He never wills it rather He'll let you do it. Since this world is a test.
If we intended to do a good thing, or righteous deed He'll guide us and He'll show us the path.

May be you are taking the Islamic belief in other way. The above statement you quoted (which I quoted above), should be like this

"Whatever happens tomorrow, or day after tomorrow, or a year later ...Allah knows it ahead of the time irrespective of it is bad or good".
"He knows what we do (Good or Bad) with every single creation".
It is simply like "You know what your close friend or dad or mother or brother or wife will do if they get 1 Lakh rupees" don't you?

Allah knows every one's destiny ahead of the time. But yes He'll change it if we really want to change our destiny.
Small thing we have to understand here.
He'll change it if we really wants to change, but He knows whether we really wish for it or not. Based on this everything is written in LOHE MAHFOOZ.

But Yes, we still can change our destiny.

I'll tell you one incident happen in Prophet Mossa's Time

"There was a lady during the time of Prophet Musa. She was married but she didn't have a child. When She asks Prophet Musa to pray to Allah for her. Prophet Musa requests Allah to give children to that lady.
Allah Says to Prophet Musa that in her destiny she won't have children. but after couple of months or so, Prophet Musa see's that lady and he wonders that that lady got a child. Prophet Musa asks Allah, How it is possible. Allah Sayst to Prophet Musa that She prayed in such a way I should have to change here destiny."

You know if we really wants, we can change our destiny (If Allah wills). But Allah knows the fact that that lady will ask for the baby and He'll change her destiny ahead of the time.

" Muslim brothers and sisters should objectively evaluate the dogmas of false Quran that they have got trapped into, free their minds, and return to the path of Vedas, which is their original and only reliable passport to the true Heaven. "

Thank You very much for your invitation.

I follow my belief you follow yours. I believe in Qoran and you believe in Vedas. I never rejected or claimed Vedas are fake or completely fiction. And let us wait for some time, one day we all have to go to see the God, He'll judge who was on right track who are not..
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1 reply · active 3 days ago 0 Vote up Vote down Vik · 3 days ago

Brother, how can you say life is a test? Suppose a woman gets raped, who is GOD testing? the woman being raped OR the man raping her? If the man, why would GOD put that man such a disgusting TEST? if a woman, then why would he throw that woman in such a position where she is helpless and will further refuse to live life happily?

brother, in your religion, i have even heard if a kafir embraces islam, all his her sins prior to conversion will be automatically forgiven since this person is now a muslim and he she as an empty account balance starting from zero since he she is now muslim.

Brother, suppose this kafir has commited so many sins including murder, rape, and robbery, how can Allah just forgive all that just because she he has become muslim?

If this is true, then its funny. We can commit all the enjoying sins we want and then embrace islam so GOD can forgive us, brother please think logically, just like how a customer is lured to join a new company when they lure him with countless benefits similarly, the arab authors of quran want to expand this religion by telling you all your sins will be forgiven. On contrary, if you leave islam, you will be killed. Brother, islam is like a GANG, ur free to join, but if u think of leaving, it will cost you ur life.

Brother please grow up, islam is nothing but a joke in the name of religion.
Report Reply 0 Vote up Vote down Arya Musafir · 3 days ago
Brother, everything has already been written in LOHE MEHFOOZ. Can anybody act against it? If not, then there is no freewill for souls, and if yes then knowledge and writing of Allah will get changed. But Quran states that there can not be any change in lohe mehfooz, hence we are bound to think and act the way lohe mehfooz contains. Allah says that He could have made everyone noble but He did not do so because He has to fill the hell. What is the freewill do we have in this case when we are meant to fill hell?

Brother, think about the questions asked in the article. Dont try to answer anything which you have no answer for. Read the article carefully before writing here because all your points have already been refuted in the article.



[aryayouthgroup] The Book given by God

Haresh Patani Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 6:23 AM
To: aryayouthgroup

नमस्ते धर्म प्रेमी सज्जनों ,

मेरा नाम हरेश पताणी आर्य है , क्योकि हम हिंदू ( प्राचीन नाम आर्य ) है,
में आपके समक्ष कुछ बाते प्रस्तुत करना चाहता हूँ ,

आज हर व्यक्ति किसी न किसी धर्म को मानता है , कोई न कोई संप्रदाय या
मान्यता से जुड़ा हुआ है ,

हर धार्मिक व्यक्ति ईश्वर की सत्ता में विश्वास रखता है , और मानता है की
ईश्वर एक है , और अपने उस धर्म की पुस्तक को ही ईश्वर का जानता है,

आज मुख्य रूपसे ५ या ६ धर्म है , जैसे की हिंदू , ईसाई ( christanity ) ,
इस्लाम , जैन , बोद्ध और यहूदी.

इन सभी धर्मो की अपनी एक मुख्य धार्मिक पुस्तक है , जैसे की ईसाई की "बायबल"
, इस्लाम की "कुरान" , जैन का "कल्प सूत्र" *, *बोद्ध का "त्रिपिताका" ,
और यहूदी के "तनख" . जबकि हिंदू धर्म की मुख्य पुस्तक के बारे मे आज भी दुविधा
है ,

कोई गीता को मानता है , कोई भागवत को , तो कोई रामायण को या पुरानो को , कोई
महाभारत ग्रंथ को आदि आदि .

क्या आप जानते है , हमारे धर्म की मुखय पुस्तक का नाम ?. चलिए इस पहेली को
सुल्जाते है .

आपकी जानकारी के लिए , इन सभी काल और धर्मो को आये लगभग कितने वर्ष हुए,

१. रामायण काल १० लाख वर्ष पुराना है ,

२. महाभारत/गीता काल ५२०० वर्ष पुराना है ,

३. पारसी धर्म ४५०० वर्ष पुराना है ,

४. यहूदी धर्म ४००० वर्ष पुराना है ,

५. जैन और बौद्ध धर्म २५०० वर्ष पुराना है ,

६. शंकराचार्य काल २३०० वर्ष पुराना है ,

७. पुराण मत २००० वर्ष पुराना है

८. ईसाई धर्म २००० वर्ष पुराना है

९. इस्लाम धर्म १४०० वर्ष पुराना है ,

१०. सिक्ख धर्म ५०० वर्ष पुराना है ,

११. ब्रह्माकुमारी , राधास्वामी , गायत्री परिवार, स्वामी-नारायण इत्यादि मत
संप्रदाय लगभग १००-१५० वर्ष पुराने है ,

चलिए मानते है की कुरान ही ईश्वरीय ज्ञान है जो की १४०० वर्ष पुराना है , तो
क्या १४०० वर्ष पहेले की मनुष्य जाती को ईश्वर अपने इस कुरान जो ईश्वरीय ज्ञान
है उससे वंचित रखता , या १४०० वर्ष पहेले भी कोई धर्म था कोई धार्मिक पुस्तक
थी जिसे लोग मानते होंगे.

इस तरह पिछले से पिछले धर्म और मनुष्य जाती के बारे मे सोचते गए तो रामायण काल
सबसे पुराना है और

अगर हम "रामायण ग्रंथ " ही ईश्वरीय ज्ञान समजे तो क्या दशरथ राजा और उनके
पूर्वज कौन से धर्म को मानते होंगे?.

चलिए एक क्षण के लिए मान लिया जाय के , यह सभी धार्मिक पुस्तक ईश्वरीय ज्ञान है,
और ईश्वर ने काल दर काल

अपना ज्ञान भिन्न भिन्न धर्म और उनकी धार्मिक पुस्तकों द्वारा हमें प्रदान
किया .

तो इन सारे पुस्तकों में ईश्वरीय ज्ञान और बातो में समानता होती ?. फिर इन
सभी पुस्तकों में आपसी मतभेद क्यों है ?.

चलिए एक छोटी से कसौटी कर ते है ,

उ. दा. एक टीवी सेट जब हम घर पर लाते है , तो उस के साथ company वाले एकmanual
देते है , और उसमे टीवी को किस तरह से उपयोग करना ,

क्या क्या सावधानी रखना , क्या करना , क्या न करना यह सारी बाते बताई जाती है,

जब भी कोई व्यक्ति/कंपनी कोई वस्तु का निर्माण करता है , तो वोह एक manual
देता है की यह वस्तु लाभ आप ठीक से किर तरह से ले सकते है .

ठीक इसी तरह जब ईश्वर ने यह सारा ब्रह्माण्ड , यह सृष्टि बनायीं , तो उस
सृष्टि के आरम्भ में एक manual दी ,

जिस का नाम है "वेद" , वास्तव में आर्यों ( आज का नाम हिन्दू ) अथवा
मनुष्य मात्र की धार्मिक पुस्तक सिर्फ "वेद" है .

यह "वेद" ( अर्थात ज्ञान ) में गणित , ज्योतिष , नौकानयन , विमानादी विद्या
, तार बेतार विद्या , चुम्बकीय विद्या , वैधक शाश्त्र , संगीतादी विद्या,
व्यापार , वाणिज्य विद्या , खगोल और भूगोल विद्या , अर्थात , आजकी
SCIENCE से लेकर संपूर्ण आध्यात्म , योग विद्या का सार वेदों में मिलता है ,

कुछ science की बाते जो वेदों में है आपके समक्ष रखता हु

सूर्य के सुषुम्न नामक किरण से चंद्रमा प्रकाशित होता है - यजुर्वेदlang=HI style='fo

Haresh Patani

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

BEING A MOTHER, and other intersting news items


[Delhindu] Digest Number 1582[2 Attachments] *

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Messages In This Digest (23 Messages)
1. Being a Mother - Nice Reading From: Ananthanarayanan Vaidyanathan
2a. Re: To make Judiciary Loyal to Congress Party, courts should be pack From: NathanK
3. HPI - Apr 02, 2010 - as Board of Education Changes the Value of Pi From: Hindu Press International
5. Fw: Application for the suitable post From: Chandran Kannan
6. Fw: Young Hindu - April 2010 Issue From: Hindu Students Council
7. Fw: An important message regd Vishwa Marathi Natya Sammelan From: secy
8. Fw: [prohindu] Here is the proof that Jesus never existed. From: Hreemkaari
9. Happy Vishu & New Year From: TSivaramakrishna Iyer
10. HPI - Apr 13, 2010 - Malaysian Academy To Train Hindu Priests From: Hindu Press International
11. HPI - Apr 12, 2010 From: Hindu Press International
12. BANANAS DO HAVE SEEDS! From: Star of Mysore
14. Fw: Fwd: Koalas asking for water... From: H.S.A.Narayana
16. FW: Job Opportunity with U.S. Department of Labor From: Kao, Hai-Chow
17. Fw: [Aryakrishti Vedic Dharma] Re: About Anant Sri Baba ( To Sujit From: Mohan Gupta
18. HPI - Mar 26, 2010 - Indiaโ€ s Unbearable Lightness Of Seeming From: Hindu Press International
19. Why should one aim for attainment of the Moksha rather than heaven? From:
20. Fw: Third Opinion From: Mohan Gupta
21. Fw: Ram Navami Greetings From: Save Ram Sethu of Ramayan
23. Brahmin caste is dying? From: Chand K Sharma
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1. Being a Mother - Nice Reading
Posted by: "Ananthanarayanan Vaidyanathan" indvoice
Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:41 am (PDT)

sree maathre namah€ ขร’ข € ขร’ข € ขร ยคยถร ยฅย’ญร ยคยฐร ยฅโ’ขฌร ยคยฎร ยคยพร ยคยคร ยฅย’ญร ยคยฐร ยฅโ’ ก € ขร ยคยจร ยคยฎร ยคฦ’ฒ

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Srinivasan Ravi
Date: Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 7:31 AM
Subject: Being a Mother - Nice Reading

repeat? no worry sooo good!

(both men & women, sons & daughters - need to read this)€ ขร’ข


After 17 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to
take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She€ ขร’ข
said, 'I love you, but I know this other woman loves
you and would love to spend some time with you.'
* * *
The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit
was my MOTHER, who has been alone for 20 years,
but the demands of my work and my two boys had
made it possible to visit her only occasionally.
* * *
That night I called to invite her to go out for
dinner and a movie.
* * *
'What's wrong, aren't you well,' she asked?
* * *
My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a
late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign
of bad news.
* * *
'I thought it would be pleasant to spend some
time with you,' I responded. 'Just the two of us.'
She thought about it for a moment, and then said,
'I would like that very much..'
* * *
That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick€ ขร’ข
her up I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her
house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous
about our date. She waited in the door. She had curled her hair and was wearing the
dress that she had worn to celebrate her last
birthday on November 19th.
* * *
She smiled from a face that was as radiant as an
angel's. 'I told my friends that I was going to go
out with my son, and they were impressed,' she said,
as she got into that new white van. 'They can't wait to hear about our date'.
* * *
We went to a restaurant that, although not
elegant, was very nice and cozy.. My mother took my
arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat
down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only
read large print. Half way through the entries, I
lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at
me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips.. 'It was I
who used to have to read the menu when you were
small,' she said. 'Then it's time that you relax and
let me return the favor,' I responded.
* * *
During the dinner, we had an agreeable€ ขร’ข
conversation- -nothing extraordinary but catching up
on recent events of each other's life. We talked so
much that we missed the movie.
* * *
As we arrived at her house later, she said,€ ขร’ข
'I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me€ ขร’ข
invite you.' I agreed.
* * *
'How was your dinner date ?'€ ขร’ข
asked my wife when I got home.€ ขร’ข
'Very nice. Much more so than I could have imagined,'€ ขร’ข
I answered.
* * *
A few days later, my mother died of a massive
heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn't
have a chance to do anything for her.
* * *
Some time later, I received an envelope with a
copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place
mother and I had dined. An attached note said: 'I
paid this bill in advance. I wasn't sure that I
could be there; but nevertheless, I paid for two€ ขร’ข
plates - one for you and the other for your wife.
You will never know what that night meant for me.€ ขร’ข
I love you, son..'
* * *
At that moment, I understood the importance of
saying in time: 'I LOVE YOU' and to give our loved
ones the time that they deserve.. Nothing in life is
more important than your family. Give them the time
they deserve, because these things cannot be put off
till 'some other time.'
* * *
Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back
to normal after you've had a baby..... somebody
doesn't know that once you're a mother,€ ขร’ข
'normal' is history.
* * *
Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by
instinct .... somebody never took a three-year-old shopping.€ ขร’ข
* * *
Somebody said being a mother is boring ....
somebody never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a driver's permit.€ ขร’ข
Somebody said if you're a'good' mother,€ ขร’ข
your child will 'turn out good'....€ ขร’ข
somebody thinks a child comes with
directions and a guarantee.
* * *
Somebody said you don't need an education to be a
mother.... somebody never helped a fourth grader
with his math.
* * *
Somebody said you can't love the second child as
much as you love the first .... somebody doesn't€ ขร’ข
have two children.
* * *
Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother
is labor and delivery....€ ขร’ข
somebody never watched her 'baby' get on the bus€ ขร’ข
for the first day of kindergarten ...€ ขร’ข
or on a plane headed for military 'boot camp.'
* * *
Somebody said a mother can stop worrying after her
child gets married....somebody doesn't know that
marriage adds a new son or daughter-in-law to a
mother's heartstrings.
* * *
Somebody said a mother's job is done when€ ขร’ข
her last child leaves home......

somebody never had grandchildren.
* * *
Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so
you don't need to tell her....€ ขร’ข
somebody isn't a mother.

Pass this along to all the 'mothers' in your life
and to everyone who ever had a mother. This isn't
just about being a mother; it's about appreciating
the people in your life while you have€ ขร’ข
matter who that person is.

S Ravi

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2a. Re: To make Judiciary Loyal to Congress Party, courts should be pack
Posted by: "NathanK" kollengode99
Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:42 am (PDT)

This is a serious matter with far reaching consequences. This tactic they have learned from US Republican party play book. President Bush packed US Supreme court with conservative evangelical rednecks who are shooting down all popular poor people supporting bills & laws like health care. In India same thing is happening whether it is muslim & christian special reservations in schools, colleges, jobs , haj & vatican trips etc; anti-Hindu Congress is busy distributing all the goodies to minorities as if it their private property. The court will not even support the publication of names of Congress goons who have deposited billions of illegal $ in Swiss & Italian banks.

--- In, "Mohan Gupta" wrote:
> From: - N Hirani
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 11:41 AM
> Subject: Re: To make Judiciary Loyal to Congress Party, courts should be packed with party loyalists?
> Hare Krishna
> To everyone out there
> And Indian media
> You know what this means, it means that, that it is Congi they are fearful of their crime or they want to commit more crime, there is no word of impartiality, is there? I keep on saying these Ba........ are not impartial they just make show of (Gandhi) that they are impartial,
> It is always with them, them and us, like in Bhagavad-gita but brain dead, BJP and RSS wouldn't listen, they keep on talking Hindu unity there is no Hindu unity with people like these, they have just borne in Hindu families but they are not Hindus just like lots of Muslim are borne in Muslim families but they are not Muslim and Muslim being Asuric religion want let them go to the religion that is naturally incline to their nature.
> Remember people are borne with brain to be inclining them to be free and Krishna would not do anything otherwise to people's free inclination brain, he will give you true knowledge (scriptures) and then let you decide what you want to do, that is what he did to Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita. So that is what RSS and BJP should know, simply by being one Hindu it in not necessary that he will be Hindu like Congi.
> Indian court can grind down anyone with its corrupt and slowness and even after that if Congi can not defend in Indian court in Congi Raj imagine there crime how much naked it would be that most obnoxious corrupt judge can not give any other decision but guilty. Remember that Manjit Sikh former Chief Minster of Punjab f.......... off.
> These is what Congi is trying to do here, turn court in to Congi Tabela, thinking they will get away with their crime or they can commit more crime. In short what they want is no body can do us anything and we can commit our crime as we want or we can get away with our crime that we have committed.
> NaranH
> ________________________________________________
> On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Kishor Ruparelia wrote:
> ALARMING ???? This is only the tip of looming iceberg.
> WAKE UP CALL ?? You can only wake up the living.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rti-times-owner@... [mailto:rti-times-owner@...] On Behalf Of Milap Choraria
> Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 6:09 AM
> To: rti-times@...
> Subject: [rti-times] To make Judiciary Loyal to Congress Party, courts should be packed with party loyalists?
> To ensure the freedom of Judiciary from the political embracements, why joining of any political party should not be defined as a professional misconduct under Advocates Act, 1961?
> Milap Choraria
> Cong to pack courts with party loyalists?
> TNN, Mar 28, 2010, 02.58am IST
> NEW DELHI: Congress-leaning lawyers have raised the pitch for assignments from the government. A Congress convention, which brought together lawyers from Congress legal cells in the states, was set abuzz when populist voices were raised, with one directly asking for party-affiliated lawyers to be accommodated in various panels, and even in the judiciary.
> Union law minister Veerappa Moily urged the AICC's legal department headed by Abhishek Singhvi to create a national database of lawyers affiliated with Congress. ``... we can form domain expertise using their experience; we can train them in different fields and ultimately bond them into mainstream of judiciary,'' he said.
> The call, with Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the dais, led to murmurs in the gathering as it was interpreted that there will be a preference for lawyers affiliated with the Congress in the selection for judiciary.
> The organizing body headed by Abhishek Singhvi demanded that an Alternative Disputes Redressal system be formed and named after Rajiv Gandhi. Government sources said there is an International Centre for ADR lying dysfunctional and the Prime Minister is unhappy about it. Sources said it could be renamed and made active.
> DPCC chief J P Aggarwal got a thunderous applause when he said Congress needed to bring its lawyers on official panels and appointments. Aggarwal, speaking at a working session on ``Human rights, common man and contemporary exigencies'' chaired by home minister P Chidambaram, said it was found that lawyers who were with the Congress were ignored at the time of selection for various panels. ``Why will they carry your flag?'' he asked, making a forceful plea.
> At the end of the day, Singhvi assured the meeting that the law minister
> agreed with the demand made by Aggarwal and steps would be taken in this direction in future.
> Milap Choraria Editor: Suchna Ka Adhikar / RTI TIMES
> National Convenor : Movement for Accountability to Public (MAP)

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3. HPI - Apr 02, 2010 - as Board of Education Changes the Value of Pi
Posted by: "Hindu Press International" indvoice
Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:42 am (PDT)

Temple Elephant Learns to Return Change to Devotees
Texas Board of Education Changes the Value of Pi
News Corp Acquires Hinduism Today
Government Management at Chidambaram Temple, One Year On
Fast-Food Chain€ ขโ’ ’นs Green Challenge: Composting
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Temple Elephant Learns to Return Change to Devotees
Source: HPI

MADURAI, TAMIL NADU, INDIA, April 1, 2010: Meenakshiji, the temple elephant at the ancient Meenakshi-Sundareswarar Temple in Madurai, has learned to give change to devotees for the traditional tap on the head blessing.

When offered a hundred rupee note, for example, the pachyderm carefully picks up 95 rupees in change from a nearby pile and returns it to the devotee, and then graces him or her with a gentle tap on the head. Her mahout said it only took about ten minutes to teach her how to do this, as she could already count to 200. € ขโ’ ’ผShe helps me with the accounting,€ ขโ’ ’ฝ he said. If the nearby pile does not have the right amount for change, devotees can feel safe about coming back later for their money. Meenakshiji has an elephant€ ขโ’ ’นs memory.
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Texas Board of Education Changes the Value of Pi

AUSTIN, TEXAS, April 1, 2010: Even as series of conservative changes to educational standards by the Texas Board of Education sparked controversy across the nation, with changes such as the removal of Thomas Jefferson from parts of the curriculum, new changes promise wider repercussions. In a bold move, the Board has now announced that it is changing the value of mathematical constant pi.

The motion to change the value of pi to exactly three was introduced without fanfare and rapidly gained support after a letter-writing campaign by members of the Solomon Society, a traditional values group.

Engineers and mathematicians in Texas€ ขโ’ ’น high-tech industry are stunned. The law took the state€ ขโ’ ’นs engineering community by surprise. € ขโ’ ’ผIt would have been nice if they had consulted with someone who actually uses pi,€ ขโ’ ’ฝ said Marshall Bergman, a manager at Texas€ ขโ’ ’น Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. € ขโ’ ’ผHow can we hire someone who learned at school that pi is exactly three? If my missiles used that number they would all miss their target,€ ขโ’ ’ฝ he reasoned.

€ ขโ’ ’ผI think that it is the mathematicians that are being irrational, and it is time for them to admit it,€ ขโ’ ’ฝ said a spokesperson for the Texas Board of Education. € ขโ’ ’ผThe Bible very clearly says in I Kings 7:23 that the altar font of Solomon€ ขโ’ ’นs Temple was ten cubits across and thirty cubits in diameter, and that it was round in compass. The Biblical standard is inequivocal.€ ขโ’ ’ฝ

Many experts are warning that this is just the beginning of a national battle over pi between traditional values supporters and the technical elite. Solomon Society member Lawson agrees. € ขโ’ ’ผWe just want to return pi to its traditional value, before science made it all confused,€ ขโ’ ’ฝ he said. Lawson called into question the usefulness of any number that cannot be calculated exactly, and suggested that never knowing the exact answer could harm students€ ขโ’ ’น self-esteem. € ขโ’ ’ผWe need to return to some absolutes in our society,€ ขโ’ ’ฝ he explained.
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News Corp Acquires Hinduism Today
Source: HPI

KAPAA, HAWAII, USA, April 1, 2010: After several weeks of intense negotiations, Rupert Murdoch€ ขโ’ ’นs News Corporation announced today that it has acquired Hinduism Today Magazine, whose editorial staff produces Hindu Press International. In a $10.8 million deal, the purchase of Hinduism Today represents the conservative media magnate€ ขโ’ ’นs first foray into Eastern religious news media. Paramacharya Palaniswami, the magazine€ ขโ’ ’นs Editor-in-Chief, averred, € ขโ’ ’ผThough consultants considered the offer to be far too small, we found that it fit perfectly the needs of our small operation. The funds allow us to wrap up the fund-raising on the temple we are building at the monastery where we are headquartered, replete with a new nine-story editorial office building adjacent to the temple.€ ขโ’ ’ฝ The new building will allow for the expansion of the editorial and advertising staff to 101, required by the purchase contract. Palaniswami continued, € ขโ’ ’ผBesides, we are just simple monks. What would we do with extra funds?€ ขโ’ ’ฝ News Corporation€ ขโ’ ’นs interest in the quarterly religious journal was sparked after years of analysis resulting in Hinduism Today being in the top ten journals in an internal report on publications that favor traditional family values. While editorial control will remain with the monastic staff, other stipulations of the contract include unbiased reporting on US political candidates€ ขโ’ ’น decisions affecting Hindus and other Asian religions, as well as strict qualifications for reporting to be € ขโ’ ’ผfair and balanced,€ ขโ’ ’ฝ as on the Fox News Channel and other News Corporation brands.
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Government Management at Chidambaram Temple, One Year On
Source: HPI

CHIDAMBARAM, INDIA, April 1, 2010: After the hostile takeover of the famed Siva Temple at Chidambaram one year ago by the Government of Tamil Nadu, devotees report great improvements in the temple. They say 11 brand new hundis (collection boxes) have been installed at various locations throughout the temple. Previously, all donations were given directly to the priests. The income, running to some five lakh rupees per month (US$11,000) is used to pay government employees and supervisors to collect and count the hundi money. A separate group has been hired to polish the hundis.

As yet, no other visible improvement to the temple can be seen. But devotees are impressed with the efficient use of the hundis. € ขโ’ ’ผThey are so shiny, really a nice improvement,€ ขโ’ ’ฝ Mrs. Pillai from Chennai said.
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Fast-Food Chain€ ขโ’ ’นs Green Challenge: Composting
Source: HPI

LONDON, UK, April 1, 2010: We live in green times. It does not matter if you are a climate change skeptic or a die-hard ecologist: being green is good for business, health is the word of the day, and even fast food chains have taken notice.

Recently, major fast-food conglomerates began large scale operations to compost their organic waste€ ขโ’ ’ณleftover sandwiches, food-like substances and some materials that resemble chickens. But the technological challenge was greater than expected, as John McBurger, assistant director for green marketing of a well-known company, explains. The challenge, according to him, is that their food will not decompose. € ขโ’ ’ผThese are really good foods. I mean, good. They are healthy, they are made to stay heathy. Like, forever.€ ขโ’ ’ฝ

Facing a public relations issue with ever-growing piles of resilient foodstuff, John McBurger said that decisive action was being taken. € ขโ’ ’ผWe are starting a marketing campaign aimed at bacteria, specially the young ones,€ ขโ’ ’ฝ he carefully explained. € ขโ’ ’ผWe will make them familiar with this food, show trendy and cool bacteria eating it. They will love it.€ ขโ’ ’ฝ

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A Golden Chariot For Lord Shiva

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Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:42 am (PDT)

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From: "K, D. PATEL"
Sent: Apr 2, 2010 12:41 PM
Subject: Fw: N. I. C. E. INC PRESENTS ON APRIL 25, 2010 GUJARATI

April 2010
[top] Dear HSC Supporters,

Namaste. Hindu Dharma is sometimes knows as a tradition of
fasts, feasts and festivals. And, rightly so! For example, the
months of March and April are full of so many festivals. The
month of March hosted the birthdays of Lord Rama (Ram Navami) and
Lord Hanuman (Hanuman Jayanti). Many regional New Years such as
Navreh (Kashmiri Hindus),Yugaadi (Kannada and Andhra Hindus),
Gudi Padwa (Marathi Hindus), Cheti Chand (Sindhi Hindus),
Baisakhi (Punjabi Hindus), Poila Baishakh (Bengali Hindus), Vishu
(Keralite Hindus), etc. are celebrated during these months.
This Monthly Newsletter aims to keep our chapters, our members
and our supporters informed about various HSC events and
happenings as well as encourage Hindus from various backgrounds
to write about topics and issues related to Hindu Dharma.

We hope you enjoy our Newsletter. Thank you for your continued


The HSC Executive Team

Hindu Students Council's 20th Annual Summer Camp

Memorial Day Weekend (Friday, May 28th - Monday, May 31st) Place:
Featuring: Yoga and Meditation Sessions
Games and Interactive Sessions
Spiritual Discussions and Talks
Bhangra/Garba and Much More!

for updates

Come join us for a weekend of spirituality, learning and thumping
fun! Back to Top <#top> UT Austin Celebrates Holi to
Commemorate Spring's Arrival Monday, March 29, 2010 Austin,
Texas Source: The Daily Texan\
SeD1U3vXqoBwoBf47lIUzuW0CtiZy1Z0A6_jGhLw8kq0NB0iBivlZ> A cloud
of multicolored dust hung over the Main Mall on Saturday as
lively Indian music boomed from the speakers people people chased
each other on the lawn, tossing powdered paint at each other in
celebration of spring. The Hindu Students Council hosted
Holi, the festival of colors. The holiday typically falls on the
last full moon of the winter season, which occurred March 1.
Masses of students in white T-shirts frantically swarmed the
tables for plastic bags of "rang," the colored powder, before
tossing the powder on each other and smearing it into each
other's shirts, faces and hair. The Main Mall quickly turned into
a floral-scented sea of pink, green, purple and orange.
Attendees also enjoyed samosas and participated in games, such as
racing while balancing a lime on a spoon. While rallying for the
event on Friday, the group asked students passing by to
contribute to a paper mural by painting a particular aspect of
their culture. Council President Apoorva Murthy described Holi
as a combination of various traditions found throughout India.
The festival in modern times has become more significant as a
cultural event for a diverse crowd rather than a religious event,
she said. "This is going to sound cheesy, but everyone comes in
looking different, and at the end of the day we all look the
same," Murthy said. Like many Hindu holidays, one of the
folktales associated with Holi involves the triumph of good over
evil, Murthy said. According to folklore, the arrogant,
power-hungry demon-king Hiranyakashipu was angry that his son
worshipped Vishnu, the highest Hindu god, instead of him.
Hiranyakashipu ordered his son, Prahlada, to burn himself in the
fiery lap of the demon-king's sister, Holika, who never burned
because she was protected by a special shawl. Vishnu intervened
and caused Holika to burn to death instead of Prahlada.
Traditionally, people light bonfires the day before Holi to
celebrate the burning of Holika. The flowers used in rang
traditionally have medicinal properties so the powder will be
healthy for people, but that is not always the case these days,
Murthy said. Avni Chopra, a finance and government sophomore,
said she attended the Holi festival in her hometown of Sugar Land
before moving to Austin. "It's huge there," Chopra said.
"Sometimes, people throw water balloons with ice cubes, and those
really hurt. The best part about Holi, though, is seeing people
you know at the festival but also just throwing color and having
fun with a bunch of people you don't know."
Back to Top <#top> HSC Chapter at Pittsburgh
Organizes a Conference on Eastern Religions Thursday, March
18th, 2010
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Source: The Pitts News\
ts1inACjMrKvNuH0A2cQ> The Hindu Students Council chapter at
University of Pittsburg organized a conference on Eastern
Religions in Dining Room A of the William Pitt Union last
night.The event was designed to give students the opportunity to
learn about Eastern religions, said president Kunj Gala. This
is the fourth year for the event. Pitt student Nila Devanath, now
a senior, created the event in her freshman year as a way to
learn about different religions. The event included a slideshow
concerning different aspects of Hinduism, Islam,
well as a question and answer session. Speakers focusing on
Sikhism and Buddism were scheduled to attend but could not attend
due to communication conflicts that arose when the event was
postponed because of last month's historic snowstorm. Someone
specializing in Greek Orthodox Christianity was also scheduled to
attend, but could not attend because of a Lenten dinner. "We're
all so bogged down on religion that we forget to come together,"
said Sanjay Mehta one of the five speakers at the Conference.
"This is the goal of the Eastern Religions Conference."

Pitt student Caitlin Kempf who attended the Eastern Religions
Conference for the third time last night, said, "It's interesting
to hear about religion from a different perspective. The event
gives a more broad understanding than religious classes would."
Back to Top <#top> UC Berkeley Chapter Holds
Candelight Vigil for Haiti Earthquake by Kevin Gandhi, External
Affairs Vice-President Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010 Berkeley,
On February 23, 2010, UCB Hindu Students Council with INDUS &
Interfaith Action Initiative held a Candlelight Vigil &
Fundraiser for Haiti from 6-8 PM in Tan Oak room. We raised
money to hopes of helping out the victims of Haiti's earthquake.
All the proceeding went to the American Red Cross @ CAL. On the
day of the Vigil, we had different faiths/organizations say a few
words and prayers for the victims in Haiti. We also had each
group light a candle in memory of the lives lost to the disaster.
Back to Top <#top> ARTICLES Disclaimer:The views
expressed by the authors and sources are their own.
Paradise in Hawaii - The Kauai Hindu Monastery
By Nikunj Trivedi
If Lord Shiva were to descend from the Himalayas and
establish an abode in the West, He would certainly fall in love
with the beautiful grounds of the Kauai Hindu Monastery ("Kauai
Aadheenam"). Ever since reading my first copy of "Hinduism
Today" upon joining HSC in 2000, I was amazed by the information
provided by the magazine and by the dedication of the monks
behind the effort. Ever since then, it had been a dream to visit
this monastery. That came true on Tuesday, March 16, 2010. My
wife and I took a trip to Hawaii for her birthday and had the
opportunity to visit the monastery.

Founded in 1970 by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001),
lovingly known as "Gurudeva", the monastery's guru lineage is
linked to the Tamil Shaivite tradition of Southern India and Sri
Lanka. The 376 acre mo [Satguru Sivaya Subramuninayswami and
Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami] nastery is situated at the foot
of an extinct volcano amidst lush green and pristine surroundings
in Kauai, Hawaii. Rare plants, herbs and flowers populate this
beautiful paradise along with two dozen monks. One can find
sprawling ferns and 300 feet wide banyan trees, coco palms and
lava rock gardens, alongside waterfalls and the Wailua River
passing through the monastery. The West's only Rudraksha
(literally - "the eye of Rudra or Lord Shiva"; a seed from which
prayer beads are made) forest is also located here. Sacred and
ayurvedic plants and herbs such as neem, bilva, amala, champaka,
sandalwood, etc. can be found carefully preserved here.

As you enter the monastery, you leave behind all your worries and
drift away into a relaxing trance inspired by the silent sanctity
and spiritual vibrations of the place.

There are two temples on the premises - the Kadavul (Tamil word
for God, meaning "He who is both immanent and transcendental)
temple and the future white granite Iraivan (Tamil [Ashok Bail
at UT Austin] word for God, meaning "He who is worshipped")
temple. A 16 ton Nandi (Lord Shiva's bull) stands guard at the
Kadavul temple, which is dedicated to Shiva's Nataraja form.
Directly in front of Nataraja sits a crystal Lingam that will one
day be the central icon of the Iraivan temple. The inner walls
of the Kudaval temple display 108 golden statues of Lord Shiva,
each depicting one pose of His cosmic dance of creation,
preservation and absorption, and the paired graces which conceal
and reveal. In the right rear corner sits an image of Satguru
Subramuniyaswami. The premises are open from 9:00 AM to 12:00
Noon for outsiders. But, the monks begin their day at 5:30 AM and
end at 9:00 PM.

We were late and barely able to have the Lord's Darshan. On the
way out at the g [Ashok Bail at UT Austin] ift shop, we met a
lovely elderly disciple of the Satguru - Amala. A Caucasian
American, she had been a Hindu for the last 30 odd years and had
travelled with the Satguru extensively, before settling in
Hawaii. Amala gave us a brief overview of the gift shop and was
excited that we were visiting the monastery. I gave her my
contact information, and we left the monastery, thankful but
disappointed to have had a rushed Darshan.

But, perhaps the Lord's plan was something else. The next
morning, before my scheduled flight to New Jersey, I got a call
at 7:30 AM from Paramacharya Palaniswami, the editor-in-chief of
Hinduism Today and we set up a time to meet. This time, we got
there at 9:00 AM at the time of the Pooja.

After a beautiful Darshan, we headed over with another elderly
lady disciple (Shama, a Caucasian American who has also been with
the Satguru for the past 30 odd years) to meet with Paramacharya
Palaniswami in [Ashok Bail at UT Austin] his office. With a
gleaming smile, he welcomed us into his office, a high tech
facility where each monk carried the latest Macbook to produce
the Hinduism Today magazine as well as other visually rich
literature and media. During our brief chat, I thanked him for
their long standing support of HSC. He encouraged us to continue
educating the youth on Hindu Dharma and extended his help in this
matter. Shama then gave us a quick but beautiful tour of the
gardens and the Iraivan temple that's under construction. We
left the premises feeling awed and gratified.

The monastery and its monks are true testaments to the global
Hindu renaissance and the impact of our Hindu heritage around the
world. Indeed, being in the company of such personalities
rejuvenates our spirits, inspires us to "dance with the Lord" and
continue our quest of preserving and protecting our beloved

Aum Namah Shivay!

Written with permission from the Kauai Hindu Monastery.

For more information, please visit:
Back to Top <#top> Rama Navami
By Krishna Maheshwari
Hindupedia, The Hindu Encyclopedia

l9V533oAyCbKZk3EZes1GOAvmuLg5u9wIFAx11s1lr3_TTrOXshnEJ> Navami
is the day on which Lord Rama
=> , the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu
y4LbYkwJSi1y-PhUX9_LoqLRvn1_6mvI4d4qk0TdUkEtqAe95cKnlU> ,
incarnated in human form in the land of Ayodhya. He is the ardha
ansh of Vishnu or has half the divinitive qualities of Lord
Vishnu. The word "Rama
l9V533oAyCbKZk3EZes1GOAvmuLg5u9wIFAx11s1lr3_TTrOXshnEJ> "
literally means one who is divinely blissful and who gives joy to
others, and one in whom the sages rejoice.

Ram Navami falls on the ninth day of the bright fortnight in the
month of Chaitra (April/May) and coincides with Vasant Navratri
or Chait Durga
ktWFJFeNF1X47-iy3MT_OxIJaAdmv_cX5qfQO_nds1d1fo-j2a4ZuI> Puja
B98HkUNb-AK1AP2WH1vefgyurmvYHb9Q7D1gzBRQ02LlXsnToEcnAH> .
Therefore in some regions, the festival is spread over nine days.
This day, marking the birthday of Lord Rama, is also observed as
the marriage day of Rama and Sita and thus also referred to as
* 1 Background
Poq26oRuwC4YpfDh1FsDw> * 2 Significance of Ram Navami
wuswXMa1qkuMycyg5Bbr24w0HGSitN_nM-zK8JNg0Kg==> * 3 Fasting
JiH8oIJz5g5zkAXSdQ7bN2qhdmj4e8k4=> * 4 Celebration
* 4.1 Popular Bhajans
* 5 Pilgrimage
5iB-jPOoQxPFe2_JI0PVX> * 6 Related Articles
1uU6ZGymGaPtFfrQeCBZl> * 7 References
Bhagwan Rama exemplified the perfect person (maryada
purushottam). He was the embodiment of compassion, gentleness,
kindness, righteousness and integrity. Although he had all the
power in the world, he still was peaceful and gentle.

His reign in Ayodha is referred to as Ramarajya, the epitome of
perfect governance. Ayodhya was the capital founded by the
king-rishi Manu. During the reign of King Dasharath, Ayodhya
reached a period of great prosperity. But Dasharath had one
problem--he had no children. Therefore he decided to perform the
ashvamedh sacrifice. Elaborate and difficult rituals had to be
observed. Rishi Rishyashring presided over the yagya. The
performance of this sacrifice was a great event in Ayodhya. At
the end, Rishyashring recited a Mantra
NbaXYoN6Lp6kKPbEY3GeRpugzs_qA7dI-Doch3RsQw-4CbYHR03jiT> and made
an offering to the fire. Then the gods, gandharvas, siddhas, and
rishis present around began to pray to Brahma. During that time
Ravana, the king of Lanka, was terrorizing the people, and they
were longing for liberation from his menace. Ravana had acquired
great power because he had obtained from God Brahma the boon that
he would never die at the hands of gods, or gandharvas, or
yakshas (demigods) or demons. As he was not afraid of men, he did
not care to include men in the list of his potential slayers. So
Brahmadev declared that Ravana would die at the hands of a man.
Then the gods went to Vishnu for help and requested him that
since Dasharath was a glorious king, that He take birth in the
wombs of his three queens in four different incarnations of His
divinity. When Dasharath's sacrifice came to an end, a shining
figure appeared over the sacrificial kund, and offered the king a
divine beverage called "payasam", which was to be given to his
queens Kausalya, Kaikayi, and Sumitra. In due time, Kausalya gave
birth to Rama, Kaikayi to Bharat and Sumitra to Laxman and

The Sun is considered to be the progenitor of Rama's dynasty,
which is called the Solar Dynasty (Raghukula or Raghuvamsa -
Raghu means Sun and Kula or Vamsa mean familial descendant). Rama
is also known as Raghunatha, Raghupati, Raghavendra etc. That all
these names begin with the prefix Raghu is also suggestive of
some link with Sun-worship. The hour chosen for the observance of
the Lord's birth is that when the Sun is overhead and is at its
maximum brilliance. In some Hindu
LldGPmDPzXI5L8B3maryoDpRtFL7vUWnH9m-5IymEYGEEKo_mn7XCB> sects,
prayers on Ramnavami day start not with an invocation to Rama but
to Surya (Sun). Again the syllable Ra is used in the word to
describe the Sun and brilliance in many languages. In Sanskrit
=> , Ravi and Ravindra both mean "Sun".
Significance of Ram Navami
The story of the Ramayan is a classic, eternal, universal message
of Dharma
aUHgheMx189h4C7d0MVQ-bTRPB9YtsVaRYiQbnD_23o9mdudwIA5UG> versus
adharma, of deva versus demon, of good versus evil, as
represented in the battle between Rama and Ravana.

Ravana was a brahmin; he was a great scholar who wrote numerous
works on scriptural philosophy. He was powerful, dynamic, and
beautiful in appearance. As the brilliant, handsome king of
Lanka, he had everything one would need to be happy and peaceful.
Yet, he was arrogant, egoistic, greedy and lustful. His
insatiable desires led him to crave more and more power, more and
more money, and more and more ladies to fulfill his every whim.

There is one main difference: Bhagwan Rama's heart overflowed
with divinity, love, generosity, humility, and a sense of duty.
Ravana's heart, in contrast, was filled with avarice, hatred, and
egoism. Under Bhagwan Rama's divine touch, the animals became his
devotees and his divine helpers. Under Ravana's touch, even
humans became animals.

Through his noble and divine choices, he teaches the world to
choose dharma over Artha
QY3qJy-EXpkOUcGqr6HvGTO6J--eiiz8CEMlx2XkHvMrHV6dH_tGLu> (when he
leaves for the forest rather than be coronated as King) and to
choose Moksha
g1x4uNKlYoBdoiFgTGWhQk73o97l0SySpazuax7ndsXRDcBczFadJi> over
KFmt2A8tGEnchZ0ciHp65RkEJ7Q6k6mjv30BVwwrgS_5RMK_SBO5Nw> (when he
chooses his kingdom over his marriage).

Bhagwan Rama teaches that :
As a son Respectfully and lovingly obey your father's orders.
Sacrifice your own comfort for your father's dignity. As a
step-son Even when your step mother (or mother-in-law) is not
kind to you, even when she clearly dis- criminates against you in
favor of her own birth child, do not resent her, do not fight
against her. Respect her and her wishes. As a brother Remain
loyal to your brother. Care for him. As a husband Protect your
wife. Fight for her protection and her purity. But there are
times when one's divine path must even take precedence over the
path of householder. Do not keep the role of householder as the
ultimate role. As a King Sacrifice everything for your people.
Do not worry about your own comfort, your own convenience or your
own pleasure. Be willing to put the kingdom ahead of your own
Ravana's ego led to his own demise, first the demise of his
spirit and heart and then the demise of his body. He thought he
was the one who ran everything. He thought that he was the "doer"
of it all. On the other hand, Bhagwan Rama was always humble, and
he never took credit for anything. At the end of the war in
Lanka, Bhagwan Rama was giving Sitaji a tour of the city, showing
her where all of the various events had occurred. When, they
reached the place where he victoriously slew Ravana, he reported
it to Sitaji only as, "and this is where Ravana died." He didn't
say, "This is where I crushed the demon," or "This is where I
killed Ravana."

Ram Navami is a festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Rama,
the son of King Dasharath. It was a joyous occasion in Ayodhya
all those centuries ago when King Dasharath's heir was finally
born. It was like a dream come true for the king as the lack of
an heir had troubled him sorely for many years.

Lord Rama is an Avatar
ElfzWS_kZxK0hkEsddSj4qQGQd1S93v73ZPG_q2NvMCwI68tD0mIsK> of Lord
y4LbYkwJSi1y-PhUX9_LoqLRvn1_6mvI4d4qk0TdUkEtqAe95cKnlU> who came
down to earth to battle the invincible Ravana in human form. Lord
Brahma had been receiving complaints from all the gods about the
havoc that Ravana was wreaking on earth, but because Lord Brahma
had granted Ravana so many boons, he could not be killed by a
god. But Ravana had become so overconfident that he would never
expect an attack from a human being. So Lord Vishnu agreed to go
to earth in the guise of Prince Ram, the son of King Dasharath
and Queen Kaushalya.

The story of Lord Rama as told in the great epic Ramayana
=> is one that most Indians know irrespective of caste, creed
and religion. Lord Rama is a legendary figure, the epitome of all
that is good and true, the man who vanquished the demon king,
Ravana. Lord Rama is not just a hero, but has been given the
status of a god by the Hindus. Therefore, it comes as no surprise
that his birth is celebrated year after year with great pomp and
enjoyment on the ninth day after the new moon in Sukul Paksh (the
waxing moon), which falls sometime in the month of April.
Fasting Guidelines
There are three different types of fasts that can be held on this

* Fasting until noon * Eating only once during the day
* Fasting until midnight * Fasting for for nine days
beginning on the first day of Chaitra

When eating a single meal during the fast, it may consist of
fruits and fruit extracts. Alternatively, if eating a full meal,
it can include potatoes made in any form without haldi
(turmeric), garlic, ginger or onion, fruits and any type of
vegatable. Curd, tea, coffee, milk, and water are also permitted.
Ram Navami is celebrated in a variety of ways ranging from bhajan
programs and pujas to ratha yatras and pandal programs.

Bhajan programs are organized both at homes as well as in Temples
=> . During these programs, bhajans extolling the virtues of Lord
Rama, Lakshman, Sita, and Hanuman are sung. If in a temple, these
programs are often accompanied by Ramayana Katha, in which
details of the Ramayana are presented, or chanting of the whole
Ramayana. Many people either perform akhanda ramayana pat or just
chant sunderkand.

* Performing akhanda Ramayana Pat involves chanting the entire
Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas, which usually takes 24 hours *
Chanting Sunderkand takes three hours. Sunderkand discusses some
of Hanuman's exploits and his meeting with Sita in Lanka. *
Temples will usually have the chanting of the Valmiki
=> Ramayana or larger pandal programs in which the Ramayana is
discussed for nine days, beginning on Ugadi and ending on Rama

In addition, people clean their homes and put pictures of Lord
Rama, Lakshman, Sita and Hanuman on a dais in preparation for the
B98HkUNb-AK1AP2WH1vefgyurmvYHb9Q7D1gzBRQ02LlXsnToEcnAH> . Flowers
and incense are kept before the deities. There are two thaalis
kept ready in the puja area. One contains the prasad and the
other the items necessary for the puja like roli, aipun, rice,
water, flowers, a bell and a conch. The puja begins with the
youngest female member of the family applying teeka to all the
male members of the family. A red bindi is applied on the
foreheads of all the female members. Everyone participates in the
puja by first sprinkling the water, roli, and aipun on the gods
and then showering handfuls of rice on the deities. Then
everybody stands up to perform the aarti, at the end of which
ganga jal or plain water is sprinkled over the gathering. The
singing of bhajans goes on for the entire puja. Finally, the
prasad is distributed among all the people who have gathered.

In Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Rama, a huge fair is held with
thousands of devotees gathering to celebrate this festival. The
fair continues for two days, and rathyatras, carrying the Dieties
=> of Ram, his brother Laxman, His wife Sita, and His greatest
devotee Mahavir Hanuman, are taken out from almost all Ram
Temples. Hanuman is known for is his devotion to Rama, and his
tales form an important part of the celebration.
