Saturday, October 31, 2009


UK Queen should be forced to wear a burkha: Radical Muslims

Published on Sat 31st Oct 2009 14:29:16

London, October 31 :

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II would be forced to wear a burkha under sharia law, radical Muslim campaigners said.

'The Daily Express' quoted Abu Rumaysah, spokesman for pro-sharia campaigners Islam4UK, as saying that she would also be stripped of all authority and the monarchy would be abolished under the sharia system they want to impose on Britain.

They have already said that Buckingham Palace would be renamed `Buckingham Mosque’.

Rumaysah said the Queen would be forced to cover up in public from head to foot, with only her eyes visible.

“The Queen will not really be a person having any authority under the Sharia. Every single woman should cover from head to toe, only showing her face and hands,” she said.

Fellow spokesman Amjem Choudary added: “If the Queen decides to go outside she is to cover herself like every other woman.”


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Date: Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 8:21 AM




When he was a small boy he witnessed India’s defeat in civil war and came to Ferozepur, East Punjab, as an orphan and refugee.

“There must be someone higher up to blame for my plight,” he mused.

The highest person is the President of our country. So HE must know why we fled our homes. The little boy began to write a letter to Rajendra Prasad ("Rajen Baboo"), the President of India at that time.

He was told to address him as, “YOUR EXCELLENCY”. But the little boy was not convinced to call the lacklustre & dull BABOO, occupying Presidenet's chair in PARTITIONED India, “Excellency”.

So he decided to write the TRUTH one day.

The right moment came after FIFTY years when he retired and went abroad in disgust in the knowledge of India’s despicable sell-out by Nehru & Gandhi who turned humiliating defeat into “Independence”.

He sent the following letter to the President who was now a woman.

He wrote, “Shrimati Pratibha Patil, I never felt like writing EXCELLENCY to any of your predecessors. I was not, and am still not, convinced that there is anything excellent about your office or YOU.

"In my eyes “Excellencies” were those who came from a small country on the other side of globe, conquered India by GUN and GALLOWS through grit, resolve and unity and ENSLAVED our people.

"They ruled us with an iron fist to make sure that the Hindu and Musalmaan were treated alike and worked along side each other in perfect harmony.

"In this era of BABOO(N)S, the real Excellencies have gone, after forcing India to SURRENDER five provinces unconditionally, treat the Hindus as step children of some Witch, while giving the Muslims all those vast territories, Hajj facilities and you never mind if the First Lady is from Italy or Venezuela, Catholic or Musalmaan.

"All inferior third class NATIVE rulers are defeated and SMASHED. None has patriotism, self esteem and pride.

"Can any son or daughter of an HONOURABLE Bharatiya mother address you as “Your Excellency,”?

"Admitted that you cannot invade Pakistan to bring those parts of India back to Motherland but at least you can give some hope and confidence to the demoralized HINDUS, many of them REFUGEES from the West, the East and even from KASHMIR in the North, by simply declaring, “Partition will have to be re-negotiated or all Muslims must QUID INDIA.”

"For such a well justified but long overdue Declaration you, Shrimati PATIL, will neither be arrested, nor imprisoned nor shot dead by firing squad. But all the Indians, not only the Hindus, will respect you."
"Partition of India" was Unconditional Surrender of India and Death of "Akhand Bharat".

Please see my blog at



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You just have to be a little alert about your inner composition and you will be surprised to know many things. You will come to know that all your joys are within you, all your miseries are within you. Nobody else creates them, you simply find an excuse in somebody. Everything is within you, and except you nobody else is responsible…



Geert Wilders' Speech at Columbia Univ.

Vijay Ashar Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 8:33 AM
To: "Dr. G. C. Asnani" ,,,,,,
Cc: Radhashyam Brahmachari

All thoughtful Hindus need to heed the warnings so eloquently put forth by this brave Dutch Parliamentarian against the worldwide Jehadi assaults and encroachments against precious human freedom and dignity.

Struggle for Preserving Freedom from Islam - by Geert Wilders
Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:18 pm (PDT)

Struggle for Preserving Freedom from Islam

Tuesday, 27 October 2009 04:30 Geert Wilders

http://www.islam- iw-new/index. php?option= com_content& view=article& id=232:struggle- for-preserving- freedom-from- islam&catid= 89:other- authors&Itemid= 58

Geert Wilders' great speech at the Columbia University.. .

Ladies and gentlemen, it is a privilege and a great honour for me to speak at this fine academic institution, which gave the world so many Nobel Prize winners. As a Dutchman, I am proud that your first Nobel laureate, in 1906, was of Dutch descent: The youngest President of the United States: Theodore Roosevelt.
I thank Columbia University for inviting me, and I also thank the US border police for allowing me to enter this great country of democracy, liberty and free speech. Ladies and gentlemen, today, the dearest of our many liberties is under attack all throughout Europe. Free speech is no longer a given. What we once considered a natural element of our existence, our birth right, is now something we once again have to fight for.
I would not qualify myself as a free man. 5 years ago I lost my personal freedom. Since then I am under 24-hour police protection. In addition some people tried to rob my freedom of speech: A Dutch Islamic organization tried to stop the appearance of my documentary 'Fitna'. Because of 'Fitna' the most radical Dutch imam claimed 55.000 Euros in compensation for his hurt feelings. The State of Jordan is possibly going to issue a request for my extradition, to stand trial in Amman. I have been charged in France.
In my own country, the Netherlands, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal overruled the decision of the Dutch public prosecutor not to prosecute me. So, now I have to stand trial in my own country, next January.
But, it is not about me. I am not the only European who fights for freedom of speech, there are so many more: The Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard made a Muhammad-cartoon and all of a sudden we were in the middle of the so called 'Danish cartoon crisis'. The Italian author Oriana Fallaci had to live in fear of extradition to Switzerland because of her book 'The Rage and the Pride'. An Austrian politician, Susanne Winter, was sentenced to a suspended prison sentence because she spoke bluntly about the prophet Muhammad. The Dutch cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot was arrested by 10 police men because of his drawings. And the Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered in the streets of Amsterdam by a radical Muslim.
Last February, I was invited by 2 brave members of the British House of Lords - Lord Malcom Pearson and Baroness Caroline Cox - to show 'Fitna' in the British Parliament. But upon my arrival at Heathrow airport I was denied entry into the UK, on grounds that I would threaten community harmony and therefore public security.
Of course that was a ridiculous and politically motivated claim by the UK government. I was allowed to show 'Fitna' and deliver a speech in the US Senate, in New York, in Florida, in California, in Copenhagen, in Rome, in Jerusalem and next month in the Senate of the Czech Republic. But the British government refused my entrance into the UK, a fellow EU-country. Well, I think it was a splendid American idea, back in the 18th century, to kick the British out.
Last week, my appeal against the refusal by the British government, took place in London; and I won. Freedom finally prevailed! A UK Court ruled that the decision of the British Home Secretary to ban me was unjust, illegal and a violation of freedom of speech. Fortunately the British judges are a lot wiser than the British government. So, last Friday I went to London and met with my friends Lord Pearson and Baroness Cox and we agreed to show 'Fitna' in the House of Lords, next March.
But let me tell you what also happened during our press conference. A Muslim mob demonstrated outside, shouting: "Shariah for the Netherlands" , "Enemy of Islam Geert Wilders deserves capital punishment", "Freedom go to hell" and "Islam will dominate the world". Welcome to Europe today!
You can see all this for yourself on YouTube. This is exactly what we are fighting against. And it gets even worse. A few days ago British newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported that an Islamic group indeed launched a campaign to impose shariah law in Britain, they will meet later this month in London for a procession to demand the full implementation of shariah law.
Before I want to speak about Islam, I first would like to say this: I have nothing against Muslims. There are many moderate Muslims. The majority of Muslims in our Western countries are law abiding people, who want to live a peaceful life. I know that. Therefore, I make a clear distinction between the people and the ideology, between Muslims and Islam.
What is happening in Europe should not come as a surprise. The reality is that where Islam roots, free speech dies. There is not a single Islamic country in het world where people are really totally free to say what they think. Ever since the so called prophet Muhammad ordered his men to kill the poet Asma bint Marwan, the brave woman who warned her people against this murderous cult, radical Muslims think they have a license to kill anyone, who dares to criticize Muhammad's word or actions. Free speech is Islam's enemy. Islam is a threat to the Europe of Socrates, Voltaire and Galileo.
As I said, there are many moderate Muslims. But there is no such thing as a moderate Islam. Islam's heart lies in the Koran. The Koran is an evil book that calls for violence and murder - Sura 4, Verse 89 and Sura 47, Verse 4 -, terrorism - Sura 8, Verse 60 - and war - Sura 8, Verse 39. The Koran describes Jews as monkeys and pigs - Sura 2, Verse 65 / Sura 5, Verse 60 and Sura 7, Verse 166. It calls non-Muslims liars, miscreants, enemies, ignorant, unclean, wicked, evil, the worst of creatures and the vilest of animals.
The problem is that the provisions in the Koran are not restricted to time or place. Rather, they apply to all Muslims, from all times. Apart from the Koran, there is also the life of Muhammad, who fought in dozens of wars, who spread Islam with the sword, sold imprisoned women and children as slaves, who was in the habit of decapitating Jews and who married and consummated the young girl Aisha before she was ten years of age. The problem is that, to many `Muslims, Muhammad is 'the perfect man', whose life is the model to follow. But the facts show that the so called Prophet was not a perfect man but a murderer and a pedophile. And inspired by him jihadists with the promise of a carnal paradise slaughtered innocent people in Washington, New York, Madrid, London, Amsterdam, Bali and Mumbai.
Ladies and gentlemen, some time ago an interview was held in France with the French Muslim student Mohamed Sabaoui, who said the following, and I quote: "Your laws do not coincide with the Koran, Muslims can only be ruled by shariah law", and "we will declare the town of Roubaix an independent Muslim enclave and impose shariah law upon all its citizens, and "we will be your Trojan Horse, we will rule, Allah Akbar". End of quote.
Make no mistake: Islam has always attempted to conquer Europe. Spain fell in the 8th century. Constantinople fell in the 15th century. Vienna and Poland were threatened, and now, in the 21st century, Islam is trying again. This time not with military armies, but through migration and demography.
For the first time in world history there are dozens of millions of Muslims living outside the Dar al-Islam, the Islamic world. Europe now has more than 50 million Muslims. It is expected that one fifth of the population of the European Union will be Muslim within 40 years.
In 1974 no one took the Algerian President Boumщdienne all too serious when he said to the UN general assembly: "One day millions of men will leave the southern hemisphere of this planet to burst into the northern one. But not as friends. Because they will burst in to conquer, and they will conquer by populating it with their children. Victory will come to us from the wombs of our women". End of quote.
And Libyan dictator Gaddafi said: "There are tens of millions of Muslims in the European continent and the number is on the increase. This is the clear indication that the European continent will be converted to Islam. Europe will one day be a Muslim continent". End of quote.
Indeed Gaddafi is telling the truth here, through the Islamic concept of migration - called Al Hijra - Europe is in the process of becoming Eurabia. In Europe churches are emptying out, whereas mosques are shooting up like mushrooms. Muhammad is the most popular name among boys in many European cities. Medieval phenomena as burkas, honor killings and female genital mutilation are becoming more and more prevalent. In the UK, by now 85 shariah law courts are active, the same country where Islamic organizations asked to stop the commemoration of the Holocaust, and a minister is pleading to change the Red Cross logo, because it might offend Muslims. In Austria, history teachers avoid teaching on the Austrian wars against the Islamic invaders. In France school teachers are advised to avoid authors deemed offensive to Muslims, including Voltaire. In Norway, children are made to sing Islamic songs as "Allah Akbar" and "Little Muslim, do you pray?" In Belgium, a
man almost died after being beaten up by Muslims, because he was drinking during the Ramadan. Jews are fleeing France in record numbers, on the run for the worst wave of anti-Semitism since World War II. The rise of Islam also means the rise of shariah law in our judicial systems. In Europe we have it all: Shariah testaments, shariah mortgages, shariah schools, shariah banks, as I said in the UK there are even 85 shariah courts. Islam regards shariah law to be above all man-made laws, including our constitutions. As you know, shariah law covers all areas of life, from religion, hygiene and dietary laws, to dress codes, family and social life and from finance and politics to the unity of Islam with the state. Shariah law does not recognize free speech and freedom of religion.
According to shariah law, killing apostates is a 'virtue', but the consumption of alcohol is a crime. The introduction of shariah law elements in our societies creates a system of legal apartheid. Shariah law systematically discriminates groups of people. I never understood why the leftish and liberal politicians are ignoring all this. Historically they were the ones fighting for the rights of women, gays, non-believers and others. All groups that would be the first to pay a high price if and when Islamic values would become dominant. Their silence is frightening. Now, I am fighting their fight. I fight to protect those groups. I fight against the Islamization of our societies and therefore for the protection of the rights of women, homosexuals, Christians, Jews, apostates, non-believers and kafirs: the non-Muslims. I want to protect these victims for shariah law. And we all should. If we ignore the problem it will not go away, if we don't act now,
shariah will be implemented more en more, slowly but gradually and that would mean the end of freedom of speech and democracy in Europe. This is what is at stake, nothing less than our freedom and democracy.
And please make no mistake: Islam is also coming for America. Last July, during a conference in Chicago, organised by Hizb-Ut-Tahrir, the international movement aiming to create an Islamic state under shariah law across the world, the American imam Jaleel Abdul Adil promised to fight "until Islam becomes victorious or we die in the attempt". When asked: "Would you get rid of the United States Constitution for shariah?" he answered: "Yes, The Constitution would be gone".
America is facing a 'stealth Jihad', the Islamic' attempt to introduce Shariah law bit by bit. Allow me to give you a few examples of Islamization in the United States: Muslim taxi drivers at Minneapolis airport refused over 5,000 passengers because they were carrying alcohol; Muslim students are demanding separate campus housing; Muslim women are demanding separate hours in gyms and swimming pools; schools are banning Halloween and Christmas celebrations - indeed, schools are taking pork off their cafeteria menus to avoid offending Muslim students. Ladies and gentlemen, be aware that this is only the beginning. If things continue like this, you will have the same problems as we are currently faced with in Europe.
It is my opinion that Islam is more an ideology than a religion. To be precise, Islam is a political, totalitarian ideology, with worldwide aspirations, just like communism and fascism, because like those ideologies Islam does not intend to assimilate in our societies but wants to dominate and submit us all. In Islam there is no room for anything but Islam. I think the great Winston Churchill was fully right when he, in his book The Second World War, called Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf the new Koran of faith and war.
But, ladies and gentlemen, Islam is not the only problem. There is a second problem, a problem that is called cultural relativism. Our entire Western elite, whether they are politicians, journalists or judges, has lost its way. Their sense of reality has vanished. Those cultural relativists believe that all cultures are equal. They think that the Islamic culture is equal to our culture which is based on Christianity, Judaism and Humanism. Our culture adheres to freedom, human rights and the equality between men and women and not to violence and hatred.
To the cultural relativists, I proudly say: Our Western culture is far better than the Islamic culture. And we should be proud of that and defend it. Unlike most countries where the Islamic culture is dominant, we have a rule of law, a democracy, a functioning parliament, freedom of speech and a constitution that protects us against the government.
It is clear that not everyone sees the danger. I quote a prominent American, who recently won a Nobel Prize: "Throughout history, Islam had demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance", and "Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism, it is an important part of promoting peace", and "We celebrate a great religion, and its commitment to justice and progress". End of quote. I strongly have to disagree with this assessment. Islam has nothing in common with tolerance or peace or justice!
President Obama also celebrated the fact that when the first Muslim-American was elected to Congress, he took the oath using the same Koran that one of the Founding Fathers - Thomas Jefferson - kept in his personal library. It is interesting to know that Thomas Jefferson in 1801 was about to wage war against the Islamic 'Barbary' states of Northern Africa to stop the pillaging of ships and enslavement of more than a million Christians.
The ambassador of these Muslim nations told Thomas Jefferson and John Adams that Muslims find the justification for their slaughter and enslavement of kafir in the Koran. Now I ask you, dear friends, could it be that Thomas Jefferson did not keep a copy of the Koran because he admired Islam but because he wanted to understand the ruthless nature of his enemies?
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe in democracy, I believe in the American people and the choices it makes, and normally, as a politician from Holland, I would never judge your President. But these remarks of President Obama, do not only affect America, but Europe too. I am afraid that President Obama's remarks could be a turning point in history. I fear that serious geo political changes are looming, changes that will alter our foreign policies, our view on free speech, changes that will alter the West, our way of life, and for the worse and not for the better.
In a matter of fact, it is already happening right now. Recently the United States joined Egypt in sponsoring an anti-free speech resolution in the UN Human Rights Council. You know that council that itself is an insult to human rights since the worst human rights offenders of the world like Cuba, Saudi-Arabia and Pakistan are members. The Obama-administratio n and Europe supported a resolution to recognize exceptions to free speech to any negative religious stereotyping. This appeasement of the non-free Arab world is the beginning of the end. An erosion of free speech and your own First Amendment. This UN resolution is an absolute disgrace.
As Professor Jonathan Turley of the George Washington University yesterday so rightfully stated in the newspaper USA Today, and I quote: "Criticism of religion is the very measure of the guarantee of free speech - the literal sacred institution of society" - end of quote. That the weak leaders of my own continent Europe supported such a terrible resolution does not come as a surprise to me. But it's a sad thing that for the first time in history, the American administration has taken a leading role against our right to free speech.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is one Western country that has been forced to fight the forces of jihad for its values since the very first day of its existence: Israel, the canary in the coal mine. Let me say a few words about that wonderful country. I had the privilege of living in Israel. However, in Europe being pro-Israel makes you an endangered species. Israel is a beacon of light in an area - the Middle East - that is pitch black everywhere else. Israel is a Western democracy, while Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Egypt are medieval dictatorships.
The so-called 'Middle East conflict' is not about land at all. It is a conflict about ideologies; a battle between Islam and freedom. It is not about some land in Gaza or in Judea and Samaria. It is about Jihad. To Islam the whole of Israel is occupied territory. They see Tel Aviv and Haifa as settlements too.
I am very much in favor of a two-state solution. I mean Churchill's 1921 two-state solution, when Palestine was partitioned in a Jewish and an Arab part. Arab Palestine is now called Jordan, and therefore, there is already a Palestinian state. With eighty percent of the population having roots on the other side of the Jordan, there is no doubt Jordan is truly the state of Palestine.
Islam forces Israel to fight, and Israel is not just fighting for itself. Israel is fighting for all of us, for the entire West. Just like those brave American soldiers who landed in Sicily in 1943 and stormed the Normandy beaches in 1944, young Israeli men and women are fighting for our freedom, our civilization.
Ladies and gentlemen, Europe ought to fully back Israel to the hilt in its relentless fight against those that threaten it, whether it is Hezbollah, Hamas or a nuclear Iran. Also, because of its history, Europe certainly has the moral obligation to prevent at all cost another Holocaust against the Jewish people. But most important of all: Israel is fighting the jihad that is meant for all of us. So we all should defend Israel. We all are Israel.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is good news also! Europe might slowly be awakening. More and more people are fed up with cultural relativism and politicians ignoring the negative effects of mass-immigration and the creeping Islamization of Europe. During the European elections last June the worst cultural relativists, the socialists, lost nearly everywhere: In the Netherlands, in Belgium, in Germany, in Austria, in France, in Spain, in Italy and, perhaps best of all, in the UK.
But, my party, the Dutch Freedom Party was the winner in the recent elections for the European Parliament. Right now, in the polls, we even are number 1. If there would be elections in the Netherlands tomorrow, whether you like it or not, I could very well become the next Prime Minister of The Netherlands.
Ladies and gentlemen, time is running out, we need to act. As I already said, we need less Islam, and more freedom. We have to protect our most important right, our right to free speech. We have to protect our liberties. That is why I propose the following measures, measures to preserve our freedom:
First. We have to end all forms of cultural relativism. For this purpose we need an amendment to our Western constitutions stating that our cultural foundation is the Judeo Christian Humanistic culture, and not Islam.
Second. We have to stop the mass immigration from Muslim countries. Because more Islam means less freedom.
Third. I have a clear message to all Muslims in our societies: If you subscribe to our laws, our values and our constitutions you are very welcome to stay and we will help you to assimilate.
But, if you cross the red line and commit violent crimes or the implementation of shariah law and start practicing jihad, you are not welcome anymore, then we will expel you if possible the same day.
Fourth. We have to strengthen our laws regarding freedom of speech. In Europe we urgently need some kind of American First Amendment. And we have to resist UN-resolutions that intend to weaken our right of free speech in another attempt to appease the Islamic world.
Fifth, last but not least. We have to elect brave leaders. Real leaders. We enjoy the privilege of living in a democracy. Let us use that privilege by replacing weak leaders with heroes. Let us have fewer Neville Chamberlains and more Winston Churchills! In short, ladies and gentlemen, my main message of today is that we have to start fighting back. No defence, but offence. We have to fight back and demonstrate that millions of people are sick and tired of losing, of giving in, of appeasing. We must make clear that millions of freedom loving people are saying: enough is enough.
Ladies and gentlemen, I leave you with this: I will never give in nor give up. And we should never surrender nor compromise about freedom, the most important right we still have in our free western societies. We have to win, and I am confident: we will win! Thank you very much.
Watch the speech in Youtube:


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Scrutator а-аFree societies
а |2009-10-27 04:45:54

For countries in the West to remain as free democratic societies, USA, UK and other west European countries will have to remain as predominantly Christian societies. And for democracy to survive in Asia, India will have to remain predominantly as a Hindu country, with an overwhelming Hindu (and Sikh, Jain & Buddhist) population. The whole world should actively support these countries in these twin aims, and if it means limiting muslim sections by force, expulsions and migration laws, then so be it.

If the above steps are not taken, USA and Europe will slowly but surely move towards becoming Islamic states. India, on the other hand, is hemmed in by Shia Sunni theocracies like Iran and Pakistan on the one side, and by autocracies like Burma and China on the other. It needs all the help it can get to remain democratic.

Reply | Quote


Friday, October 30, 2009




agrasen Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 4:08 PM
Cc: Lakhapati Daswani , Saroj Kewalramani , Susheela Ramesh Bijlani , UTTAM NAGPAL , DAVE MAKKAR , Satya D ,,,, GC ASNANI Co Shakti ,,, Ankur Hindu , Dr Hiren Modi Vedas , jagdish hasija , Sp Hari Malla , Prem Sabhlok , A-10 Vedas Sanjiv , GGN Election Vindeena , V-32 Vinay Gupta , Vedas Gopaln Sarathy , vedas Co Caribbeans Hindu , Sp RVChitnis , V- AR Sudhir Kumar , Vedas 57 NKN , VigIilant Indian N Hirani ,,, Bharat ravi Kochhar , GGN 23 Ravi , Mar 09 Ravi , Power of divine Ravishankar , Ravindra Jha HT LIVE , Ravi Hindu , V-10 Ravin 3bd
Dear Raviji,

Namaskar. You have really raised a real question which only self-realized souls can answer. When I look at the cluster of stars, the human body, its anatomy, the expanding number of human beings on this planet, I wonder who has done all this, who is doing this. But I do not agree that it came with a big bang only! All of it must have been pre-planned and the secret to the answer lies in each and every soul if one can commune with it and ultimately realize it, like some of our saints did, including Budhdha who themselves became part of God, upon their realization of soul. (Even though Buddha even denies existence of such a thing as soul, perhaps!)

Also I am not too sure of the FREE WILL of each one of us. In some matters, small ones, each being may have limited free will, but our past, present and future is mainly dictated by the POWER THAT BE who is moulding the world according to his own plan, if there be any. Our religious stories go on to prove that most of the happenings can be predicted far far into the future, like the case of Ahilya and so many others. And if things were to happen according to one's free will and karma only, then how such predictions could be made with such accuracy into the distant future.

Coming of Rama/Ravan, Krishna/kans, Buddha, Mahavirji, and all the high personalities as also the low ones, could become possible with the pre-planning of some SUPER SOUL or many of the souls together, with their planning only, it would appear.

It would appear that the more we delve in this matter, the more confused we become because of the limitations of our mind; one has to go into the soul and then only one can realize, perhaps, that what is what!

Your comments are most welcome.




On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 12:36 PM, RAVI GUPTA wrote:

We have had some correspondence on religion in the past. Here are my views on God. These are excerpted from blog:

Does God exist? I believe he does but not in the traditional sense of the word.

The traditional God is defined as an all-knowing, all-powerful and compassionate being. He is considered to be the creator of the universe and the cause of everything that happens in this world.

When I look at history and observe what is happening around us today, I am not convinced that such a being exists or has ever existed.

Six million innocent Jews were killed by Hitler during the Second World War. Tens of millions of innocent Russians were mercilessly put to death by Stalin during his regime. Close to a million people of one tribe were killed by members of another tribe in Rwanda only a few years ago. Besides, tens of thousands of people have killed one another over the years, and continue to do so, in God’s name!

One wonders why an all-knowing, all-powerful God would permit so many people to suffer so much at the hands of evil forces. It makes no sense. If God were a living being, he would most certainly be immediately arrested, tried and put in jail for not abiding by the Good Samaritan provisions of the law that prevails in many jurisdictions of the world.

Some argue that God gave human beings a free will, and if things go wrong it is because they do not exercise that will properly. It is as if God gave free will to humans and forever washed his hands off what followed. If God can no longer intervene to fix the wrongs done by evil forces, then who cares whether or not he exists.

What about the suffering caused by natural disasters for which God alone is believed to be responsible? Earthquakes, droughts, famines cause untold suffering and misery especially to the poor and helpless people. How can God be considered compassionate? Any living being that did this will surely be deemed a sadomasochist and put in a psychiatrist institution for good.

I believe that God does exist but not in the traditional sense of the word. To me all well-meaning people in this world are gods. They may not be all-knowing and all-powerful but they are generally compassionate and will normally do everything within their power to help their fellow human beings when they are in trouble.

I am of course referring here to our parents (who bring us into this world, nurture us until we are able to take care of ourselves, and teach us the difference between right and wrong); family; friends; and members of the communities in which we live. For me they are the real gods. You can touch them, feel them and even hug them. They are the ones who deserve our respect and adoration and not the abstract God who is nowhere to be seen in times of trouble.

One could argue that human beings that I describe as gods above are also the creation of God who has put in place a system of checks and balances to ensure that every evil is matched by goodness in equal amounts in this world. This suggests that God is like a spoilt child who enjoys making things and then breaking them up for fun. The difference is that God is not playing with just inanimate objects but with real living beings that happen to feel real pain. While no living being is allowed to behave this way, why do we have to accept such bad behaviour from God?

We are told not to question the workings of God, for whatever God does is ultimately for our own good. Isn’t that what Hitler and Stalin had told their countrymen?

The question still remains that if it wasn’t God then who created the universe? I am quite happy with the Big Bang theory, the idea that the universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense initial condition at some finite time in the past (currently estimated to have been approximately 13.7 billion years ago), and continues to expand and evolve to this day. Since the expansionary and evolutionary phenomenon is observable, it offers a much more rational explanation than that the whole universe was created by a human-like being in a single day for the sole purpose of serving human needs and for His self-aggrandizement. I reject the human-centric view of the universe.

Finally, some argue that religions may have many faults, but on the whole they have had positive effect on humanity. If there were no God and His commandments, how would we know the difference between right and wrong? This is a false premise. Human beings have learnt to be good to one another from their own experience over the years. The Golden Rule “to treat others as you would want others to treat you” does not require a divine declaration. The first caveman who stole his neighbor’s wife and got clubbed to death by his neighbor as a result was enough of an experience for the rest of the cavemen to learn and follow the Golden Rule. You don't need God to tell you to be good. You need to be good because you want the rest of the world to be good to you.

In conclusion, I believe that God the compassionate does exist but not in churches, mosques and temples but all around us in the form of people of goodwill. They are to be found among our family, friends and members of our community, country and ultimately the world. These Gods are not elusive. They are real.

Please see my blog at


Thursday, October 29, 2009



Fw: Kyle and his friend

Bharat J. Gajjar Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:49 AM

----- Original Message -----
From: Atul Dave
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:06 PM
Subject: Fw: Kyle and his friend

--- On Wed, 10/28/09, Prakash Desai wrote:

From: Prakash Desai
Subject: Fw: Kyle and his friend
To: "Vinod Desai" , "savitri desai" , "jayant r desai" , "atul dave" , "nityeshswari shanti" , "Arun Mehta"
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 5:38 PM

--- On Wed, 10/28/09, Shirishchandra Shah wrote:

From: Shirishchandra Shah
Subject: Fw: Kyle and his friend
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 1:06 PM
Subject: FW: Kyle and his friend

Let’s see if you send it back. We all know or knew someone like this!!

One day, when I was a freshman in high school,
I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school.
His name was Kyle.

It looked like he was carrying all of his books.

I thought to myself, 'Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday?

He must really be a nerd.'

I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him.

They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt.

His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him..

He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes

My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye.

As I handed him his glasses, I said, 'Those guys are jerks.'

They really should get lives.

' He looked at me and said, 'Hey thanks!'

There was a big smile on his face.

It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.

I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived.

As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before.

He said he had gone to private school before now.

I would have never hung out with a private school kid before.

We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books.

He turned out to be a pretty cool kid.

I asked him if he wanted to play a little football
with my friends

He said yes.

We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of him.

Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again.

I stopped him and said, 'Boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday!

' He just laughed and handed me half the books..

Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends..

When we were seniors we began to think about college.

Kyle decided on Georgetownand I was going to Duke.

I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem.

He was going to be a doctor and I was going for business on a football scholarship..

Kyle was valedictorian of our class.

I teased him all the time about being a nerd.

He had to prepare a speech for graduation.

I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak

Graduation day, I saw Kyle.

He looked great.

He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school..

He filled out and actually looked good in glasses.

He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him.

Boy, sometimes I was jealous!

Today was one of those days.

I could see that he was nervous about his speech.

So, I smacked him on the back and said, 'Hey, big guy, you'll be great!'

He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled.

' Thanks,' he said.

As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began

'Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years.

Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends....

I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them.

I am going to tell you a story.'

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the first day we met.

He had planned to kill himself over the weekend.

He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home.

He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile.

'Thankfully, I was saved.

My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable..'

I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment.

I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile.

Not until that moment did I realize it's depth.

Never underestimate the power of your actions..

With one small gesture you can change a person's life.

For better or for worse.

God puts us all in each others lives to impact one another in some way.

Look for God in others.

You now have two choices, you can :

1) Pass this on to your friends or

2) Delete it and act like it

didn't touch your heart.

As you can see, I took choice number 1.

'Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.'

There is no beginning or end.. Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is a gift.

It's National Friendship Week. Show your friends how much you care. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND.

If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends.






[Vivekananda Shakha] Sad State of Foriegn Affairs - Most Foolish PM

Rajat offecial Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:36 PM
Dear Nationalist Friends,

I am pained to use the word 'Foolish' for the Prime Minister of India. But unfortunately, this is the only word that describes Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister (I was his admirer as Finance Minister under Narsimha Rao).

This man has made mess of India's forign affairs and harming the long term stategic interests of the country. He is scummbing to Chinese pressure, he badly messed up in joint statement with Pakistan PM.

When chinese forces enter our territory, the PM of our country say "Nothing serious, its being blown out of proportion" - He defends the cunning chinese, instead of defending our boundaries and getting agressive.
China blocks the WB's financial assistence in Arunachal - Still our 'Honest' PM feels nothing alarming.
He instead tells Chinese Premier that "Dalai Lama is our respected guest and religious leader" - Is this something meaningful ??
He also mentions that "Border Issue is a complex problem, which needs to be resolved through dialouge" - Manmohan Singh is messing up the issue and is portraying India as a weak Nation. His body language is so poor.
Despite such poor deliberations with his chinese counterpart - Our Mad Mohan Singh is 'Satisfied' with his meeting with Chinese premier ! I think he took his autograph also, for his daughter, hence he must be feeling satisfied (he took obama's autographs, when he met him)
China is not issuing proper passports to Kashmires, still our Foriegn Minister is 'satisfied' with his meeting with his chinese counterpart. Are we serious about such important issues ?
Manmohan always bears a foolish smile, he has no control on his cabinet and even himself - He is like a puppet of Sania Gandhi.
I hv never seen someone at such important position with such low self esteem.
We never had such damaging PM for such long tenure, its sad that we have such poor PM in such a stable Govt - which could have done a great job under an authoritative and decisive PM.
He has a Home Minister, who messed up Finance portfolio and is now messing up country's law and order situation. This sauve looking Chidambaram is the most corrupt and incapable minister in the Government.
I only request all nationalists to come together to expose this failed Government in its second term. Apart from failing on common man issues like Inflation, law and order - This Govt is doing very long term harm to the nation under the most non-sense Manmohan Singh. Its unfortunate and extremely damaging.

Write to to get together to expose this anti-people and incapable government for a serious initiative - I request all nationalists to respond. We need to act, Once started this initiative will gain a lot of momentum.

Looking forward to all nationalists joining the initiative.

Jai Hind !

Regards, Rajat

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



FW: Guidelines from God

Assudo Bhatia Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 8:52 PM

Subject: Guidelines from God
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 01:56:58 +0000

Guidelines from God

Ten Guidelines From God
Effective Immediately,
please be aware that there are changes YOU need
to make in YOUR life. These changes need to be
completed in order that I may fulfill My promises
to you to grant you peace, joy and happiness in
this life. I apologize for any inconvenience,
but after all that I am doing, this seems very
little to ask of you. Please, follow
these 10 guidelines

Life has dealt you a blow and all you do is sit
and worry. Have you forgotten that I am here
to take all your burdens and carry them for you?
Or do you just enjoy fretting over every little
thing that comes your way?

Something needs done or taken care of. Put it
on the list. No, not YOUR list. Put it on MY
to-do-list. Let ME be the one to take care
of the problem.. I can't help you until you turn
it over to Me. And although My to-do-list
is long, I am after all... God. I can take care
of anything you put into My hands. In fact,
if the truth were ever really known, I take
care of a lot of things for you that you never
even realize.

Once you've given your burdens to Me,
quit trying to take them back. Trust in
Me. Have the faith that I will take care of
all your needs, your problems and your trials.
Problems with the kids? Put them on My list.
Problem with finances? Put it on My list.
Problems with your emotional roller coaster?
For My sake, put it on My list. I want to
help you. All you have to do is ask.

Don't wake up one morning and say,
"Well, I'm feeling much stronger now, I think
I can handle it from here." Why do you think
you are feeling stronger now? It's simple.
You gave Me your burdens and I'm taking
care of them. I also renew your strength
and cover you in my peace. Don't you
know that if I give you these problems back,
you will be right back where you started?
Leave them with Me and forget about
them. Just let Me do my job.

I want you to forget a lot of things.
Forget what was making you crazy.
Forget the worry and the fretting because
you know I'm in control. But there's one
thing I pray you never forget. Please, don't
forget to talk to Me - OFTEN! I love YOU!
I want to hear your voice. I want you to
include Me in on the things going on in your life.
I want to hear you talk about your friends
and family. Prayer is simply you having
a conversation with Me. I want to be your
dearest friend...

I see a lot of things from up here that you
can't see from where you are. Have faith in
Me that I know what I'm doing. Trust Me;
you wouldn't want the view from My eyes.
I will continue to care for you, watch over you,
and meet your needs. You only have to trust Me.
Although I have a much bigger task than you,
it seems as if you have so much trouble just
doing your simple part. How hard can trust be?

You were taught to share when you were
only two years old. When did you forget?
That rule still applies. Share with those who are
less fortunate than you. Share your joy with
those who need encouragement.. Share your
laughter with those who haven't heard any in
such a long time. Share your tears with those
who have forgotten how to cry. Share your faith
with those who have none.

I managed to fix it so in just one lifetime
you could have so many diverse experiences.
You grow from a child to an adult, have children,
change jobs many times, learn many trades,
travel to so many places, meet thousands
of people, and experience so much. How can
you be so impatient then when it takes Me
a little longer than you expect to handle
something on My to-do-list? Trust in My
timing, for My timing is perfect. Just
because I created the entire universe in
only six days, everyone thinks I should
always rush, rush, rush.

9. BE KIND :
Be kind to others, for I love them just
as much as I love you. They may not dress
like you, or talk like you, or live the same way
you do, but I still love you all. Please try
to get along, for My sake. I created each
of you different in some way. It would be
too boring if you were all identical.
Please, know I love each of your differences.

As much as I love you, how can you not
love yourself? You were created by me for
one reason only -- to be loved, and to love
in return. I am a God of Love. Love Me.
Love your neighbors. But also love yourself.
It makes My heart ache when I see you
so angry with yourself when things go
wrong. You are very precious to me.
Don't ever forget......

Sharing what was shared with me.......


Tuesday, October 27, 2009



[sadhaka] Why Do We Need God? (Oct 27, 2009)

sadhak_insight Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 6:38 PM

: Shree Hari:
Ram Ram

27th October, 2009, Tuesday, Karthik Shukla Navami

Question: Why do we need God?
Answer: Because we find something lacking in ourselves - therefore! We need such a friend, that walks side by side with us, that loves us, that supports us and never moves apart from us, rather remains with us forever. Such a friend can only be Ishwar (God). The point is that God is essential in our lives for love. Fullfiling this need cannot take place by our self, nor by the world. Fulfillment of this need can only happen by Ishwar (God).

Question: How to awaken the need for God?
Answer: When the aim is love and when worldly attractions and attachments leave us, then need for God will arise.

Question: The scriptures and the saints describe God differently. Some say one thing, some say another, then who do we believe?
Answer: What Paramatma is no one knows. Paramatma is with attributes, without attributes, with form, formless - Paramatma is all of it. Whatever has been said about Paramatma it is for our understanding.

So far whatever ways that Paramatma (God) has been described, all of it together has also not described Paramatma entirely. If Paramatma is fully described, then Paramatma cannot remain infinite, rather Paramatma will become finite. All are describing Paramatma according to the religions / organizations they belong to. Also Paramatma's compassion and mercy is such that if we catch hold of any limb (name, form. qualities, divine plays, abode) then he will be attained.

A sadhak (aspirant) must accept only this one point and that is - "Paramatma IS" How He is? What He looks like? Where does He live? What does He do? if an aspirant uses his intellect to understand these, then he will surely get into a fight, and a new roadblock will arise. But "Paramatma IS" by accepting this, there will be harmony with everyone.

Prahladji had not meditated on the form of Narsimha (Form of God as half man-half Lion), he had not accepted this as form of Narsimha as His Divine Beloved. Prahladji had only firmly resolved that "Bhagwaan (God) IS and He is my very own." Similarly Gajendra (elephant) had also called out to God believing that "There is a God (Ishvar).

From "Prashnouttermanimaala" in Hindi pg 65-66 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

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P.S: Please pass on to friends and family. Remember ! There is no greater service to humanity than bringing another person closer to God, and you have that power in your hands right now
Subscribe: sadhaka-subscribe@yahoogroups

Monday, October 26, 2009

6000 to reconvert to Hinduism


[aryayouthgroup] 6,000 people to reconvert to Hinduism in Thane tomorrow

savarkar vinayak Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:36 AM

Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 13:29:00 -0500
Subject: 6,000 people to reconvert to Hinduism in Thane tomorrow
From: uindian3@googlemail .com

A group of 6,000 persons will be reconverted to Hinduism at a function to be held in Thane tomorrow.

Spokesman of Swami Narendra Maharaj group today told reporters that with this, the goal of bringing back one lakh persons into Hinduism from Christian community will be completed.He said that various organisations have helped to identify these "hapless people, who were forced to convert into Christianity. "

"So far, we have already completed conversion of nearly 94,000 Christians into Hindus and one lakh number will be achieved in a two-year period. These people, who were originally Hindus preferred to be converted, as they found the grass green on the other side. Now, they are being brought back to Hinduism fold on their own without any force or any assurance," he said.

He added that for this special process, more than half a dozen pandits have arrived from Ayodhya..

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Thursday, October 22, 2009



FW: Why Indians are reborn

Assudo Bhatia Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 8:45 PM

Subject: Why Indians are reborn
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 18:11:07 +0000

The angel Gabriel came to the Lord and said 'I have to talk to you. We have some Indians up here in heaven and they are causing problems. They're swinging on the pearly gates, my horn is missing, they are wearing Dolce and Gabana saris instead of their white robes, they are riding Mercedes and BMW's instead of the chariots, and they're selling their halos to people for discounted prices. They refuse to keep the stairway to Heaven clear, since they keep crouching down midway eating samosas and drinking chai (tea).. Some of them are even walking around with just one wing!'

The Lord said, 'Indians are Indians. Heaven is home to all my children. If you want to know about real problems, give Satan a call.'

Satan answered the phone, 'Hello? Damn, hold on a minute.' Satan returned to the phone, 'OK I'm back. What can I do for you?'

Gabriel replied, 'I just wanted to know what kind of problems you're having down there.'

Satan says, 'Hold on again. I need to check on something.'

After about 5 minutes Satan returns to the phone and said, 'I'm back. Now what was the question?'

Gabriel said, 'What kind of problems are you having down there?'

Satan says, 'Man I don't believe this ... Hold on.'

This time Satan was gone at least 15 minutes. He returned and said, "I'm sorry Gabriel, I can't talk right now...

These Indians are trying to install air conditioning and making hell a comfortable place to live in by putting out the fire...the fire is there to keep them uncomfortably hot!! Since they are so tech savvy, they were trying to start a telephone connection between heaven and hell...I am having such a hard time controlling and dealing with them!! Some were trying to start a chai - pakora shop, which I had to stop...I have requested the Lord to send them back on earth as soon as they arrive - they can re-incarnate, for all I care".

Indians will be Indians... And so, this is the story why Indians are re-born!!!!!!!

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Respected Swamiji,

Ram Ram.

While we are in this transitory world, we do need things which will make our life, and that of our dependents, at least bearable. By saying that all wealth, happiness, relatives etc. are transitory, does not make one's life any the easier, if the dishonest person or a worldly clever person is able to look after himself and his family, better than the one who only lives with and for God and suffers extreme poverty or a much lower living for himself and his family. The philosophy professed by our Saints etc. all the time would look quite hypocritical and in effect the religious person is living a 'other worldly' life; in which case he should not get married etc. but must remain a brahmachari and do bhagwad bhajan until he or she gets his moksha or death!

But once one gets married or has responsibility for brothers, sisters, parents etc. one must make money to be able to discharge one's duties to his/her dependents. Of course one should never forget God and must pray to him all the time while discharging one's duties in this world while here.

I would appreciate comments of Swamiji and other bhaktas! Life is a journey and while we are on this journey for example trvelling in a train, should we be hanging outside the compartment or have a seat to sit down for ourselves and our dependents making the journey if not enjoyable but at least bearably comfortable. I think everyone is trying to do this while living! rather than completely relying on God to put each morsel in one's mouth.

So, swamiji kindly profess a more practicable philosophy rather than degrading the world necessities as transitory only but which in fact are also necessary while one lives!

That's how America, Europe and other prosperous countries in the world are attracting everyone, including all the Swamis, etc. who flock here, for what, for Moksha to the ones who fled India for having an honest and better TRANSITORY life here; or the Swamis want to bring them back to India for doing bhakti. Please be somewhat practical and realistic in your sermons rather than giving false ideas and hopes!




- Show quoted text -
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 12:24 PM, sadhak_insight wrote:
Hari Om

Respected Swamiji ,
We say that what you sow , so shall you reap but in our society we see the most
dishonest and cunning people survive and laxmi showers blessings on them while
people who are honest , pure at heart suffer a lot . They work hard , they don't
exploit anybody , still their life is full of struggle. How long can a person go
on with hard work honestly . if he doesn't get the returns which he deserves ,
isn't it natural for him to get depressed and disillusioned with life , people
and God ? What should be his stand ? From where should he derive strength and
courage to move on with life ?

-------------------------------------------------------NEW POSTINGShree Hari Ram Ram The greatest injustice is done by our own self. Reliance on and and depending on the transient for our happiness. Laxmiji is "chanchal" and does not stay for long anywhere, yet we look at those who have wealth "Laxmi" with envy, respect, awe and adoration. We are giving importance to the transient things that are bound to leave us. We always expect from the world... because we think "WE ARE DESERVING". We get DEPRESSED AND DISILLUSIONED... because the world is not dancing to our tune and doing justice to us and living up to our expectations. Are we really deserving? Let us all take a sincere and serious inventory of our own selves, and surely we will find out that we are not only not deserving, but God has been showering His mercy and compassionate all along, only out of unconditional love. Please remember these words by Swamiji and once and for all GIVE UP EXPECTING FROM THE WORLD / FROM OTHERS.....You will see the magic there after..... "Sansaar saathi sab swaarth ke hai, pakke virodhi parmarth ke hai
Degaa ne koyi dukh mein sahaara, sun tu kisi ki mat baat pyaara."

"The world and the people in it are selfish, they are extremely opposed to spirituality
No one will support you in your sufferings, therefore don't listen to anyone."
Simply become God's. Meera Das, Ram Ram --------------------------------------------------------I am learning a lot here.We often don't get what we deserve in life.Nevertheless
if we choose to live honorably we do so because it is our way.We don't give to
get back or do so others can return the favor.We give because it is within our
hearts and do because we want to.I am so impressed when I see New Yorkers
volunteer.They are doing this because they care.I think that is the main
focus.We must do because we care not because we expect it back.This is my
American attitude but it is the way I live.I have volunteered and will continue
to volunteer in soup kitchens and senior homes.That is my way.
Suffering and prosperity are dual and opposite.If you want wealth there are many rituals to perform.Let us pray god to give that much of wealth sufficient for our family.Wealth is worldly .Do you want wealth or god.Decide your self. our elders use to tell about the hell and the sufferings we undergo after our death.
But I saw many people suffer on this earth for their evil deeds before their death.90% of hell treatment is completed here only.Did not you notice old people asking god to take them away because their suffering here is more rigorous than in hell.Lastly have faith in god He is the Kartha and the bhoktha.
Badri Narayana Miriyala-------------------------------------------------------In my feeling all the souls existing in body do not have equal status. Those who have attained advance position due to their previous scores get back the returns in their same birth (whether good or bad) while rest have to wait for several cycles. This creates the apparent anomaly.Regards to all.Barin Chatterjee
-------------------------------------------------------- PRIOR POSTINGDaughter Vasundhara, Hard work and working honestly is an extra ordinary realization. He who only cooks for himself, for his self consumption is said to incur sin, and is given punishment like a thief. (Gita 3/12 and 3/13). It is better to undergo difficulties and sorrow where there is rememberance of God, than to acquire happiness and worldly things and live downfall from humanity. So be it.
Vineet Sarvottam -------------------------------------------------------Dear Ones Namaste!
Vasundharaji has asked the question that all of us at one time or other in our lives may have asked or wondered or kept it to ourselves!
When you take the shelter of Bhagwat Gita, not merely out of curiosity, but to find out the Truth about living in this world, and meaning of God, all such questions get answered, it is the fact.
Take just one verse, for example, BG 2:47 Karmanyevadhikar........
It means all you can do is to perform actions, results of which is not in your control. This means accept or rather welcome outcomes, take responsibility, learn from them and do the best again and again. When one deeply understands, contemplates on it, at its highest level , one would take actions in themselves as their own fruits/results too, this way you cannot be disappointed being non-dependent on such results.
Be always guided by Dharma and perform those actions which bring greater good including society, family and oneself! Please feel this truth of Gita passionately.
Just suppose that one can do as mentioned, is he/she going to worry about justice for him/her personally? One may fight for justice for all, like Arjuna or more recently Mahatma Gandhi did, wouldn't it be so? After all is said and done, what good is the money, fame, power etc that some people apparently seem to get away with but are so much unhappy?
Gita will convince one firmly that it is the utter Simplicity, Unconditional Love, Joy, Peace, Harmony, Compassion, and appreciation of Beauty, that really matter, and these are inner attitudes, qualities, and understanding that depend on no external objects. I mean it!
Wouldn't it be nice to be non-dependent on "things" and yet be happy, free of conflict and be Grateful for everything one has or doesn't have?
I do realize that some may say "oh, its easy to say that than to face problems of life without these things of the world". But then it is not meant for such people who say this and suffer by thinking "oh these dishonest people get away with everything and are enjoying, whereas people like me are honestly working hard and not getting anywhere". Such thinking in itself is distraction, and robs one of meaningful actions that bring joy, such as study of scriptures, satsangs, association with Mahatmas!
When one sees the Life as Glory of Ishwara, one ceases to complain, plays the assigned role, and apparently goes Home when the Play is over!
Namaskar................Pratap Bhatt-------------------------------------------------------Dear Sadaks,
What Sri Vasundaraji said is very correct: But a small correction- What we SOWED only we are reaping. No doubt. The person who is bad in society but blessed with riches without any strain, is considered that he is heading for dooms day to hell. A person gains more wealth when he does wrong things, because then only he will do more and more sins, due to raise in Ego, fame Etc. Actually everything on earth appears ULTA (Upside down) for normal person. The man struggles is heading for heavens, as his past sins are getting washed away by his sufferings and he gets to heaven very quickly in same birth or atleast in next birth for sure. Where as the man doing all wrong things, gains wealth provided by Dur Devathas, so that his sins are stored in multi folds. But this same bad one gets next birth in very distressed way of life, suffering, begging, disease prone, and remains in slum with poorest facility. This is said in Vivekachudamani. Other way also see: God gets pleased when the one behaves well, honest Etc inspite of poverty and naturally take him to HIS abode putting end to all sufferings once in for all. Now the bad one goes in front of God, Do you think HE will bless him? This earth is Karma boomi- all karmas and Vasanas has to be dissolved to reach the highest state.
B.Sathyanarayan-------------------------------------------------------------------------Hari Om

A superb Q indeed by Vasundharaji ! On something which is part of direct experience and something which is invariably perceived by almost every human being sometime or other during the human life with reference to oneself as well as others.

I will answer in detail as the Q has many significant questions hidden in it ! Sadhaks may freely ask Qs ! It is a very significant spiritual query by Vasundharaji.

But Vasundharaji - What prevents a person in becoming happy right now? Right now !!

Anyway let us address your Qs one by one. Sentence by sentence !

Q We say that what you sow , so shall you reap but in our society we see the most dishonest and cunning people survive and laxmi showers blessings on them while people who are honest , pure at heart suffer a lot .

(Next posting will cover Laxmi aspect of Q)

Ans: At the outset let me state that what is uncontrollable viz. Law of Karma referred by you is not responsible for making a man happy or sorrowful. ( favourable or adverse circumstances only are produced by fate/destiny/ Law of Karma). Your (controllable) wisdom or stupidity is responsible for the same. No result, of whatsoever size/nature or duration , meted out by operation of Law of Karma is capable enough to make you happy or sorrowful- it is a Law !!

By the way, people are "seen" only to be happy/sad or they "actually" are happy/sad?

Any way ! The good people seen by you to be suffering are not suffering due to their present conduct and deeds but are suffering due to their past karmas and deeds. Their present good deeds will give them results in future. Similarly apparently evil doing
people are enjoying due to good deeds done in the past. Their present bad deeds will give them results in future. Every karma gives some immediate results and some future results. Every karma leaves imprints on "svabhav" (habit)- on your antahkarana/chitta. "Svabhav" is important propellor of new karmas.

Further whatever is "seen" by you is mostly with reference to availability/ non availability of material things . But actually, one may not be happy even after having all material possessions and one may not be sorrowful in total absence of material possessions also. Happiness/Sorrow are not linked with material possessions . They are linked with presence or absence of peace inside you. Where is happiness without peace?

In favourable circumstances, a man is proud of himself; he hates those who are inferior to him and is envious of other person's better fortune. All these sentiments, like pride, greed, desires, envy, fear, sense of insecurity, disturb his mental peace. His desires for more and more never allow him to be at peace. On the top of it there is constant fear of losing pleasures and there is constant anxiety of maintaining them. 'Conscience' keeps biting him, if he is not conducting well at present. Thus, externally, he seems happy but actually he is not. His present bad conduct is planting seeds of future sorrows in his antahkarana continuously. No bad conduct can ever go without bad results.

Similarly a poor but good man may externally seem to be suffering but actually his life may be serene and happy, because he has lesser desires and satisfaction with lesser possessions. Peace lies in contentment (satisfaction).

Who enjoys food better? A rich man or poor ? A labourer has a sound sleep, even under a tree but a rich man may not get good sleep inspite of sleeping on a luxury bed. A multi millionaire may be prohibited by doctor to eat sugar or salt even.

Hence possessions and affluence do not make a man happy and their absence does not make him sad. Real happiness consists in serenity and happiness of heart, real sorrow lies in burning sensation in the heart and absence of peace. The most "lakhpatis" ( owners of millions) and "crorepatis". (Owners of billions ) are not "patis" (owners/masters) at all. They are "lakhdass" / "croredass" (slaves of millions/billions) ! They are not masters, they are slaves. How can a slave be ever happy?

And Happiness / Sorrow is controllable and is not output of Law of Karma. You can become happy instantly irrespective of given circumstances/ situations !!
What prevents in becoming happy right now?

Q They work hard , they don't exploit anybody , still their life is full of struggle.

Ans : In the Vana Section of Mahabharat there is an anecdote. One day Draupadi asked Yuddishthara... "You are suffering in exile following righteousness (dharma) , while Duryodhana is leading a luxurious life by enjoying kingdom inspite of his unrighteousness and selfishness. Why?" Yuddishtara replied.... "Those who follow the path of righteousness in order to get pleasures , actually dont know righteousness in the true sense ofthe term. They are just like animals who hanker after pleasures without knowing righteousness. Humanity consists in following righteousness without caring for good/bad circumstances !!

Balance Qs later.

Jai Shree Krishna

Vyas N B
-------------------------------------------------------------------------What Vasundhara says is absolutely true. This is the complaint of most honest
people. But this is the wy the World is. That is what Gautama Buddha realised
and took Sannyas. Then he through meditation realised the Truth of how to get
over this basic problem of life.
Much earlier the Indian philosophers and saints found the approach that is most
suitable to deal with this frustration and struggle in life. So they said:
1. Do not have a desire, become desire free. If you do so, you do not compare
how you struggle and how others enjoy.
Since one has no desire, he is never disappointed for not getting or achieving
2. Do not get attached to the fruits of your actions. If you do things honestly
do it without expecting any return or benefit from such actions. Since you are
not attached with any good or bad consequences of your actions and doing actions
as you happen to act as per your conscience, you have no regrets,
3. Do not have the self-ego that identifies yourself as an independent
decision-maker or doer of actions. If whatever you do just happens as like the
Sun burns and give light or the earth spins and moves in her orbit or the tree
grows, gives fruits and flowers away and dies or get cut for man's use as wooden
furniture, you do not feel sad or frustrated because all action of yours are not
yours but actions that happens through your body and mind. You do not normally
decide to inhale and exhale: breathing happens independent of your decision
making. All actuions that you happen to be associated with may be thought of as
just happenning and not due to your independent decision-making or your own
4. Do not think anything in this world is really different from you. All are
the same. Happiness and sorrow are the same. You and your friends and enemies
are the same. All the outcome of the process of the uinverse's continuous
creation, evolution, maintenance and destruction. In all these the ultimate
power exists in some form. This knowl;edge makes you identify yourself with the
ultimate orgin of the entire Creation and the creator. You just become a witness
to whatever is happenng in this world without any compklain or iking or
Once you follow all the above, you start livng a very different life than the
normal human life. You have no more the fear of bad things happening to you, you
are not anylonger excited about good things happening to you, you are not any
longer worried about the uncertain future or about death or about meeting your
hunger and other basic needs.
Thus, you just be the witness to whatever is happening observing but unaffected
in your mind.
Very rarely does a person become like that. But those who try progresses to
various extent towards that state of liberation from sensual pleasures, desires,
attachment, ego and differences in forms. He becomes progressively contented
and fine with anything that happens.
Once you move along this approach or path, provided the tendencies or properties
you have inherited genetically from your parents and ancesestors are congential
or supportive of following such a path, you are moving on the path of freedom
from Worldly life.
All this does not mean that you stop working or taking actions. You continue to
do all these as if someone else is doing all these and therefore you are not
affected or attached to such action and their consequences.
Maybe God has destined you to move long such a path or feel unhappy with your
situation because of unjust and unfair manner the World operates. You may remain
beyonf all justice and fairness or you may suffer in your mind with anxiety,
tension, frustration, fear, grievances, and so on. But one day all such
sufferings will reduce or go away altoghther irrespective of what you do and do
not do.
Basudeb Sen--------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear VasundharajiSure if we look at things in terms of short term perspective,it seems that good people are struggling and evil mongers are propspering-but what we are seeing is only of this life-if we think about karma,then we know that people are enjoying or suffering their past karma alone.also, god gives people what they need-people who are greedy etc need to get saturated in that feelign before they become disgusted and give up.for people who are good,he makes them work out their past karmas and rewards them with moksha.this reminds me of a story of krishna and arjuna.once krishna and arjuna,disguised as beggars went a begging-they stopped at a rich man;s house and asked for alms-the rich man said-please go furthur,there is nothing here-krishna blessed him and said-may your riches,they visited a very very poor old man who lived in a hut and asked for alms-the poor man brought waht little he had and gave them joyously-krishna told him-may this hut burn away soon.upon leaving the house arjuna asked krishna hwo he could bless the rich man with wealth and the poor man this way-krishna replied-the rich man wants more and more wealth-let him take more human births to realise me-as for the poor man-that hut alone is standign between him and me.strange are the ways of god and if we look at it from only one perspective,it may seem like he is rewarding evil people and punishing good ones but quite the contrary!hari smaranaramaa Sreenivasan
------------------------------------------------------------------- In kaliyuga, the wicked are rewarded and the good suffer. The reality is however different. We are suffering or prospering not due to our karmas in our present life but our past life karmas also. So the ways of Parmatma are mysterious but one can say this with conviction that those who do good karmas will find their paths smoothened while those who accumulate bad karmas will meet their nemesis sooner or later.Hari Shanker Deo-------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Vasundhara,All human laws are, properly speaking, only declaratory; they have no power over the substance of original justice.
Edmund BurkeI understand your frustation. Yes, it appears as a rule, that the dishonest alone succeed. But, just think for a few more minutes and answer the question whether the Supreme Being or Parama Atma has anything to do with work + Result equations of material world. If one is keen on material success of this world, he/she should adopt the techniques suitable to that goal. The methods of obtaining the superior and permanent happiness are different from the methods applicable for gaining materially. When one aims for the superior things, he/she is bound to suffer materialistically. Please refer to 12.5 of Bhagavad Gita (BG). More elaborately, one who aims for the ultimate finds little use of mundane benefits and hence tends to ignore earning them. The so called Veda is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to methods (instruments) of optimally exploiting the Prakriti. It is purely materialistic. Even the Svarga it promises is of temporary duration. Kindly refer to 9.20 and 21, BG. It, this part of Veda called Poorva Meemaamsa, has been declared unfit to take any one to permanent Bliss, cf. Kathopanishad, Slokas 11.48, 52-55 of BG. On the other hand, the second part of Veda, the Vedanta (Upanishat) does not take one to Parama Atma but helps you to understand the properties and Gunas of Parama Atma and gives you some possible methods of realizing IT and enjoying the realization. This enjoyment is permanent.If one aims for pleasure and happiness, he should adopt that path (symbolically described as Krishna Gati or dark path), else Sukla Gat the bright path (cf. ch.8 of BG). In the Maha Bharata war which was just a pretext to elucidate these truths, observe carefully what Krishna has done to win the war. If you can read sanskrit original or the Telugu translation (the part by Tikkana) pay special attention to the chiding handed over by Krishna to Yudhishtara (Dharma Raja, in Telugu) In Salya Parva, when Dharmaja wanted to show off his magnanimity by offering Duryodhana the choice of weapon and opponent too. Unfortunately this part is often ignored by the readers. Maha BHarata and Ramayana are read like stories but not as Dharma Saastra. Pity.One gentleman about sixty years back wanted to be recognized as Messiah of peace and we the Indians have been suffering due to his Keerti Kandooti for these sixty years. Country is material. It should not be mixed with non material objectives.This most prevalent misconception and worse frustration. I apologize if I did wrongKrishna ---------------------------------------------------------


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Ram Ram
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