Monday, October 27, 2008


Sher Agrawal

[gita-talk] Re: Simplest Explanation of Gita

sadhak_insight Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 8:58 AM
dear group members,
there are lot of commentaries and explanations of gita. but i like
to know what are the basics of gita? how a layman can understand the
ideas of gita? and how one can use them for the betterment of ones
life? the commentaries and explanations some time make the gita
difficult to understand.



Very simple … It is a sceince of being happy (NOT acquiring
happiness) …

If you experience unhappiness, …

… acknowledge it transparently
… observe it objectively
… locate its root causes
… (if possible, locate the single root cause for all your miseries)
… understand the strength and skills required to remove the root
… acquire the strength and skills
… apply the strength and skills with resolve to remove the root cause
(s) for (all) your miseries


That is it!

Naga Narayana.

-Shree Hari-

OK Bob, as a Bhagavad Gita novice let me give you a few pointers:

1)Ask questions at this site, most of the Sadhaks will tune into
you are at, with compassion and tolerance.

2)I agree, much of the online commentaries of Gitaji can be somewhat
overpowering, so don't try and dig too deep, look at the heading of
the chapter read with concentration right through, don't grind to a
halt if one verse confuses, you can easily ask the Sadhaks.

3)A thing I found useful is to have three translations 'bookmarked',
have a light translation, I use this the most, an alternative, and a
beautiful interlinear translation.

4)Remember even though the source of Gitaji comes from Ancient
its messages are timeless, and universal.(Look at it in that manner.)

5)Ask yourself this question, "By what grace am I here?".

B.G. Chapter 6:
Yoga is not eating too much,
Nor is it not eating at all.
Not the habit of too much sleep,
Nor keeping awake, Arjuna. (16)

For the moderate in eating
And in diversion, disciplined,
Moderate in sleep and waking,
Yoga destroys all his sorrow.1 (17)

I ask you Bob, how up to date is that advice of Sri Krishna?

With Respect and Divine Love,

Mike Keenor

Shree Hari

Ram Ram!

Dear Bob, Thanks for the question!

Based on Swamiji Maharaj's book -
"Sar-Sangrah" (summary of gist of Scriptures in Hindi), "Simple
Explanation of Gita" follow (References to relevant verses from
Gitaji have been added), this
is mdified from what was posted about June 4, 08 under " Basic
Principles of Bhagavad Gita"

1. Due to the delusion (Samsaric Moha), man considers the constantly
changing world to be real and permanent and he expects continuous
pleasure from it, which the world cannot provide. With this lack of
understanding, man is thus puzzled, he does not know what to do and
what not to do with the result that he is not able to do his
rightful duty (Swadharma). Therefore one should not be under the
spell of worldly attachment (moha).
(Gitaji: 1- 27, 2- 7, 18-73).

2. The body (Sharira) is perishable and the knower of this fact is
Soul (Atma or Sharii) which Itself is imperishable. By giving due
importance to this wisdom (Viveka), one performs his rightful duty,
one can get rid of worry and sorrow.
(Gitaji 2/ 11-30).

3. When one does his duty (Swadharma) which may vary due to
situations or circumstances unselfishly and for the benefit of
others, he progresses spiritually very fast. (Gitaji: 2/31-38, 3-35
and 18-47)

4. There are two ways to break the bondage of Karma:
- Knowing the secret of work (Karma Yoga) and doing your duty
unselfishly without the desire for the fruit of action. (Gitaji: 2-
47 and 4-18)
- Realizing the true nature of Self (Jnana Yoga)... (Gitaji: 4-34/35)

5. One should neither rejoice nor feel sorry or hate when favorable
or unfavorable situations come his way, because those inflicted with
joy and sorrow cannot rise above the dualities of the world to
experience the supreme bliss (Parama-ananda)...(Gita: 5/ 20-22)

6. With whatever method one should attain equanimity (Samta) in the
Antahkaran (Mind, Intellect, Ego and Chita ). Without attaining
equanimity one cannot totally get rid of modification of nature
(Gitaji:2-48, 2/ 55-72).

7. Everything is only God and God is the essence in everything, He
is the "Is-ness" in objects, people and actions. To accept this
truth whole heartedly, it is the best method (Sadhan).
(Gitaji: 7/ 7-12, 9/ 4-5, 10-8, 16-19).

8. Whatever a man thinks of at the last moment when he leaves the
body, that alone does he attain. Therefore at all times one should
think of God only when performing one's duty. This is the only way
to assure that at the last minute he will remember God since it is
not certain when the last moment may come (Gitaji: 8/ 5-7).

9. Everyone is entitled to reach God regardless of which Varna ,
Ashrama, Sampradaya, (various tradions) etc. he belongs to. (Gitaji:
9/ 30-33).

10. Whatever being is endowed with glory, brilliance, beauty,
prosperity or power, know that to be the manifestation of a spark of
God's splendor and therefore think of God only (Gitaji: 10-41).

11. Think of this world as a projection of God only, each human
being can experience the vision of the cosmic form (Visvarupa
darsan) of God.
(Gitaji:6/ 29-30, 11- 7,13).

12. The devotee who submits his body, senses, mind, intellect and
ego whole-heartedly he is dear to God (Gitaji: 9-34, 12-8 and 18-65).

13. In this world there is only thing worth knowing which is to
know God, only then one attains to immortality (8-16, 21).

14. In order to obtain freedom from the bonds of Samsara, one must
become guna-atita (rising above the three modes of nature), going
beyond the three gunas, Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. This can be
achieved through constant and consistent exclusive (thinking of no
other) devotion (Gita: 14-20).

15. The basis or the reason for existance of this world is only God,
believing this, the devotee should worship God with exclusive
devotion (Gita 14-26. 15-19).

16. With the bad conduct and bad behavior, man whirls in 84 lacs
(84, 000) of species and goes to hell and experiences pain and
suffering. To liberate oneself from the cycle of birth and death, it
is a must to get rid of bad conduct and bad behavior (Gita 16-19,

17. Whatever noble action man undertakes, he should first remember
God, recite His name and then begin the action (Gitaji 17/24).

18. Gist of all scriptures are the Vedas, gist of Vedas is contained
in Upnishads, the gist of Upnishads is Gitaji and gist of Gitaji is
Sharnagatih (surrender) at the feet of God. Who with exclusive
devotion takes Sharnagatih of God, God frees him from all sins
(Gita: 18/66).

For further study pls. read Sadhaka Sanjivanee for the verses
referenced above

Madan kaura

If the message of gita were to be described in 3 words, it would
be "don't be afraid." The gita was a sermon from Krishna to Arjun to
give up his negative attitude and fight the forces of evil,
represented by the Kauravs. But besides it gives us the answers to
almost everything we want to know about spirituality which applies
to everybody in this world, regardless of religion.

Hari Shanker Deo
1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts
related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further
clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.
2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to
substantiate your response.
3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the
extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas
4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting
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5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.
6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other
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9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.
10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content
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11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,
westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit
words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed
wherever possible.

Ram Ram


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