Wednesday, August 06, 2008


A Stupid Article

in R K Mission’s Organ Udbodhan, Part-II

By Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari*

It has been mentioned earlier that Islam is a political creed, Islamic Umma is a political party and each and every mosque or masjid is its party-offices. All the Muslims are members of that political party and hence entitled to enjoy all the benefits. But the kafirs, who are not members of that political party, are destined to perish by the sword of the Muslims in this world, and by hell fire in the next. In fact, each and every Muslim, due to their merit of believing in Allah’s Koran and accepting the true religion of Muhammad, will be favoured with various rewards from Allah on the day of Last Judgement. Only for believing in the ‘La Ilaha Illalla’ kalema, Allah will forgive them their every sin and foulest deeds and hence even the most wretched and the most fallen Mussalman will enter Allah’s paradise, while the entire community of kafirs will thrown into hell-fire.

An instance may here be cited to enlighten the reader about the Islamic hatred towards the infidels or kafirs. The incident is given by Zia-ud-din Barni in his Tarikh-I-firozshahi and narrates a dialogue between Sultan Ala-ud-din Khilji and a kazi named Mughis-ud-din. One day the kazi visited the court of the Sultan Allauddin Khilji and he asked the kazi – “How are the Hindus designated in the Islamic law, as payers of poll tax (kharaj dih) and the givers of tribute (kharaz ghauzar)?” The kazi replied, “They are called payers of tribute. When the revenue officer demands silver from them, they should, without question and with all humility and respect, tender gold. If the officer throws dirt in their mouth, they must, without reluctance, open their mouth wide to receive it. The due subordination of the zimmis (the tribute payers) is exhibited by this throwing of dust in their mouth. The glorification of Islam is a duty. Allah holds them in contempt, for He says, “Keep them in subjection.” To keep the Hindus in abasement is especially a religious duty, because they are the most inveterate enemies of the Prophet and because the Prophet has commanded us to slay them, plunder them and make them, enslave them and spoil their wealth and property.” The great doctor (Hanifa) to whose school we belong, has asserted to the imposition of zejya and 19 other disabilities on the Hindus. Doctors of other schools allow no other alternative but death or Islam”. The passage vividly explains the role that Islam has played in India during the Islamic rule that lasted for more than 700 years.

It is a shame that the author of the article mentioned above has portrayed such a creed of hatred and bloodshed as a religion of love and compassion. It seems that these monks have not even gone through the works Swami Vivekananda, the founder of the organization they belong to. To explain Islam, Swamiji once said, “Now, the Muslims are the crudest in this respect, and the most sectarian. Their watch-word is: there is one God (Allah), and Mohammed is His Prophet. Everything beyond that not only is bad, but must be destroyed forthwith, at a moment’s notice, everyman or woman who does not exactly believe in that must be killed; everything that does not belong to this worship must be immediately broken; every book that teaches anything else must be burnt. From the Pacific to the Atlantic, for five hundred years blood ran all over the world. That is Mohammedanism (Islam)!” (The speech delivered at the Shakespeare club of Pasadena, California, USA, on February 3, 1900).

In another occasion, Swamiji said, “One religion may ordain something very hideous. For instance, the Mohammedan (Islam) religion allows Mohammedans to kill all who are not of their religion. It is clearly stated in the Koran, “kill the infidels if they do not become Mohammedans.” They must be put to fire and sword. Now if we tell a Mohammedan that this is wrong, he will naturally ask, “How do you know that? How do you know it is not good ? My book says it is.” [The speech given in London on 17th November, 1896. “Practical Vedanta’, Complete Works, Vol-II, 1990, Page 335). (So, there is no doubt that, had Swamiji been alive, he would have given a good slap on the face of the writer of the said article for his distorted portrayal of Islam and thus misguiding the Hindu community.)

So, it really strange, how could the author of the article discover wisdom Vedas and Upanisads in the Koran and how could he say that the ideals of Vedas and Upanisads are uninterruptedly flowing in the inner core of Islamic faith? Any reader, who knows even a b c of Islam, would discover extreme stupidity of the author for writing all these baseless rubbish. It is needless to say that to many readers, the author may appear to be an insane and lunatic. And to many readers it also may appear that the author has written this piece serious article in exchange of Gulf petro-dollar.

One should also notice that the author has equated Islamic God Allah to Vedantic Brahman. It appears that the stupid author of the said article in the Udbodhan might have been influenced by the song Ishwara Allah tere naam, written by some stupid people like him, who do not know that, Allah does not have the merit to be called Ishwara (God Almighty). And hence the Koran is not a creation of Almighty God. Had Allah been the Ishwara of this universe, he would have treated every human being alike, as the Hindu God lord Krishna says, “In my eye, every human being is equal---no one is my favourite and no one is detestable to Me”. (Bhagavad-gita : 9.29).

But in the eye of Allah, all human beings are not equal. He is kind (or Rahamanir-Rahim) to the Muslims alone and to the non-Muslim kafirs, he is an extremely cruel despot, an inhuman brute killer. So it becomes evident that such a terrible Allah, who is extremely biased and partial to His children, cannot be the God of the entire creation. So Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati in his Satyartha Prakash, A treatise on comparative religion, writes, “If the God of Quran had been the protector of all creatures and dispenser of forgiveness and mercy to all, He would not have commanded the Muslims to kill the people of other religions”. He also says that due to this reason “The Quran does not appear to have been made by God”. (Ch. XIV).

In this regard, the word Allah deserves a closer look. It has been derived from two Arabic words, ‘al’, that stands for English ‘the’ and ‘ilah’ that stands for a local God in Arabia. And hence the word Allah literally does not signify the Almighty God, the ruler of the entire creation, but it stands for a local god of Arabia. On the other hand, from the behavioral pattern of Allah, as reflected in the Koran, it becomes evident that Allah is simply a mafia don or the leader of a criminal gang, who is trying to gain control over the entire world, to establish himself as the God, by way of bloodshed and terror.

The next mischievous comment of the author is that the Allah of Koran and the Brahman of the Vedas and the Upanisads are same. It is well known that Brahman of the Vedas and the Upanisads is formless and shapeless. It is genderless, finer than the finest and beyond the perception of our senses and from which all contingent beings have evolved. Most importantly, Brahman has no mundane attributes except Consciousness. This Brahman of Vedanta has been best described by four verses of the Kena Upanisads, that read,

That which thinks not by the mind,

By which, they say, the mind is thought ,

That is the Brahman – know thou this …. (I, 5)

That which sees not by the eyes,

By which the eyes have sight,

That is Brahman – know thou this ………..(I, 6)

That which hears not by the ear,

By which this ear hears,

That is Brahman – know thou this ……. (I, 7)

That which breathes not by the breath,

By which the breathing is done,

That is Brahman – know thou this ……....(I, 8)

As Muslims do not worship the idol of Allah, many believe that Islamic Allah is formless like Vedantic Brahman. But the notion is entirely wrong. Islamic Allah has a physical body, which is 60 cubit tall (Shahih Muslim-6809). Furthermore, Allah’s appearance is like a human being, as Allah created Adam in his own image (Shahih Muslim -2872). Another Hadith (Shahih Muslim -6325) says that a Muslim, during a conflict, should not deface another Muslim, as Allah has created every human face like that of his own. This Hadith confirms the notion that the physical appearance of Allah is more or less like human beings, but he is 60 cubits tall and, perhaps, he remain invisible to man. The verse (6:101) of the Koran says that Allah does not have a wife and this confirms that Allah is almost a male human being, but he has extraordinary miraculous power or qudrah. With this miraculous power, Allah creates everything from nothingness. Whenever he desires to create something, he utters the Arabic word “Kun” (let it be) and at once the desired thing gets shape. But according to Hindu scriptures, nothing can be created from nothingness. “Navastuno vastu siddhih”, says the Samkhya Pravachana Sutra, which is in conformity with modern scientific view. According to Vedanta, Brahman Itself is the raw material of every contingent being.

But according to Islamic theology, Allah is not only a male human being, but he is a sexually capable man. During the life-time of Prophet Muhammad, a debate arose between the Jews and the Christians of Medina, where the Prophet himself was present. In that debate, the Jews were refuting the claim of Christians that Jesus was the son of Allah. The Jews ridiculed the Christians and said - “Did Allah sleep with Maryam?” This could have been a basis for the Christians to establish their claim. But the Prophet was not ready to admit the same as in that case Allah could have been convicted of committing adultery. At last, the Prophet could settle the dispute by saying that, as Allah had created Adam from clay by his extraordinary miraculous power (qudrah), in a similar manner, Allah created Jesus, in Maryam’s womb, with his qudrah. The incident confirms beyond all doubt that Islamic Allah is almost a male human being capable of procreating a baby in the womb of a human lady by sexual intercourse. [The incident has been narrated in KABAR PATHEY (On the Road to Kabaa),Vol-2, p-190) by the reputed Bengali author Mr Abdul Aziz al Aman]. But the Vedantic Brahman, as mentioned above, is genderless.

In addition to a 60 cubit tall physical body, Allah has physical attributes like wrathfulness, envy, cruelty and so on. Due to his enviousness, Allah becomes violently angry when a man worships any other God besides Allah. He punishes such a sinner with grievous punishment (azab), either in this world or in with hell-fire in his next life. Moreover, Allah is highly biased or discriminative. He is most merciful (Rahmanir-rahim) only to the Muslims, but a cruel despot, a ferocious demon to the non-Muslims. According to the viewpoint of Hindu theology, such a god with a physical body and physical attributes, is incapable of withstanding the onslaught of time and hence cannot be eternal. Such a God is bound to get older with time and ultimately perish like all other living beings. It should also be pointed out in this context that many Muslim scholars describe Allah of Koran as omniscient and omnipresent. But it is evident that, such an Allah, with 60 cubit tall physical body, can never be omnipresent. In such a case, Allah’s body would be blown into pieces endangering his very existence.

From the above discussions it becomes evident that there is gulf of difference between the Brahman of the Vedas and the Allah of the Koran. It is also expected that anyone, before proceeding to comparative discourse between Brahman and Allah, must have to know all these differences. And only a fool, without knowing anything about Allah, can write that Allah and Brahman are same.

(to be Continued)


*Professor, Department of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta

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At 3:07 PM, Blogger akhter said...

What does “Allah” mean?

By Abu Iman Abd ar-Rahman Robert Squires. © Muslim Answers

Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word “Allah”. For various reasons, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since “Allah” is simply the Arabic word for “God” - and there is only One God. Let there be no doubt - Muslims worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus - peace be upon them all. However, it is certainly true that Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of Almighty God. For example, Muslims - like Jews - reject the Christian beliefs of the Trinity and the Divine Incarnation. This, however, doesn’t mean that each of these three religions worships a different God - because, as we have already said, there is only One True God. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim to be “Abrahamic Faiths”, and all of them are also classified as “monotheistic”. However, Islam teaches that other religions have, in one way or another, distorted and nullified a pure and proper belief in Almighty God by neglecting His true teachings and mixing them with man-made ideas. First of all, it is important to note that “Allah” is the same word that Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews use for God. If you pick up an Arabic Bible, you will see the word “Allah” being used where “God” is used in English. This is because “Allah” is the only word in the Arabic language equivalent to the English word “God” with a capital “G”. Additionally, the word “Allah” cannot be made plural or given gender (i.e. masculine or feminine), which goes hand-in-hand with the Islamic concept of God. Because of this, and also because the Qur’an, which is the holy scripture of Muslims, was revealed in the Arabic language, some Muslims use the word “Allah” for “God”, even when they are speaking other languages. This is not unique to the word “Allah”, since many Muslims tend to use Arabic words when discussing Islamic issues, regardless of the language which they speak. This is because the universal teachings of Islam - even though they have been translated iin every major language - have been preserved in the Arabic language.It is interesting to note that the Aramaic word “El”, which is the word for God in the language that Jesus spoke, is certainly more similar in sound to the word “Allah” than the English word “God”. This also holds true for the various Hebrew words for God, which are “El” and “Elah”, and the plural form “Elohim”. The reason for these similarities is that Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic are all Semitic languages with common origins. It should also be noted that in translating the Bible into English, the Hebrew word “El” is translated variously as “God”, “god” and “angel”! This imprecise language allows different translators, based on their preconceived notions, to translate the word to fit their own views. The Arabic word “Allah” presents no such difficulty or ambiguity, since it is only used for Almighty God alone. Additionally, in English, the only difference between “god”, meaning a false god, and “God”, meaning the One True God, is the capital “G”. In the Arabic alphabet, since it does not have capital letters, the word for God (i.e. Allah) is formed by adding the equivalent to the English word “the” (Al-) to the Arabic word for “god/God” (ilah). So the Arabic word “Allah” literally it means “The God” - the “Al-” in Arabic basically serving the same function as the capital “G” in English. Due to the above mentioned facts, a more accurate translation of the word “Allah” into English might be “The One -and-Only God” or “The One Truee God”.

More importantly, it should also be noted that the Arabic word “Allah” contains a deep religious message due to its root meaning and origin. This is because it stems from the Arabic verb ta’allaha (or alaha), which means “to be worshipped”. Thus in Arabic, the word “Allah” means “The One who deserves all worship”. This, in a nutshell, is the Pure Monotheistic message of Islam. You see, according to Islam, “monotheism” is much more than simply believing in the existence of “only One God” - as seemingly opposed to two, three or more. If one understands the root meaning of the word “Allah”, this point should become clear. One should understand that Islam’s criticism of the other religions that claim to be “monotheistic” is not because they are “polytheistic” in the classic sense, but because they direct various forms of worship to other than Almighty God. We will discuss the meaning of worship in Islam below, however, before moving on it should be noted that many non-Muslims are unaware of the distinction between simply believing in the existence of only One God and reserving all worship for Him alone. Many Christians are painfully unaware of this point, and thus you often find them asking how Muslims can accuse the followers of Jesus, peace be upon him, of being “polytheists” when they were all “monotheistic Jews”. First of all, it should be clarified that the word “polytheist” doesn’t really sound right in this context, since to many it implies simply believing in the existence of more than one God. So in an Islamic context, “associators”, “man-worshippers” or “creature worshippers” might be more accurate and appropriate terms - especially since Christians believe Jesus to be both “100% God and 100% man”, while still paying lip-service to God’s “Oneness”. However, as we’re previously touched upon, what is really at the root of this problem is the fact that Christians - as well as the members of other religions - don’t really know what “monotheism” means - especially in the Islamic sense. All of the books, articles and papers that I’ve read which were written by Christians invariably limit “monotheism” to believing in the existence of “One Sovereign and Creator God”. Islam, however, teaches much more than this.

Suffice it to say that just because someone claims to be a “monotheistic” Jew, Christian or Muslim, that doesn’t keep them from falling into corrupt beliefs and idolatrous practices. Many people, including some Muslims, claim belief in “One God” even though they’ve fallen into acts of idolatry. Certainly, many Protestants accuse Roman Catholics of idolatrous practices in regards to the saints and the Virgin Mary. Likewise, the Greek Orthodox Church is considered “idolatrous” by many other Christians because in much of their worship they use icons. However, if you ask a Roman Catholic or a Greek Orthodox person if God is “One”, they will invariably answer: “Yes!”. This lip-service, however, does not stop them from being “creature worshipping” idolaters. The same goes for Hindus, who just consider their gods to be “manifestations” or “incarnations” of the One Supreme God.

Everyone should be aware of the fact that throughout the long history of the “Abrahamic Faiths”, there have people who, while believing in “One God”, have adopted beliefs and practices that completely nullify their claim to “monotheism”. This is the Muslim view of Christians. We’re well aware of the fact that they claim belief in “One God” with their lips, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t nullify their claim in other ways. This is because many people simply haven’t been taught everything that Pure Monotheism entails. From an Islamic point of view, “monotheism” can be nullified in many ways. For example, simply believing that it is permissible to rule by Western “liberal” and “democratic” laws in lieu of the Divinely Revealed Law of Almighty God makes one a “polytheist”. Certainly, a person who does such a thing, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim, doesn’t ever believe that there is another Almighty Creator and Sovereign Lord. However, for all practical purposes, such a person has take another “god”, whether they choose to admit it or not. In this way they are associating partners with Almighty God (Arabic: shirk), and thus become a “polytheist” in a practical sense, regardless of their lip-service to “monotheism”. This holds true even if the person doesn’t believe what they are doing is “worship”. For example, Roman Catholics who pray to the Virgin Mary will staunchly deny that they are “worshipping” her. They instead call it “adoration” or some other watered-down term. However, from an Islamic point of view, what is worship if not this? Islam teaches that prayer and supplication are the marrow of worship, so if one directs their prayers to an intermediary (even if the pray is “ultimately” meant for God), then what is left of worship? Additionally, how can someone who believes in Almighty God follow man-made laws instead of God’s Law, without admitting that they’ve begun worshipping other than God? Do they know better than God?

Additionally, the Old Testament makes it perfectly clear that making a “graven image” of any created thing (not to mention ones which are supposed to “represent” Almighty God) is prohibited. Please see Exodus 20:4-6, Leviticus 26:1 and Deuteronomy 4:16, 23, 25, 5:8 and Nehemiah 9:6 for some statements in regards to this point. Without addressing the issue that Christians commonly violate the unambiguous commandment not to even “make” representations of anything that is in the “heavens above or on the earth beneath”, these verses not only teach that worshipping idols is prohibited, but also that Almighty God is eternally distinct from His creation and thus nothing in His creation can represent Him. To believe otherwise is to be a de facto idol worshipper - even if one claims belief in one, and only one, “True God”. In Exodus 20:4-6 and Deuteronomy 4:16, Almighty God - who is a “Jealous God” - makes it perfectly clear that He is distinct from His creation.

By giving such clear and merciful guidance to human beings, God is establishing a universal and eternal Truth for the benefit of mankind. This eternal Truth is the bedrock of religious guidance, since once people begin to believe that Almighty God mixes with or can be represented by His creation, they can be duped into believing almost anything. Once someone accepts that God has become “incarnate” in His creation, or that someone or something is a “manifestation” - and thus representation - of Him, the floodgates are open and “Truth” becomes a matter of subjective guesswork. Once the first and most basic concept is violated - regardless of how complicated and sophisticated the rationale for it might be - it is very easy to fall further and further away from the Eternal Truth of Pure Monotheism. In the final analysis, it is not a question of whether God is capable of becoming a man, but rather a question of whether one bases their beliefs about God on clear, unambiguous and authentic guidance. Once it is left up to the human mind to decide what Almighty God can and cannot do, the stage is set for misguidance to take root. Human speculation about God only ends up leading to misguidance and despair, since no clear conclusions can ever be reached. For example, is God capable of creating an object so heavy that He is incapable of moving it? If not, does that mean that He is incapable? It is because of misguided questions like this that Islam clearly teaches that mankind should only say about God what He has said about Himself. This means all of our ideas about God must be based on Revelation - not human speculation. In short, the final prophet of Islam - Muhammad - was sent by Almighty God to preach the same Pure Monotheism that was practiced by Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus - peace be upon them all. This Pure Monotheism means not only believing that there is only One God in existence, but realizing that He is transcedent above His creation and that all worship is due to Him alone.

Before concluding, we should probably address the practice of those Muslims who insist on using the Arabic word “Allah” even when speaking English. Even though this practice certainly is not to be condemned when it is done around those who understand the meaning of the Arabic word “Allah”, it is my experience - both during my years as a non-Muslim and my years as a Muslim - that such a practice can (and usually ddoes) breed misunderstanding. It seems that often times, many of the Muslims who use the word “Allah” in lieu of the word “God”, even when trying to attract people to Islam, are unaware of the severe misunderstandings that many non-Muslims have about Islam (and the distorted way which Islam has been portrayed in the West). Insisting on using the word “Allah” only fuels the flames of misunderstanding - so there’s no good reason to do it. I’ve often wondered what value some Muslims think that using the word “Allah” adds to the Pure Message that they are trying to convey. ( . . . and I’m still waiting for an answer!) Unfortunately, those Muslims who insist on using the word “Allah” even when addressing non-Muslims who are unfamiliar with Islam and the Arabic language, do both a disservice to themselves and their religion. Unfortunately, this practice is usually based on the false assumption - by a non-native speaker of English - that the word “God” in English is incapable of expressing a pure and proper belief in Almighty God. This is certainly false. If someone says that the English word “God” cannot be used to express the Pure Islamic Belief in Tawhid, they are wrong not because they don’t understand Tawhid, but simply because they don’t understand the English language. Many people who insist on using the Arabic word “Allah” usually don’t realize this, because in reality, they are not so much affirming the word “Allah” as they are rejecting the word “God” as unsuitable - based on incorrect assumptions. For someone to assume that the word “God” presupposes a certain theological point-of-view (such as the Trinity) is simply Wrong - and that’s Wrong with a capital “W”. To say the word “God” should be rejected because it can be changed into “god”, “gods” or “goddess” is illogical because each of these words has a distinctive meaning and a distinctive spelling - at least to someone who knows how to speak English correctly. Using the same logic, I can demonstrate that the root letters “ktb” can be used to form the Arabic words “kitab” (book), “maktabah” (library), “maktab” (office) and “kaatib” (writer), but does that mean that these words have the same meaning? Do Arabic-speaking people go through life confusing libraries with writers and offices with books (both in conversation and in reality)? I think not! This is not to mention the fact that if the Arabic “Al-” was put in front of these words in order to make them definite, confusion would be even less likely! So the logic in both cases is the same, and this is because even though the same letters are used in “God” and “god”, these two words have two different meanings in the English language. The capital “G” implies something different than the small “g” - and anyone who denies this simply doesn’t know how to speak the English language.

In concluding this point, it should be mentioned that Arabic-speaking Muslims who believe in Pure Tawhid, Arabic-speaking Christians, the idol worshippers of Mecca and (so-called) Muslims who believe in “Wahdat al-Wujud” all use the word “Allah”. However, does this guarantee all of them proper belief in “Allah”? Certainly not, because if they have a corrupt concept of “Allah” it doesn’t matter what word they use!

This brings us to a more important point: It should be clearly understood that what Islam is primarily concerned with is correcting mankind’s concept of Almighty God. What we are ultimately going to be held accountable at the end of our life is not whether we prefer the word “Allah” over the word “God”, but what our concept of God is. Language is only a side issue. A person can have an incorrect concept of God while using the word “Allah”, and likewise a person can have a correct concept of God while using the word “God”. This is because both of these words are equally capable of being misused and being improperly defined. As we’ve already mentioned, using the word “Allah” no more insinuates belief in the Unity of God than the use of the word “God” insinuates belief in the Trinity - or any other theological opinion. Naturally, when God sends a revelation to mankind through a prophet, He is going to send it in a language that the people who receive it can understand and relate to. Almighty God makes this clear in the Qur’an, when He states:

“Never did We send a Messenger except (to teach) in the language of his (own) people in order to make (things) clear to them.”

(Qur’an, Chapter 14 - “Abraham”, Verse 4)

As Muslims, we think that it is unfortunate that we have to go into details on such seemingly minor issues, but so many falsehoods have been heaped upon our religion, that we feel that it is our duty to try to break down the barriers of falsehood. This isn’t always easy, since there is a lot of anti-Islamic literature in existence which tries to make Islam look like something strange and foreign to Westerners. There are some people out there, who are obviously not on the side of truth, that want to get people to believe that “Allah” is just some Arabian “god”, and that Islam is completely “other” - meaning that it has no common roots with the other Abrahamic religions (i.e. Christianity and Judaism). To say that Muslims worship a different “God” because they say “Allah” is just as illogical as saying that French people worship another God because they use the word “Dieu”, that Spanish-speaking people worship a different God because they say “Dios” or that the Hebrews worshipped a different God because they sometimes call Him “Yahweh”. Certainly, reasoning like this is quite ridiculous! It should also be mentioned, that claiming that any one language uses the only the correct word for God is tantamount to denying the universality of God’s message to mankind, which was to all nations, tribes and people through various prophets who spoke different languages.

Before closing, we would like everyone to be aware of the fact that some Christian missionary organizations print English literature intended to teach Christians about Islam which say such things as: “Allah is the god of the Muslims” and that “Muhammad came to get people to believe in the god Allah” - implying that “Allah” is some sort of false “god”. However, when these same organizations print literature in the Arabic language, hoping to lead Arabic-speaking Muslims “to Christ”, they use the word “Allah” for God. It seems that if they were on the side of truth, they would not have to resort to such inconsistencies. And on an even more ridiculous note . . . there are also missionary organizations that exceed this in ignorance (or deceit) by writing books that call on Muslims to give up their belief in “Allah”, and instead worship the “Lord” Jesus, “the Son of God”. Besides making it abundantly clear that they are outside the community of Pure Monotheism, the people who write such material don’t even realize that if they wrote such a pamphlet in Arabic, it would be self-contradictory. This is because in an Arabic Bible Jesus is the “Son of Allah”! If an Arabic-speaking person gave up the worship of “Allah”, they would have no God to worship, since “Allah” is simply the Arabic word for God!

Before we conclude, however, we would like to ask our readers to ask themselves what they think the reasons are behind all of these lies? If Islam was just some false religion that didn’t make any sense, would so many people, from Western scholars to Christian missionaries, have to tell so many lies about it? The reason is that the Ultimate Truth of Islam stands on solid ground and its unshakable belief in the Unity of God is above reproach. Due to this, Christians can’t criticize its doctrines directly, but instead make up things about Islam that aren’t true so that people lose the desire to learn more. If Muslims were able to present Islam in the proper way to people in the West, it surely might make many people reconsider and re-evaluate their own beliefs. It is quite likely that Christians, when they find out that there is a universal religion in the world that teaches people to worship and love God, while also practicing Pure Monotheism, would at least feel that they should re-examine the basis for their own beliefs and doctrines

At 3:09 PM, Blogger akhter said...

Porn in Hindu Scripture ?

Pornography in Ramayana

Dr. Charles claims that ramayana contains much pornographic material and cannot

be read in public. He gives the following examples.

Rama's description of Sita's beauty which is lewdly detailed (refer to C.R.

Srinivasalyengar's translation of Aryana Kandam, Chapter 46).

In Kiskind Kandam, Rama explains to Lakshmana of his sexual experience with


According to Ramayana, the Aryans (Brahmins) used to drink liquor (nine

different kinds), eat meat, marry many wives and prostitution was an accepted

way of life amongst the priests and gods.

Ramayana also recounts the "story of King Dasharatha", who in order to have a

baby son, made a big sacrrifice (yaham) of sheep, cattles, horses, birds and

snakes. He then delivered his three wives Kaushaliya, Sumatirai and Kaikeyi to

three priests. These holy men, having fully satisfied their carnal desire,

returned the ladies to the King. By this means, the king was able to have three

sons - Ram, Lakshman and Bharat (Bala kandam, Chapter 14. For

more details on yaham, refer to the book "Gnana Surian", published by Kudi

Arasu Press).

The Ramayan tells us much about the unlawful relationship of incest but we do

not feel it appropriate or decent for us to go into details. (Please refer to

Aranya Kandam, Chapter 45, Verses 122, 123, 124 and 125).

The following Hindu practices will reveal how immorality and indecency are

sanctified in the name of Hinduism.

Lingam & Yoni

Lingam and Yoni are the male and female sexual organs respectively. Hindus are

allowed to worship anything - including sexual organs. It is not unknown for

them to name their children Shiva Lingam (God Shiva's sexual organ) or Rama

Lingam (God Rama's sexual organ). In some place in Karnataka, the gods demand

both males and demales ro pray naked together.

Devadasi (Religious Prostitution)

The Devadasi system was set up, according to a Times of India report

(10-11-1987) as a result of a conspiracy between the feudal class and the

priests (Brahmins). The latter, with their ideological and religious hold over

the peasants and craftsmen, devised a means that gave prostitution their

religious sanction. Poor, low-caste girls, initially sold at private auctions,

were later dedicated to the temples. They were then initiated into


Bharat Natyam & The Brahmins

The Bharat Natyam is a dance performance which, because of the Brahmin media,

has gained much recognition as a form of art. The celebrated Bharat Natya

expert, Rukminii Devi, admits in a National Geographic video programme, that

the Bharat Natya was really the art of Devadasi (temple prostitutes) to please

their audience and admirers. This is the reason why you might have seen various

Bharatha Natya's postures in Hindu temples.

Maybe like the art of KARATE to the japanese, the BHARAT NATYAM is a national

art of the Brahmins and very much part of their culture.

The Kamasutra

Brahminism has also created Kamasutra - a set of instructions on how to have

sexual intercourse. Some of the postures detailed in Kamasutra are so complex

that they only be performed with the help of one or more ASSISTANTS!

The Devadasii System Thrives

UNI. - TIMES OF INDIA - 10th Nov. 1987: confirms that the practice of

dedicating young Harijan girls (mahars, Mangs, Dowris and Chambhar) at

childhood to a goddess, and their initiation into prostitution when they attain

puberty continues to thrives in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and other parts of

South India. This is largely due to social backwardness, poverty and

illiteracy, according to a study by two doctors of the India health


The report clearly indicates that the Devadasi system was the result of a

conspiracy between the feudal class and the priests (Brahmins), who with their

ideological and religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen, devised a

practice which acquired religious sanction. They noted in their study on -

"Devadasis - the link between religious culture and child prostitution".

The study revealed that girls from poor families are married tio God Krishna

and are sold after puberty at private auctions to a high caste master who

initially pays a sum of money to the families ranging from Rs 500/- to Rs


The study, made during health camps organised by the World Health Organisation

(WHO) in the devadasi populated areas, revealed that the dedicated girls formed

15 percent of the total women involved in prostitution in the country, and as

much as 70 percent to 80 percent of the prostitutes in the border districts of

karnataka and Maharashtra.

The Naked Hindu Yogis of Kashi

Many of the Yogis of Kashi (Banaras) live naked and beg for their living. They

live in dirty, unhydienic conditions and drug addiction is rife among them.

Our so-called leaders and intellectuals have all contributed to the

superstitious beliefs and they have helped these saints to thrive and practice

deceptive methods to cheat the public. It is an utter shame that among the

worshippers of such naked godmen, there are a number of high court judges,

advocates, engineers, doctors, professors, politicians, cinema actors and


For more details on these Hindu saints and Yogis, watch the documentary video -

"SHOCKING ASIA" - which is available from the following address:

Atlas International Film GmbH, Munich, Germany.

Replay Video, London.

Distribution First Film Organisation, Hong Kong.

Stark Naked Baths!

AGENCIES News Agency reports on 23.09.1987 that at Kurushetra (India) about

1,000 NAKED Hindu "Sadhus" (saints) plunged themselves into the river during a

solar eclipse, claiming this to be a "holy dip". Over one million pilgrims,

naked and semi-naked, both male and female, also followed them into the river.

The largest of the pools is Brahmasarovar, and is said to accommodate 100,000

bathers at a time. There was still no room for everyone in the

water at one time and there was much pushing and shoving. The huge crowds

waiting on the banks barely had space to turn around. People crowded the shore

waiting for their chance. This is the position of "holy dip" everywhere in

India. A haryana Government spokesman said that they posted 20,000 policemen to

avoid misuse of this mixing opportunity for perverted reasons.

In addition to this spectacle, the pilgrims also look directly at the sun with

the naked eye. Scientists and doctors strongly advise against this as it is

likely to cause blindness.

The Miracle Man

How Rishis were Created?

According to the Hindu Holy books, God Brahma arranged the marriage of god

Shiva to goddess Parvathi. When they went around the fire as per Hindu

religious ritual, god Shiva looked at the thighs of goddess parvathi and

ejaculated his semen into the fire and they became Rishis (priests). According

to the Hindu Puranas this "god" can do such a filthy act!

Sex with Cows

In many Hindu temples, there are sculptures depicting men having sex not only

with women but also cows. What is the meaning of this? Is not the cow sacred?

If it is, then it should be worshipped not sexually assaulted!

table of contents

At 3:10 PM, Blogger akhter said...


Cow Dung worship

I assure you read that title right, this is exactly what the ladies of the house in DH’s community do the morning after Diwali to ensure wealth and prosperity in the household for the year to come.
Since I had no idea how things worked I let my sister in law do the preparation, which actually meant using fresh cow dung to draw a symbolic representation of a village complete with 3D little cow dung people (all this made with bare hands and on the ground in the court yard). I myself took the less smelly job of putting various types of lentils and grains in designated area on the pattern to mimic granaries and mangers. We then went back to the kitchen to make little birds out of rice floor dough for the female only ritual. Once MIL was ready we headed back outside, lit oil lamps in the dung village, and had our feet painted with some magenta tainted water and proceed to bless the village with the usual water sprinkling, grain throwing and red powder applying all the various elements and then conclude by eating one of the rice flour birds each before call it quit and head to the kitchen for breakfast.
While the whole ritual may sound gross (after all this is cow dung we are talking about). What fascinates me is how Hinduism has remained an earthy religion close to its people and the farming roots of India, with all the rural symbols and wish of prosperity linked to grain, food and by default wealth. And somehow it is not so odd that the Goddess of wealth is a woman, and that the rituals closely associated to fertile matters are conducted by the women of the household using earth symbols, which are by default symbols of life and fertility as well (the men have another ritual the next day involving fire). The rest of the day is generally spent lazing around as everything is anyway closed. That part was actually tougher on me than being around smelly dung and a swarm of flies.

At 3:12 PM, Blogger akhter said...

Caste System is not just Racism, but it is much more Vicious, Venomous, Evil and Cruel; Caste System is Racism, Fascism and Nazism

It has been frequently written about these days and even the so-called intellectuals and the social scientists in CASTE INDIA keep saying with absolute arrogance that 'The Caste System cannot be clubbed with Racism because Caste System is not Racism and also this is the "internal problem of India" and therefore the world community cannot and should not discuss the hindu Caste System in "The United Nations Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance to be held in Durban, South Africa during August 28 and September 1, 2001". This only shows how much these so-called hindu intellectuals and social scientists are immersed in the evil teachings of HINDU SATANIC CULT and thus adamantly adhere to the appalling intellectual dishonesty. They are such intellectual prostitutes by their conspiracy of deafening silence always maintain that they are ready and willing to prostitute their so-called intelligence to protect their ill-gotten benefits out of an unique hindu evil and inhuman system of dreadful and grisly Caste System. By maintaining iron-fisted arrogance of upholding this evil Caste System, the venomous manifestation of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult, these evil hindu creatures want the perpetuation and the continuation of the most heinous and unspeakable vicious crimes, atrocities, and abuses against humanity at any cost. And the most heinous and ferocious practice of untouchability that is being imposed on the desperately innocent citizens of Caste India by the EVIL CASTE SYSTEM of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is the daily occurrence in Caste India at free will and at ease.

The barbarous hindus are so dishonest and mentally corrupt to the core that they are not even willing to go back in time to investigate as to how this evil Caste System came into practice. What is this Caste System? It is nothing but VARNASHRAMA DHARMA! What is Varna? What is the real meaning of this word Varna? VARNA simply means COLOR. Yes, even a child would tell you that COLOR simply means RACE. I am not even going to the origin of this evil Caste System in detail, but one should at least be honest enough to know and accept as decent human beings that the white Aryans from Central Asia, nomadic and barbaric thugs, invaded India (The glorious Indus Valley Civilization) which had been inhabited by the dark-skinned people who migrated from Ethiopia long, long time ago. However, after the victory of the barbarous white aryans over the peace-loving dark-skinned people of India (our glorious ancestors), the barbarous white aryans devised an evil system to keep their white folks away from the native dark and the subjugated masses. This is how the evil VARNA (CASTE) System came to be part of the living hell of India, and thereafter India also tragically became Caste India. To substantiate and permanently sustain this diabolical Caste System, the white aryans invented millions of gods and goddesses, most cruel karma theory, tons of superstitions, dogmas, fear-instilled blind faiths, all in the name of barbarous "brahminism".

Later on, the obnoxious brahminism was and still is referred to as "hinduism" (the name given by the invading ignorant Muslims), but really and truly it is actually "Satanic Cult", thus made the evil Caste System a divinely ordained evil system, and every other 'cock and bull' stories to make the subjugated and the original populations of India to believe (nay, brain washed by all the evil forces) and made them to follow those evil stories and to be the willing slaves of the vicious white aryans. This is the reason the evil Caste System is in fact referred to as "Sanctified Racism". The white aryans also, in the meantime, invented numerous castes and thousands of sub-castes and the evil and unique practice of untouchability with all kinds of filthy 'purity and pollution' standards BY BIRTH (if anyone says that the evil Caste System is only designed for people to perform various jobs as per their abilities functional divisions, they cunningly call it -, then the world should ask a simple question to the barbarous hindus: if so, why the unfortunate people in Caste India are stratified and compartmentalized AT BIRTH and BY BIRTH into different graded inequality of thousands of evil castes and sub-castes, the most obnoxious and barbarous system of untouchability and a section of the indigenous people as Untouchables and Outcastes - out side the evil Caste System - the non-caste people and therefore non-hindus! - Can anyone know what a child can do or what its intellectual level is when that child is still in its infancy? But still the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult puts a stamp of an evil caste on that innocent child AT BIRTH itself). The Untouchables are so impure and that a hindu should not touch them and if he/she does, they will get ritually polluted. (Unless it is sexual - an absolute humiliation and open exhibition of total domination and authority over the masses, then there is no Untouchability!). The Untouchables were and still are permanently chained down with supposedly full approval of all the evil hindu gods and goddesses, and with absolutely no hope of this chain of evil slavery ever be broken as long as the hindu Satanic Cult is practiced, dignified and glorified in Caste India. This is the dirty history and also today's reality of the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult.

This evil, most cruel Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is the longest existing evil racism in the history of mankind (over 3,500 years), and no one and no one at all in the world would say a word against this evil Caste System, including those famous human beings, Hon. Nelson Mandela of South Africa and late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., of USA who fought against the other racist systems of the world. No attention outside Caste India about this evil Caste System is ever paid because the world is not allowed to hear the cries and screams of 300 plus million Dalits inside and outside the boundaries of Caste India, and the outside world is absolutely blind and refuses to think and analyze the existing facts in Caste India.

The author wrote two letters to the then President of United States, Mr. Bill Clinton, to raise the Dalits and the evil Caste issues in Caste India when he went to that country for a visit last year. What Bill Clinton actually did in Caste India is a sad reflection of what most every foreigner inside and outside Caste India does. Bill Clinton went to Caste India, wined, dinned and everything else, danced and came back to the United States like a mouthless, brainless and heartless individual without any honest and moral courage. Bill Clinton uttered not a word about the 300 plus million suffering Dalits, the evil Caste System or any of the gory human right violations in the most violent country in the world, Caste India. If Bill Clinton could act in such cowardice manner, one can easily imagine what other foreigners would do in Caste India! When anyone from anywhere in the world goes to Caste India, a caste-ridden hindu will meet this person, wine him/her, dine him/her, show them the beautiful Taj Mahal and other Muslim historical buildings and take them through other carefully orchestrated tour routes, and provide every other comforts, no matter what those might be, to the outsiders. Then, the foreign visitors quietly leave the venomous Caste India without ever asking any questions or making any observations of the evil Caste reality, but saying only all the nice things that their hosts, the evil caste hindus, want them to say, like brainless dummies. What a tragedy! The barbarous hindus would care less for the cries of the 300 plus million Dalits because their hindu Satanic Cult has completely brainwashed them to ignore or even enjoy the cries of Dalits because the life of a Dalit is far cheaper and meaningless than any animal in Caste India. In addition, the unfortunate Untouchables or Outcastes (DALITS - Broken, Crushed, Oppressed, Subjugated people; also it means 'Rooted in the Soil', meaning original or indigenous people) were and still are oppressed, suppressed, segregated, brutalized, persecuted, marginalized, burn them alive, force them to eat human waste and drink human urine, women folks paraded naked in public places, rape them in every way including gang rapes and butcher the Dalits at will and ease; forced the Dalits to perform all the degrading and demeaning tasks and heap every insult upon the Dalits, pure mental slavery, with no remorse and impunity whatsoever, but with every iron-fisted force of enslavement to make them completely loose all hopes of being human beings - the sadistic hindus perpetrating the sadistic inhuman atrocities on the hopeless and helpless Dalits; however, the barbarous hindus faithfully follow the orders of the teachings of the sadistic hindu Satanic Cult to make the lives of the Dalits hopeless, helpless and despair and immersed in a spiral life of every violence and agony. The 300 plus million Dalits have essentially turned out to be permanent, obedient, free and willing slaves of the barbarous hindus, enslavement of not only the body but much more dangerous and permanent mind or mental slavery; all because of the obnoxious teachings of the hindu Satanic Cult, and if the Dalits don't obey the orders of the obnoxious hindus, the Dalits will be barbarically dealt with and finally see to it that they are butchered 'like rabbits' with every indignation known to man. The barbarous hindus brutalized and criminalized the Indian society as a whole through treachery and deceit. The barbarous hindus are also the looters, robbers, usurpers and the true gravediggers and grave robbers. The barbarous hindus also keep telling the world as well as the ignorant and illiterate Dalits that the Dalits are brainless, dull and have no intelligence, no merit what so ever and cannot function in any work of substance, and thus rob them of everything including their basic thinking power.

The Dalits are not allowed to read and write, as they are denied basic education with absolute pathetic living environment in segregated slums, no proper schools, abject poverty and every other disadvantage that make a person live like an animal. They cannot even go near the barbarous hindu gods' temples, cannot carry arms, own property and the barbarous hindus enforced every conceivable restrictions on the Dalits (brutal penalty if they do not obey any of the evil caste rules) to be permanently ignorant and obedient and dumb slaves. Brutally massacring the Dalits is a pass time for the caste-infested hindus in Caste India, because no one will ever question these atrocities, no matter what the laws and rules have been written on paper in Caste India. Volumes have to be written to list all these brutal atrocities of heart rending persecutions committed on the poor, ignorant and innocent 300 plus million Dalits by the barbarous caste-ridden hindus in Caste India alone (Please see, for example, a book "Broken People - Caste Violence Against India's Untouchables" by the Human Rights Watch, New York, USA, March 1999, on Dalit atrocities in Caste India). The caste-ridden hindus continue to perpetuate these evil and vicious inhuman crimes on Dalits with stony and hardened hearts and at free will even today because the caste hindu government of Caste India continues to protect these criminals, and the international community too behave like the three monkeys - Will Not See, Will Not Hear, and Will Not Speak, and keep adding fuel to the already violently burning flame. The barbarous caste-ridden Indian government might say that the Caste System may be an internal matter and purely a domestic problem, but if the 300 million Dalits would explode, the whole world will have to answer as the international community is as guilty or more guilty than those perpetrators of the vicious crimes on humanity in Caste India. The evil Caste System is more dangerous, barbarous, tyrannical, evil, and cruel than any other forms of racism - slavery and apartheid - the barbarous hindus have created an unpropitious and evil social system with frightening and fiery outcome because of its cunning and crafty manipulations and disguises, the most inhuman tragedy of any magnitude the world has ever seen. There could be slight modifications here in this explanation, but no one can deny the basic facts in these statements with honesty and human decency.

Can anyone in the world, including the barbarous hindus, say that a similar vicious system exists anywhere in the world? No, no parallel in the entire world! Caste India is the graveyard of every human right violations anyone can think of. The evil Caste System exists wherever the barbarous hindus live, whether it is in Caste India or anywhere else on this planet, as the barbarous hindus always carry their cruel and poisonous Caste System with them, as they are sick and they have only sick and cruel mind, conditioned by the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. Look at the matrimonial columns in any newspapers wherever the barbarous hindus live, not only in Caste India but also in the US, where the barbarous hindus find matches for their children for marriage - any newspaper in any city; 'India Abroad' in New York City, 'India Tribune' in Chicago and 'India West' in San Francisco, for example where they specifically and strictly ask for their own Castes and sub-castes basis. So, how can the so-called hindu intellectuals and the social scientists deny the simple fact that the evil Caste System is at least as worst as racism, to put it in a simplistic way? Because, they are one hundred percent intellectually dishonest and that is the reason that they can lie through their noses and hide the bare facts about the evil Caste System.

The barbarous hindus have also been cheating the gullible and willingly ignorant people of the world to look at the other side and ignore when human right violations of the worst kind are occurring routinely and as a matter of fact in Caste India every day. It is also cheating the international community proclaiming that the Caste India is the 'largest working democracy' in the world, and the world seems to shamefully believe this blatant lie without ever asking a simple question as to what kind of democracy can survive in a country where 300 plus million Dalits are oppressed, segregated and exploited for the last 3,500 years and this still happily continues without any shred of shame. Should not the Dalits put the entire blame for their suffering on the international community for being reckless in not knowing as well as not wanting to know the facts about the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult and Caste India, the original home of racism in the world? What a shame! Only a person who does not understand or does not want to understand the true meaning of the word 'democracy' can say that the Caste India is a democracy. It is in fact a hollow and more so a fake democracy! Just because a country has political elections (that too, one needs to really study how many people are killed, not allowed to vote, purchase votes for few bucks or even one-time meal or absolute intimidation to vote for someone or be killed, or their women folks dishonored in every which way, their huts burnt, ballot boxes destroyed, the polling booths looted, polling officers hurt and killed all with full support of the 'criminals in uniform' Caste Indian police, in order to prevent the innocent and helpless masses from exercising even this basic right in a supposedly democratic country!) that does not mean that this country has democracy. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar has said long time ago that a country cannot have political democracy unless that country has absolute social democracy. Caste India does not even know what social democracy is all about because it has the most vicious and venomous Caste System, which is diagonally opposite to what social democracy, is all about. So how can democracy ever survive in a country, which is immersed in the evil hindu Caste System with ingrained social discrimination, oppression, exploitation and every other gory atrocity?

Instead of going through the definitions and descriptions of the words, caste and race, and their deeds, which could very well be termed as an academic exercise, let us see the implications and how racism and the evil Caste System were and are practiced in the world. Let us first take Racism - Slavery and Apartheid - are two examples of how the other forms of racism have been practiced in the world. Both were evil systems, and there is absolutely no doubt about this fact! But, let us go into the details of these two evil systems and then compare this racism with the most evil mother of all racisms, the poisonous Caste System: It is also a fact that these two evil Racisms are in general no more in practice in the world, except in small pockets of areas in the world where still few bigoted people (always) live! Now, let us ask a simple question: How were these racisms practiced, and how and why they disappeared from the face of this planet?

Racism is purely, simply and primarily an economically based system; extracting free labor from the slaves, using every available cruel torture mechanisms to achieve this goal, merely a physical system and not a direct mental system. This is the reason why the slaves were allowed into their masters' homes to cook, to rear their children, to help with every house-hold chores of the masters including helping the daily needs of their (white) women, and in many instances the slave women were forced into pleasing the sexual desires of the male masters. Instances where the Black men were forced to please sexual pleasures of the white master women too are in record. In essence, the slaves had free access to every nook and corner of the slave masters' houses and they can touch each other, sit next to each other, etc. The slaves were told that they were slaves because of their skin color and nothing else. No 'untouchability' was ever part of these evil racisms. Apparently, no god and no religion (would not be a religion, if so!) played any part in these evil racisms. I am not anyway implying here that these racisms are better and tolerable systems. No, they are evil and I am so glad that they have disappeared from the face of this earth, thanks and glory to our own Black Brothers and Sisters in the United States of America, South Africa and in other parts of the world where our Brothers and Sisters gave their lives and underwent all forms of unbearable miseries to save our future generations from the evil teeth of racism. We should definitely mention here those glorious and fair-minded white folks who worked with and helped our Black Brothers and Sisters for the destruction of the evil racisms.

Now, let us look at the vicious Caste System of barbarous hindu brahminism in depth. First of all, this evil system was supposed to have created by some imaginary gods and goddesses, the so-called 'karma' theory where the entire blame for being the slaves - Untouchables and Outcastes, Dalits - were and are still squarely put on the victims for their sufferings. The evil Caste System was created by the racist white aryans for the first time in the world (founding fathers of RACISM in the world), and to protect and perpetuate this racism, i. e. evil Caste System, they created the barbarous Satanic Cult, hinduism, and put all the responsibilities of protecting and preserving all the evil teachings of the vicious Caste System on the imaginary millions of their gods and goddesses. Dogs and cats can freely move around into the houses of the caste-ridden hindus, but the Dalits cannot dare go into the homes of the barbarous caste hindus, nay, they cannot even go to the streets where the evil caste-infested hindus live. The slaves cannot even go near the temples where millions of hindu gods and goddesses who supposedly created the evil Caste System presumably live. Their gods and goddesses too adhere strictly to the evil Caste System and untouchability. The most heinous practice and the highest form of injustice of the Caste System is Untouchability. Not only the slaves were and are the Untouchables, but they are also Unseeables, even Unapproachables and Unshadowables and in every other inhuman ways the barbarous hindus torture the innocent millions of the Untouchables and Outcastes (Dalits). The Dalits still cannot wear shoes in the presence of the caste-infested hindus (the Dalits have to take their shoes in their hands if they see any caste-ridden hindu), cannot take water from the same well where from the barbarous caste hindus take water, and cannot sit while the caste hindus pass by, cannot ride a bicycle, cannot use an umbrella in the presence of caste hindus, in some parts of Caste India, a newly married Dalit bride will be forcefully deflowered by the obnoxious caste hindus, to name just a few cruel injustices, humiliations and indignations. Even though they are Untouchables, their women folks will become Touchables when it comes to quenching the sexual pleasures of these wild hindu beasts. For these purposes, there is absolutely no evil caste system and untouchability because they could show their power over the Dalits by these heinous acts! The same goes for the obnoxious "Satanic Cult, HINDU TEMPLE PROSTITUTION" - evil Devadasi System where young Dalit girls are forced into prostitution inside the evil hindu temples. Another gory discovery and strict implementation of the evil Caste System and the hindu Satanic Cult is "MANUAL SCAVENGING" - cleaning dry latrines and carrying human wastes on the heads - is another most dehumanizing and degrading inhuman practice imposed on the Dalits by the barbarous caste-ridden hindus with the full support of the caste-infested hindu government through the evil Caste System and the practice of the most cruel form of untouchability. If you don't call Caste India the world's most violent and blood dripping country on earth, then what is your explanations?

Today, slavery and apartheid have disappeared from the face of this planet. These kinds of racisms are also fairly new and short-lived. They had hardly 200 years of existence. They could not survive any longer because, as I said earlier, they were based purely on 'economical exploitation', nothing more and nothing less. Also, several honest white people worked hard with the Black people to eradicate these evil racisms. But, can anyone find one hindu, a single lone hindu, to work for the demolition of the evil Caste System? No, Never! Let us now imagine that these two evil racisms were thought to be part of Christianity and Jesus Christ was the creator of these evil racisms, I bet, these evil systems of racism will still be going strong today and for many more millenniums. It is an absolute fact that racism was and still is not connected with any religion or god in any part of the world except in Caste India where the barbarous hindu gods and goddesses and its hindu Satanic Cult were and are the main source of the evil Caste System.

On the other hand, the evil Caste System is over 3,500 years old and is still going strong, not only in Caste India, but also wherever the barbarous hindus live in the world without any exception. Go to the USA, one would easily see the evil Caste System happily flourishing on the American soil with no opposition, all under the false guise and word manipulation of 'freedom of religion'. Just like in Caste India, in the US too, the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is being practiced with every false propaganda, and the naïve Americans cannot even understand this evilness. By the time the Americans realize this evilness, it would be too late, and the whole land of USA would have been completely poisoned and the cancer will be totally engulfed. The barbarous hindus have no guts to face the facts with moral honesty about the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult. Morality, honesty, human compassion, etc. are all foreign to the barbarous hindus!

The slaves are blaming themselves for their sufferings, because the so-called barbarous hindu gods are supposedly punishing the slaves, the Dalits, for their imaginary bad deeds in their so-called previous lives. When the slaves blame themselves for their sufferings with the tacit approval and cruel enforcement of the barbarous caste-ridden hindus, who can help the ignorant, illiterate and desperately poor Dalits, no one can possibly help them! When the slaves are enjoying their slavery (may be out of shear ignorance and stupidity), who can possibly help them? No one, I presume, no one at all, except the egalitarian world community can wake up and give the Dalits the "TRUE EDUCATION" about this world menace, the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. Have the so-called gods and goddesses of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult come down to earth to tell the slaves, the Dalits, that they are being punished for their specific misdeeds or crimes in their so-called previous lives? Why don't the slaves, the Dalits, revolt? They are that dumb, made further dumber by the obnoxious hindu Satanic Cult and therefore they are being subjugated into these heinous inhuman enslavements by the barbarous hindus with the full support of the hindu Satanic Cult. If the Dalits ever revolt, they will be suitably dealt with in every available heinous means on hand (they are currently too punished by the caste-ridden hindus with the willing help of police, administration, judiciary and every other official mechanism available to the poisonous hindus) to put the Dalits in their slave position. There are plenty of laws in Caste India against untouchability, and every other atrocities against Dalits - but have any of these laws ever be implemented anytime in Caste India? No! Never!! Because these laws are only on books - mere words written on a piece of paper - no one can eat a fruit drawn on a paper! Right!! Numerous Dalits are butchered everyday! Every Dalit is oppressed and suppressed mentally and physically from the day he/she is born!! Thousands of Dalit women are paraded naked, rapped and gang rapped. But, have anyone heard of these animals who perpetrated these heinous crimes punished ever? No! Why? Before the ink dries on writing about one crime, the evil hindus commit hundreds of crimes on Dalits trenched in blood, all with the full support and encouragement of the evil caste hindu machinery. It is because the criminals are committing all these crimes as per the teachings of the hindu Satanic Cult. Also, the so-called laws and rules of Caste India do not make these hindu criminals feel a bit scared or afraid. All the laws are in fact dead-letter laws in Caste India. When the Dalits occasionally gather enough courage to go to the police to file a complaint against the evil caste hindus, the police routinely file cases against the Dalits themselves, torture them and put them in jails. No laws against the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult ever are implemented in Caste India - BANANA Republic! - A country of LAW OF JUNGLE or JUNGLE RAJ!!

When a hard-core right wing, highly placed barbarous hindu in Caste Indian government can proclaim that Caste System is this country's (Caste India's) culture and an internal affair and therefore no one in the world can talk about it, what do all the so-called hindu intelligentsia and the social scientists say? Nothing, and maintain absolute silence, and this is the reason why we call them intellectual prostitutes. What do the so-called politically elected representatives and leaders of the Dalit slave community say? Also nothing, nothing at all, because they cannot think, their brains are completely dead, they in fact have no brains to even think and act and therefore they obediently follow the orders of their masters like obedient dogs wagging their tails blindly even though they are being insulted, oppressed and subjugated by their masters, the barbarous caste hindus. Therefore, we call them (most of them anyway with very few exceptions) the political prostitutes! This is another reason why Caste India is not a democracy. It is a joke - a criminal joke - that the international community keeps calling Caste India a democracy as discussed above; it is in fact the graveyard of democracy. By calling Caste India a democracy, the international community in fact is aiding and supporting the caste-ridden hindus to continue to humiliate and oppress the 300 plus million Dalits as Untouchables and sub-human beings. The world has to accept responsibility for these heinous crimes that continue to occur in Caste India everyday of the year. The world community, by keeping complete silence, obviously adding fuel to the evil caste fire and thus the caste atrocities continue with added vigor of blood-spitting and complete arrogance. The evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is the poison that bred moral decay in all areas of life of the Dalits.

The cruel racist white aryans created the evil Caste System and then to protect this evil Caste System, they created the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult and millions of gods and goddesses and tons and tons of superstitions, rituals, dogmas, reincarnation, and every other brain deadening beliefs and scary threats to humans, particularly to Dalits through evil, filthy, trash and the hate-spitting poisonous so-called hindu Satanic Cult 'scriptures'. If the evil Caste System is destroyed, the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult will collapse right away. Without the evil Caste System, there is no hindu Satanic Cult! As a matter of fact, the evil Caste System is the bedrock on which the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult stands. As said earlier, hindu Satanic Cult was created to protect and preserve the evil Caste System - the VARNA system. Anyone who enjoys the benefits of the evil Caste System, they will do every thing in their power to perpetuate and to continue the evil Caste System using all their intellectual dishonesty. If there is only one hindu on this planet, then I guarantee that there will be at least two castes, may be more, but a minimum of two castes! This is the reality of the facts about the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult, and the barbarous caste-ridden hindus. It is the worst cancer that human beings ever could have encountered! So, as long as the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is practiced on this earth, the evil Caste System will happily be dancing away continuously and freely, killing millions of Dalits using the ORIGINAL RACISM, the evil Caste System, both physically and much more so mentally. The real racism, Varna System, i.e. the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult, is the mother of Racism, Fascism and Nazism. If anyone goes into the origins of all these evil systems, one would easily find out that the evil Caste System was the originator of all these evil racisms through its VARNA i.e. RACE theory. White aryans were the first in this world to create racism some 3,500 years back, by means of Varna, i. e. COLOR or RACISM. One of the most notorious evil persons in the world, Hitler, had held the evil hindu teachings in high esteem and in fact borrowed the evil hindu symbol "Swastika" to represent his evil Nazism. Hitler also believed that hinduism was the essence of aryan superiority race theory and therefore faithfully followed this belief. There is a racist Nazi in the United States of America, David Duke, and he said that his belief in white supremacy and white racism got reinforced after his visit to Caste India. Wherever evil deeds of racism have taken place in this world, no matter where and when, it could easily be traced out that they borrowed the evil teachings of the hindu Satanic Cult, VARNA, the race superiority theory, to sustain their evil beliefs. In fact, the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult, i. e. its evil Caste System, is the father and mother of Racism, Fascism and Nazism. This world would have been a far better place to live without this barbarous hindu Satanic Cult and its evil Caste System.

The words "compassion and kindness" do not even exist in the evil hindu dictionary and ethos. Treating someone else, as an "equal" has never been part of the barbarous hindu teachings. But, when it comes to his/her own caste, the barbarous hindus will do anything and everything in the name of his/her own evil Caste! Brotherhood and sisterhood are absolutely foreign to the evil hindus. A good and decent religion teaches (or should teach) its followers to treat his/her fellow human beings as another human being with compassion, kindness and human decency with brotherhood, sisterhood and fundamental human love. But the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult taught and is still teaching to treat another human being on the basis of the evil Caste System, as inferior and filthy Untouchables, using every other derogatory, bigoted and indecent means and with complete inhuman contempt. This is the reason that the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is not a religion, but a Satanic Cult or Demonic Cult. The barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is not a religion, it will never be a religion, and my humble request to you all is that nobody should refer to the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult as a religion. It would be a grave insult to the egalitarian religions of the world! It is hindu Satanic Cult, the white Aryan HINDU HATE PHILOSOPHY!

The evil caste system is strictly based on the rule of "ascending order of reverence and descending order of contempt", fully supporting the creation, protection and the perpetuation of the various evil castes and sub-castes of the evil Caste System. The evil Caste System is so heinous that it teaches a child that he/she is an Untouchables the day he/she is born. That too, his/her own mother would tell this obnoxious reality of Caste India to the child, a well designed blot on humanity by the evil hindu Satanic Cult. Have any one of you heard more heart wrenching and blood spitting cruel acts than this, and all these are done with the complete support and approval of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult? The evil Caste System has created extreme bloody violence with abhorrent conditions. There is absolutely no self-respect, self-esteem, freedom, liberty, human dignity, self-confidence, self-pride, self-assertiveness, self-love for the Dalits, but lots of self-hatred, self-anger, self-shame, inferiority complex, all for no fault of theirs, but because of the poisonous teachings and the perpetuation of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. So the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is not only a physical slavery system like the classical racism, but a much more gory system of mental slavery and the evil practice of untouchability indoctrinated from the day a child is born to a Dalit parent by putting a stamp on the innocent human being as Untouchable, Unseeable, Unapproachable, Unspeakable, Unshadowable, filthy and worthless sub or inferior human being!

It may be, to an extent, an academic exercise to try to define and confuse the meanings of the words caste and race, as desired by the barbarous hindus and as discussed above. Particularly the evil hindus may not even agree with the above approach. Let us forget that, as we can never get the truth from the barbarous hindus anyway! Instead, let us focus on the causes and effects of the two evil racisms on human beings. Any honest individual can easily say that the evil Caste System is the worst case of any racism and this evil Caste System has been suffocating some 300 million plus Dalits in Caste India alone, even today which is happily going on since last 3,500 years, ever since the evil white aryans stepped into our mother land India and made Caste India as the most violent country in the world. It is a pure and simple intellectual prostitution if anyone could oppose the international community to discuss the evil Caste System, immoral, unjust and intolerable system, along with racism in the UN forum. All those who suffer under this evil Caste System and all those who came from this community should march to South Africa to raise in ONE VOICE to tell all the truths about the evil Caste System so that the whole world would hear and possibly spit on the faces of the obnoxious hindus while proclaiming that the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is not only Racism, but the evil Caste System is in fact Racism, Fascism and Nazism, all rolled into one huge evilness of the worst kind that this planet has ever encountered. Let our voices and views be heard loud and clear around the world, and if the evil hindus say that the Caste System is an internal matter, we should tell them that it cannot be an internal matter after 3,500 years of havoc that killed the human spirit and the countless murders, rapes, burning, subjugation, persecution and every atrocity imaginable, and the very existence of 300 plus million Dalits as Untouchables in Caste India alone is simply unbearable and the world community as a whole should be ashamed of itself for this human tragedy the world has never seen before and hopefully it will never see again except in Caste India. Human dignity, social justice and social equality are completely killed by the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. And the world would do well if it could throw the evil Caste System and the Satanic Cult, hinduism, both (one cannot be killed without the other, both should be killed simultaneously or if the hindu Satanic Cult somehow is luckily killed, the evil Caste System will automatically follow its own demise!) into the middle of the sea as deep as possible so that this evilness will never again show its ugly and filthy face on this planet earth or on any other planet for that matter. Social Justice cannot be achieved as long as the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is practiced anywhere on any planet. It would be a tremendous psychological boost for the Dalits if the international community could discus the gory evil issues of the obnoxious Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. This will also be a seal of approval for the Dalits' struggle and a serious warning to the barbarous hindus that the world is no more a silent spectator in this gruel game of the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult, its millions of gods and goddesses and its tons of superstitions, dogmas, rituals, karmas, and every other conceivable cock and bull evil stories. The world community should not let the flame of freedom lit by the Dalits die down and should do everything in its power to kill the evil hindu Caste System. But, never add fuel to the flame of the evil caste hindus in their cunning game of killing the Dalits with evil disguise, taught by the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult.

Until and unless the world community discusses non-stop the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult, the barbarous hindus will continue to tell the world that the evil Caste System is an internal matter so that they can continue to kill, both mental and physical genocide, at their will and pleasure with the full support of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. The 300 plus million Dalits of Caste India who are being continuously suffocated under this evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult will not forget and forgive the international community if it does not recognize their terrible sufferings for over 3,500 years solely due to the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. Please do the right thing, the honest thing, and the decent human thing by punishing the evil caste-infested hindus in the international arena. Please put the barbarous caste-ridden hindus in proper place and save humanity once in for all.

The evil racial apartheid system was dismantled only because of intense pressure put forward by the international community, in addition to the tireless efforts by the African American community of United States of America. Hon. Nelson Mandela describes as to how the evil racism apartheid was destroyed in South Africa in his autobiographical book "Long Walk To Freedom" (Little, Brown and company, 1994), "International pressure mounted. More companies left South Africa. The American Congress had passed a sweeping sanctions bill." In addition, he says that "An oppressive system cannot be reformed, I said, it must be entirely cast aside". Why has the world community kept silence as well as going along with the oppressors of 300 plus million Dalits, the barbarous hindus, with completely blood-socked hands as co-conspirators?

Also, the international community is blindly making statements without ever thinking the consequences or the root of any statements they make. For example, a past leading politician of England once said that "…is International PARAIAH", "…. Will be treated like a PARAIAH". Has anyone ever thought through as to the meaning of the word "PARAIAH"? This word, PARAIAH, is an evil Caste word, to supposedly represent the poor Dalits. Does this mean that the international community accepts and supports the evil Caste System, or does it show their complete lack of understanding about Caste India and the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult?

If the evil caste-infested hindus say that they will eliminate the evil caste system, please ask them one simple question as to "how they propose to accomplish this task?" If they say that untouchability has been already abolished in the Constitution, then let us ask them as to why so many of the Dalits are butchered, their women folks raped and every other evilness dancing on the soil of Caste India so happily every day. The Dalits have to tell them and the international community that anything can be written on a piece of paper and they do not matter unless they are implemented properly all the time. They are toothless paper tigers to cheat the international community. The police, the judiciary, the bureaucrats, the media (both the print and the electronic), politicians, prisoners, the jailers and even the hangmen all belong to the caste-infested hindus and for them the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is more important that justice, social justice and human justice.

In Caste India, everything is based on the evil Caste and nothing moves or shakes without the full influence of the evil Caste. And the Dalits are suffering untold miseries for centuries. The world, which helped to destroy and abolish the root and branch of the evil apartheid from South Africa, why does it keep quiet with respect to the much more vicious and poisonous evil Caste System?

The Dalits need and wish a "real beginning" for their dignified life with the help of the international community for an international human justice and its understanding of all the evil happenings in Caste India for the past 3,500 years. Worst human right violations than any other racism can ever create or even imagine that have been happening in Caste India every day for the past 3,500 years! Killing the evil Caste System will automatically and immediately kill all types of racism in the world, as the mother of all evilness in the world, Satanic Cult hinduism, is killed, there will not be any racism of any type, including the most heinous and venomous racism, the evil Caste System, in this world.

If you tell and treat a person with all available force that he/she is inferior, worthless, Untouchable, meant only for dirty, filthy and slave works, everyday since their births that too supposedly ordained by some evil gods and goddesses, how could that person ever be a normal human being? This is what the barbarous Satanic Cult, hinduism, has been and is perpetuating to 300 plus million Dalits for the last 3,500 years. Is the world going to allow this evilness to go on unchecked and look the other side like a bunch of innocent bystanders? No, No way, this cannot be allowed and the international community has to come together once in for all to eradicate and write the obituary of the evil Caste System and the Satanic Cult, hinduism, and suitably punish the barbarous hindus for all their evil deeds during the last 3,500 years. One cannot be killed without the other being killed, so both the evils, Caste System and hindu Satanic Cult, have to be killed simultaneously to free this world from the most evil and original racism, the EVIL CASTE SYSTEM of the HINDU SATANIC CULT! The world community should know or at least try to learn the facts that the classical racisms, slavery and apartheid, will pale into insignificance in front of the most heinous hindu Caste System.

Segregation is racism, oppression is racism, subjugation is racism, persecution is racism, cruelty is racism, untouchability is much more evil than any form of racism; in essence the evil CASTE SYSTEM is the MOTHER of ALL RACISM!! The world community has an obligation to the permanently suffering 300 plus million Dalits to study the evil Caste System and its cruel untouchability to deliver the facts, nothing but the facts, based on human and social justice. Therefore, let your deliberations in this Conference on the unique evil racism, Caste System, start with a big bang and also end with a bigger bang, and definitely not with a sad whimper as the evil hindus and the barbarous hindu government of Caste India are hoping for. If you surrender to the lies of the barbarous hindus, then you would definitely be adding fuel to the already burning out of control fire of the most evil Caste System of the barbarous Satanic Cult, hinduism.

You go to Caste India yourself to study and gather the facts about the evil Caste System. The evil Caste System, with full of prejudice and hate, is a very complex, vicious and inhuman system, as described above, and a compelling and detailed close look at this poison by the honest world community is the urgent need of the hour to save millions of permanently suffering depressed and deprived Dalits who live with no dignity, simple human dignity, whatsoever, at the hands of the barbarous hindus using the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult. But, please do absolutely make sure that you go to the sufferers of the obnoxious Caste System, the Dalits, and not the oppressors, the barbarous Caste hindus, as what Mr. Bill Clinton and others have so for done and in turn caused a grave injustice and added more agony to the already suffering 300 plus million helpless Dalits of Caste India.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger akhter said...


In many societies, women have been continuously treated poorly. Many people thought, and in some areas still think, that over time the views on women and their status in society will change. Modernization is not changing these views nor is it making life easier for women (India: till death do us part p.39). The poor treatment of women began as early as the Stone Age. Over time, violence against women has gotten better in some areas, mainly the Western Countries. In the USA, the indiaa.jpg (3043 bytes)treatment of women was never as bad as in India or other countries, but women were not seen as true equals until 1920. In other areas, like the Middle East, women were, and still are, forced to stay in the house, can not own land, can not have a job, and most importantly, experience severe domestic violence from males. There have been many different movements trying to enforce the rights of women in those areas, but not many have made an impact in the Middle Eastern society, and women are still treated poorly today. In India, "stove-burnings", "dowry deaths", and many different forms of rape and assault occur all the time. Even a young girl's family may treat her differently because of her sex.

In the Indian society, girls are seen as a burden to their families. When it is time for the girls to be married, their families hatred and resentment towards them can sometimes lead to them being married off to an unsuitable man (India: till death do us part 39). One of the "burdens" a female brings to her family is her dowry. This is what is given to the man the daughter is going to marry by her family. The Hindu dowry system and arranged marriages has taken a gruesome commercial aspect. Some dowries can range from $5,000 to $50,000 in gifts and money (India: till death do us part 39). If the bride's family does not have enough money to pay a suitable dowry price, the husband might kill the wife, so he can remarry and get a better dowry from another family (India: till death do us part 39). These murders, known as "dowry deaths," are common and are rarely investigated.

"Dowry deaths" are a common cause of death among young newlyweds in India. Violence and murder in India because of insufficient dowry's are severe and growing rapidly. One Delhi newlywed was beaten and then doused in whiskey and set afire by her husband. This was labeled as a "dowry death", a murder of a newlywed because she did not bring enough money into the marriage (India: till death do us part 39). The National Crime Bureau of India found that there were 6,917 dowry deaths in India each year. Many of these murders of women go unreported. In reality, there are more deaths then the reported 6,917. One estimate says that around 15,000 deaths occur each year that involve "dowry-deaths" or another type of abuse (Violence in the Life Cycle 20).

"Stove- burstings", or "stove- burnings", is another common death among newlywed girls. Bride burnings are less an exotic atrocity then domestic violence. Fire is at the heart of Hindu ritual. The goddess Sita walked through fire to show her love for her husband. This is how the little "kitchen accidents" emerged as the echoes ofnoreen.jpg (7843 bytes) Sita. Bride burnings are one product of the sometimes lethal synergy between tradition and modernity (Maqfarqyhar 54). "Stove burnings" are classified as kitchen accidents, but in reality they aren't accidents at all. Many husbands who kill their wives end up having to pay people in order not to be caught. They might have to pay police, investigators, judges, and other people who might be involved in trying to figure out what really happened. Most husbands get away with the murder they commit, and if they are caught, they do not suffer much of a consequence (India: till death do us part 39).

If the husband is not physically or mentally abusing the wife, then there are many other aspects that could eventually affect the marriage. Babies is one of the main problems happy couples need to deal with. Some husbands want their wives to have babies, but some husbands don't. If the husband doesn't want a baby and the wife becomes pregnant, the husband may beat the wife and cause her to have a miscarriage. As an unborn child in the mothers womb, if she is beaten, the baby could be harmed, born underweight, miscarried, or still born. If the husband is interested in having a baby, it is not unusual for him to make his wife get an ultrasound to determine if the baby will be a girl or a boy. Many women end up having abortions because they are going to be having girls, which the husband does not want. Before birth, a girl in India risks being one of five million girls in India who are aborted by sex-selective abortion (Violence in the Life Cycle 20). While most abuse does occur while in a marriage, women are abused by other men, too.

Rape and assault are two very common occurrences in India with women. In 1998, 706 women were reported raped and over half of them were minors. Only 25% of these cases were reported to the police, which is barely any at all. In eight out of ten cases reported, no immediate action was taken, which means only two cases out of every ten were taken seriously (Yusuf 3). Rape and assault are also present in police offices. In 1998, thirteen reported cases of rape and twenty-eight cases of assault on women occurred while they were in police custody (Yusuf 3). When going out on dates, young girls need to be extra careful because assault and rape from discouraged men is very common. In America, it is known as "date rape" and it a very serious offense, but in India where it is known as "courtship violence", it is not taken seriously at all (Violence in the Life Cycle 20).

Over the course of a young girl's life in India, she could suffer through many different things from infantry to old age. As an infant, the young baby has a very big chance of being killed by female infanticide. There are 10,000 girls in India murdered each year because of that very reason (Violence in the Life Cycle 20). During the young girl's childhood, the girl may suffer sexual, physical, or psychological abuse from elders. In 721 out of 750 of these cases, the abuse is by a male relative (Violence in the Life Cycle 20). Another serious cause of death is starvation. During adolescence, girls can suffer from "courtship violence", can be one of the 200 girls who are murdered each year by sulfuric acid attacks, and can be one of 25,000 girls murdered over a marriage, or dowry, dispute (Violence in the Life Cycle 20). During marriage, it is very likely the woman will be battered in the home. 70% of women in India say they are regularly abused in their home. Almost 50% of the death of females in Bangladesh can be blamed on domestic violence (Violence in the Life Cycle 20). In the woman's older age, being widows or elders, they may be subject to psychological and physical abuse, including homicide. All throughout a girl's life in India, they stand a very good chance of being killed or maimed by husbands, male relatives, or suitors.

Out of all the women who are mistreated in India, 90% think that it is unacceptable. Most of them cannot, and will not even try, to do anything about the physical, emotional, and psychological abuse they receive from males. One out of every five women have said that they have actually tried to stop their husbands from hurting them further (Yusuf 3). These attempts, although they may have had some impact, didn't do much to change the type of treatment that they are receiving. "It’s my fate," says on victim, Noreen, who says her kitchen stove caught on fire. "From childhood, I have seen nothing but suffering" (Pratap 1).

The future of women's lives in India may have a brighter aspect to it. Although not much is changing yet, maybe the society of India will start to realize that what they sitting.jpg (13473 bytes)are doing to their women is not right and change their ways. There are homes being made for destitute women that are victims to domestic violence, which is a big step towards India changing it's ways (Pratap 1). Throughout a woman's life in India's society, depression and suicide are two common and predictable outcomes for their life endured under the rough conditions that they experience. There is not much that only individuals can do to stop this violence from happening; but India needs to be told that what they are doing is wrong and that it shouldn't go on anymore.

Many groups are beginning to get together to raise the awareness and stop the bad treatment of women. The Women in Distress and Detention Act in 1996 was instrumental in establishing a national fund for women that are in distress. The National Plan on Action (NPA) is still being established. The NPA will involve raising the awareness about women's issues. Courts have started to take notice of the increasing number of stove burnings each year, and are requiring that whenever women go to the hospital with a burn, that it is recorded down and sent to them. The Human Rights Education Program started in 1995 and is very successful in educating children about human rights (Yusuf 1-9). These are only a few of the many groups and organizations that have been set up to help the women of the Middle East. It will take more then a few years for the violence to stop, because this is the type of life India has been leading for hundreds of years now. To do a full turn around in less then a few years would be amazing, but India isn't taking any steps towards becoming a better country. For the time being, the women there need to wait patiently until the men in their society see that what they are doing is wrong.


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