Tuesday, December 27, 2005


From: listmaster@jnanadana.org Mailed-By: hap.himalayanacademy.com
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Date: 27 Dec 2005 07:08:02 -0000
Subject: Hinduism Today launches Hindu Press International news service
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Aloha and Namaste,

Hinduism Today magazine is pleased to announce the launching of the
first all-Hindu daily news service: Hindu Press International.

HPI is a summary of Hindu news and events drawn from Internet and print
sources around the world. It appears about 20 times each month. HPI covers
all news which impacts or involves Hindus. HPI will report political
issues related to religion. When appropriate, summaries will include
editorial commentary and/or background information to put the item in
perspective for Hindus and non-Hindus alike. Each one paragraph summary
includes a link to the original source when available on the net. You may
view the homepage and archives at http://www.hinduismtoday.com/hpi/

To subscribe, send any message to: To unsubscribe,
send any message to:

Please send this invitation on to interested friends, regional media,
academics, researchers and others who seek to keep abreast of current
Hindu events and happenings.

Individuals and organizations are welcome to submit news and announcements
for distribution by HPI. For news items, please provide the source and
text of the original item, either by email to hpi@hindu.org or by fax
to 808-822-4351. For announcements, please prepare a short summary of
the subject and provide a URL to a Web page with details. For example,
"Mata Amritanandamayi will be visiting San Francisco, November 14
to 19 and Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 21 to 23, 2000. For further
information visit http://www.ammachi.org." Alternatively, one could
provide an e-mail address.


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