Tuesday, February 12, 2008



People are in bondage, because they have not yet removed the idea of the ego. The thing and its quality are different in our thought, but not in reality. Heat is different from fire in our thought, but you cannot remove heat from fire in reality. You say that you can remove the qualities and leave the thing, but if you think your theory to the end, you will find that this is not so.

Is not man an organism of many aggregates? Are we not composed of various attributes? Man consists of the material form, of sensation, of thought, of dispositions, and, lastly, of understanding. That which men call the ego when they say “I am” is not an entity behind the attributes; it originates by their cooperation.

How much confusion of thought comes from our interest in self, and from our vanity when thinking, “I am so great,” or “I have done this wonderful deed?” The thought of your ego stands between your reason and truth; banish it, and then will you see things as they are. He who thinks correctly will rid himself of ignorance and acquire wisdom. The ideas “I am,” “I shall be” or “I shall not be” do not occur to a clear thinker.

Moreover, if our ego remains, how can we attain true deliverance. If the ego is to be reborn in any of the three worlds, be it in hell, upon earth, or be it even in heaven, we shall meet again and again the same inevitable doom of sorrow. We shall remain chained to the wheel of individuality (our individual ego, self or soul) and shall be implicated in egotism and wrong. Is this a final escape?

All combination is subject to separation, and if we cling to the combination which is the ego, we cannot escape birth, disease, old age and death.

Your comments most welcome!

Seattle, February 12 08

To continue…..

Monday, February 11, 2008


मनोरंजन » गॉसिप » ऐश्‍वर्य सबसे महंगी अभिनेत्री
ऐश्‍वर्य सबसे महंगी अभिनेत्री
11 फरवरी 2008

अब तक बॉलीवुड के अभिनेता ही फिल्मों के लिए ऊंची फीस लेने के लिए मशहूर रहे हैं। पर अब यहां की अभिनेत्रियां भी उनके नक्शे कदम पर चल चुकी हैं।

पढ़ें:- ऐश्‍वर्य ने साइन की ‘रोबो’

बॉलीवुड में एक फिल्म के लिए 6 करोड़ की जादुई रकम पाने वाले सिर्फ आमिर खान और शाहरुख ही नहीं बल्कि अब बॉलीवुड की सौन्दर्य बाला ऐश्वर्य राय भी इसमें शामिल हो गई हैं।

जी हां ऐश्वर्य राय दक्षिण भारतीय फिल्म ‘रोबो’ में काम करने के लिए 6 करोड़ रुपए ले रही हैं। इस फिल्म को साइन करने के बाद ऐश भारत की सबसे महंगी अभिनेत्री हो गई हैं। अब तक उन्हें अपनी करीबी प्रतिद्वंदी करीना कपूर से डेढ़ करोड़ रुपए कम मिल रहे थे। करीना इस वक्त एक फिल्म के लिए साढ़े तीन करोड़ रुपए वसूल रही हैं।

पढ़ें:- ‘बॉस’ के साथ होंगी ऐश्‍वर्य?

हालांकि इन दिनों करीना भी कुछ आगे बढ़ी हैं। ‘जब वी मेट’ की शानदार कामयाबी के बाद उन्होंने बॉलीवुड में तीन फिल्मों की एक डील साइन की है जिसके लिए उन्हें साढ़े पांच करोड़ रुपए फीस के तौर पर मिलेगी।

हालांकि फिल्म ‘रोबो’ के बजट के लिहाज से ऐश्वर्य की 6 करोड़ रुपए फीस को देखें तो यह काफी कम नजर आती है।

माना जा रहा है कि ‘रोबो’ के निर्माण में करीब 130 करोड़ रुपए की लागत आएगी। खास बात यह है कि इस फिल्म से ऐश दक्षिण के सिनेमा में 9 साल के बाद अपनी वापसी भी करने जा रही हैं।

और पढ़ें:- फ्रेंच फिल्‍म में काम करेगी ऐश्‍वर्य

उनकी पिछ्ली दक्षिण भारतीय फिल्म थी 1999 में आई राजीव मेनन की फिल्म ‘कंदुकोने कंदुकोने’ जो सुपरहिट रही थी। फिल्म ‘रोबो’ के इस साल अप्रैल तक रिलीज होने की संभावना है।

chalo canada

जीवन शैली » वाह जिंदगी! » कनाडा में छा गई ‘पंजाबी’
कनाडा में छा गई ‘पंजाबी’
11 फरवरी 2008
इंडो-एशियन न्यूज सर्विस
गुरुमुख सिंह

इन दिनों कनाडा में पंजाबी भाषा बोलने वाले लोगों की संख्या में लगातार वृद्धि हो रही है। ताजा आंकड़ों के अनुसार इसमें 35 प्रतिशत का इजाफा हुआ है। आने वाले कुछ सालों में पंजाबी भाषा यहां की चौथी सबसे अधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषा बन जाएगी।

वैसे अभी भी ब्रिटिश कोलम्बिया प्रांत में यह चौथी सबसे अधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषा है। वहीं अंग्रेजी, चीनी, इटालियन और जर्मन भाषा के बाद इसका स्थान छठा है। कनाडा में जहां एक समय में चीनी लोग सबसे अधिक आ रहे थे वहीं अब भारतीयों ने उनका स्थान ले लिया है।

ऑर्कुट बना पंजाबी कवियों की प्रेरणा

ऐसे अनुमान लगाए जा रहे हैं कि 2011 तक कनाडा में सबसे अधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषाओं में पंजाबी चौथे स्थान पर पहुंच जाएगी। कनाडा में ‘पंजाबी लेंग्वेज इजुकेशन एसोसिएशन’ (पीएलइए) के अध्यक्ष बलवंत संघेरा ने कहा कि, “कनाडा में पंजाबी भाषा काफी तेजी से आगे बढ़ रही है। आने वाले तीन से चार सालों के अंदर यह देश की चौथी सबसे अधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषा बन जाएगी”।

पढ़ें: कनाडा पर छाई कृष्णलीला

ताजा आंकड़ों के अनुसार कनाडा में 3,67,505 लोगों ने कहा कि पंजाबी उनकी मातृभाषा है। इसकी तुलना यदि 2001 से की जाए तो इसमें 35 प्रतिशत का इजाफा हुआ है। गौरतलब है कि ब्रिटिश कोलम्बिया प्रांत स्थित ‘ब्रिटिश कोलम्बिया विश्वविद्यालय’ (यूबीसी), साइमन फ्रेजर विश्वविद्यालय, क्वांटलेन विश्वविद्यालय में पंजाबी भाषा की पढ़ाई भी होती है। यहां के सभी सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर पंजाबी भाषा में सूचना पढ़ने को मिल सकती है।


Crookedness and truth (straightness) are in their nature opposite and cannot dwell together more than frost and fire; for one who has become religious, and practices the way of straight behavior, a false and crooked way of speech is not becoming.


From "365 Buddha: Daily Meditations," e

Sunday, February 10, 2008


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Today's Daily Inspiration
Beware the barrenness of a busy life.
Socrates Today's Inspirational Story

A Mayonnaise Jar and Two
Cups of Coffee

A professor teaches his students a lesson about what's really important in life.
By Laura Bankston

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember this story about a mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee...

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.



Not only the archbishop himself but most people in this country are surprised at the fierce reaction by the British media and public towards his comments regarding Sharia Law.

People have heaved a sigh of relief: “Thank God, ours is not a country where the MASSES will behave like the ASSES and follow anyone BLINDLY to their eventual doom.”

We drew this wisdom directly from the fate of UNITED INDIA. Today she is lying decapitated, and in three parts, on earth. It was all due to our implicit faith in Mahatma Gandhi, our own version of Dr Rowan Williams.

We had sent Mr Gandhi to stand up to Muslim MINORITY and to challenge them at the Independence talks with the Viceroy. In the event he was himself “eaten up” by the Muslim MINORITY who threatened civil war and “rivers of blood” if their demand for SEPARATION from mainstream (secular) Law was not conceded. Our Mahatma (Mr. Gandhi) then conceded their demand upon his knees.

His followers have still not recovered from that devastating blow to their “Akhand Bharat” (United Secular India). They never will.

The USA recovered quickly after the destruction of twin WTC towers in New York. Centuries ago Spain and Greece managed to recover from the YOKE of the same “minority” while North Cyprus never recovered. Nor did North Kashmir. In fact all the holy men in India now fear for their own lives, having seen the extermination of fellow “mahatmas” and holy men in West Punjab, East Bengal and North Kashmir.

From the very beginning of Islam, the Muslims have attacked majorities everywhere. Obviously, they do not need to act against minorities, e.g., Christians in Pakistan and the Hindus in Bangladesh, who are virtually their slaves.

Dr Williams ought to have heard of the OTHER minorities, too, who have seen the “Sword of Islam” and who had considered the ideological, spiritual and political armour of England impenetrable.

With fear in hearts they now saw the archbishop kissing the nose of the wolf.

Dr Williams has exposed the chink in the Christian armour. His conviction in his own Faith is perilously deficient. As Head of Church of England he is neither resolute nor inspiring. He is seen willing to concede and compromise.

Thank God, the vigilant British public and media have responded in a brave and befitting manner in order to assure the OTHER minorities domiciled here that England will remain safe for them.

The earlier generation fought off the NAZIS abroad. World War 2 did not end with compromise, accommodation or concession. Now the present generation, too, is trying to fight off a very similar ideological onslaught at home. The Archbishop ought to have been their hope and inspiration.

Dr. Williams, instead of exposing the new danger in our midst has tried to conceal it. He is not fit for the job of being the Head of Church of England. He had to be aware of the First Law of Ideology: “Peace and prosperity in a country depend upon its MAJORITY community dominating their TERRITORY (physical, spiritual and ideological) in a virile and manly manner.”

In this country Dr Williams was supposed to see his own Church of England as the “MAJORITY” community. He was supposed to care for the morale and state of conviction of his own followers instead of BEING SEEN entering the “golden mouse trap” of a particular MINORITY community in whose ranks the punishment for “desertion” (leaving Islam) is DEATH.



9 Feb 08.


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Friday, February 08, 2008



Thursday, February 07, 2008


Ek Pal ka Ehsas
Ek Pal ka Ehsas Banke aate ho Tum, Dusre hi Pal Khushbu ki Tarah Udd Jate ho Tum, Jante ho Darr Lagta hain Tanhaiyon se Hume, Phir Tanha is Dost ko Chhod Jate ho Tum............. --------------- ...
[submitted by gitu ]

Aapse dur hokar...
Aapse dur hokar hum jaye kahan. Aap jaise Pyara hum payenge kahan� Dil ko toh kaise bhi samjha lenge� Lekin Aankhon ke ANSU chupayenge kaha� ...
[submitted by rksheth ]

Kab dil unki yaad me chur nahi hota, Kab unse milne ko dil majbur nahi hota, Yeh sach hai zindagi me, Dil usika tut ta hai jiska kasur nahi hota� ...
[submitted by rksheth ]

shayari ki mafil
Dil kay dard chupana kitna mushkil hota hai, Toot kay phir muskurana kitna mushkil hota hai, Door jab chaloo kisi kay saath to phir, Tanha laut kay ana kitna mushkil hota h badlon k derm ...
[submitted by gitu ]

Kisi roz yuhi khatam ho jayenge
Kisi roz yuhi khatam ho jayenge, Duvan banke aasmaan mein bikar jayenge, Na cheez kho yaad kyun rakegi duniya, Benaam hain is duniya kho naam kya baata jayenge. ...
[submitted by junaid1974 ]

Gham se na ghabrana...
Sitaro me chand tanha jagmagata hai, aadmi akela bhi manzil pata hai� gham se na ghabrana aye mere yaar, Gulab kaanto ke beech me bhi muskurata hai� ...
[submitted by rksheth ]

bharat desh mera

कुछ कर गुजरने की गर तमन्ना उठती हो दिल में
भारत मा का नाम सजाओ दुनिया की महफिल में |

हर तूफान को मोड़ दे जो हिन्दोस्तान से टकराए
चाहे तेरा सीना हो छलनी तिरंगा उंचा ही लहराए |

बंद करो ये तुम आपस में खेलना अब खून की होली
उस मा को याद करो जिसने खून से चुन्नर भिगोली |

किसकी राह देख रहा , तुम खुद सिपाही बन जाना
सरहद पर ना सही , सीखो आंधियारो से लढ पाना |

इतना ही कहेना काफी नही भारत हमारा मान है
अपना फ़र्ज़ निभाओ देश कहे हम उसकी शान है |

विकसित होता राष्ट्र हमारा , रंग लाती हर कुर्बानी है
फक्र से अपना परिचय देते,हम सारे हिन्दोस्तानी है |

गणतन्त्र दिवस की आप सबको बधाई.


Indonesia Has One Ayodhya, Temples Of Tridevas, Ram & Bali, Various Temples, Saryu Nadi, Sameru Parw Post Your
Articles / Joke

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Indonesia Has One Ayodhya, Temples Of Tridevas, Ram & Bali, Various Temples, Saryu Nadi, Sameru Parwat, Various Other Structures Regarding Ramayana, But No Ravan There, No Lanka - By Professional Engineer Suraj Singh
Posted On www.hindtoday.com www.indiagrid.com
Declaration-Blog is based on personal observations & thoughts exclusively
Objective: Zee News worked on Ramayana's history in Indonesia, an Islamic nation. Bali city exibits there resembling king Bali to whom Ram killed. Indonesians know Ramayana through Bali & not through Balmiki. Existence of Maharishi Markande.

1 Bali people in Indonesia believe in Shiva, Vishnu & Brahma in their own way of understanding. The statues are available. The statue of Ram is also available. Thousands years old statues these are.

2 The proclaimed biggest temple in the world but not accessible for public. Certain celebration days, only Indonesians are allowed.

3 Bali Ramayana does not give full information about the real Ramayana. The people there give full regard to Ram but not as Bhagwan. They regard him as a perfect person. Purush Uttam.

4 The children are taught about the Ram's conduct throughout the classes & in all homes. They expect the children to know about Ram as well as Mahabharata.
The people of Bharat have to agree that the people of Indonesia & particularly Balians believe in Ram & Mahabharata while we the great people & politicians in Bharat made insults to our great historical cultures. The people of Indonesia may not be fully informed but they have a great belief in them about the historical existence respecting Ram,Ramayana & Mahabharata. Shall the Bharat people learn a lesson from the facts of a foreign nation that too an Islamic one?
Jai Bharat Vande Matram

1 Indonesia is not too far but far from the Bharat's shores where the culture of the living memory of Bharat is evidently declaring the existence of itself. The people of Bharat argue unnecessarily for the recognition of their own soul & the blood while the people whom Ram might have related as tourist or as temporary elite resident in his times, do extend a warm greeting for thousand of years. These people might not have agreed in the status of Ram as a divine god but well receive his images & statues as living legend of the thousands years old cultural record & preserve that to the maximum extent possible. They feel pride in doing that.

2 Not enough research & innovation has been carried out through the Bali Ramayana but still they have no redundant question to raise & speak or even think about the question of existence of Ram. These people worship Shiva, Vishnu & Brahma in a similar capacity as we do while they additionally consider them very auspicious as the protectors as we do. It is thought that Bharat people are either too much educated or to much illiterate as is evident by our conduct. We do neither have trust in ourselves as well as our past but also do not find ourselves fully submerged into what we believe in. Our people have by the paint coating of English culture have lost the true surface of our rich culture in depth texture for ever. Dear all, forgive me for thinking that I have criticized the people but the certai9n classes of people do deserve criticism.

3 There are hundreds of thousand of monkeys around the temple city of Bali & these servants do a proper cleansing of the statue of Bali as well other statues. These monkeys do their self assigned jobs of protecting the statues & showing good regard to the so considered gods. These monkeys pose both styles naughty as well as too gentle creatures as was displayed by the programme. The monkeys maintain themselves by bathing in the raw swimming pool naturally formed duly diving down from the diving board & them coming out of the pool. They eat banana & the same food as in Bharat, their counterparts do. It is really astonishing. I think these monkeys prove that they are better in recognizing Ram than us. Our people & the politicians do speak against Ram but do not prove the non existence of Ram while gladly receive the most junior religious prophets with high pride that indicates their being stupid.

4 The Balians do not come out of their houses the day when they have set a day of departure of Ram from Bali to Ayodhya. They condole the day as the loss of a great protector & preserver for them. They have nominated the name of certain river as Saryu as well as the name of certain mountain as Sameru just to dignify the glory of their protector for ever. They also nominated an area as Ayodhya. It is obvious from the existence of the historical imprints & the recognition by the people of that country that there was a kingdom of Ram in Indonesia in certain historical times & Bali might also had a capacity to rule that area under the guidance of Ram that though has not been fully answered yet. It is not good to claim this statement by a hypothetical thinking that directs towards that type of history in those days. Ram ruled in Ayodhya while many members of his clan were extended to take over the ruling of various other nations on the other parts of the world. For example, Kandhar is part in Mahabharat. There are many other parts in the world depicted to be under Bharat's rule. Though there is no documentation in this respect but the facts could be worked out.

5 In Sultan's palace in Bali, there is statue of Ram. Who could believe but it is a fact? Ram was regarded as a historical person & not a god. There should be no dispute on this statement as we also call Ram as maryada purush uttam. Ram had delegated the reigns to his sons & grandsons for many areas. The names of various facets of Ramayana could be adopted by various authorities in Indonesia in those days for the nominations of famous places as well as structures. Some responsible persons also constructed temples too large in size for the memory of Ram. We should not dispute on such considerations but intend to learn lessons from those who have very little to do with Ramayana but the history on Ramayana is taught to those children while in Bharat it is called saffronisation. What a pity? Shall our Congress esquire elevated status leaders & other leaders of Left try to learn anything from this fact of Indonesia? Shall Karuna have any Karuna towards this issue?

6 Shall Congress & its leaders show to the nation that they are true Bharat citizens by extending some heart full regards to the existence of Ram & Ramayana & start respecting the Dharma as a fact of life of Bharat Bhumi Bharat Mata & stop criticising the people who talk of Hindus? We have to think why do we criticize our own culture & give great regard to a polluted culture imported from other parts of the world? We have to reinstate the lost values of the integrated coherent society that we inherited from past centuries but have polluted that by the incompetent chemistry of various cultures to what we have called secularism. There is no secularism without the parent secularism. Christianity plus Islam cannot make a secular nation by putting Vedic culture in minus. No equation as such can be formulated. The billion plus people of Bharat have to retrograde to the historical facts & have to amend their mistakes by inserting the real culture & our Congress claimers have to go back to the books & agree by hearts that they give due regard to Bharat culture. In case these leaders are not capable to do so, they shall not have any right to be called Bharat wasis & Bharat netas.

7 It is sorry to say that Bharat people have lost excessive time condemning Vedas or shying away from the recognition of it by the follow of a false secularism the term created by a dictator PM in 1976 who just did it for her pleasure & to denounce a major community whist to please a certain class of vote banks & the current leaders have been talking the same language but unfortunately, they are unable to explain & justify their so adopted conduct to the masses who believe in Bharat culture. The issue is very serious as the future of the Bharat culture & its existence depends on it if not exclusively, in participation with other issues of the nation. I have seen many nationalities around my career & find all people with pride calling themselves as Muslims or Christians or others but we the citizen of Bharat are afraid & do shy away to call ourselves as Vedic followers or Hindus while the political leaders are very much allergic to be even called as Hindus & talk about Hindus as communal while the others are preserved in the name of minority community as seculars. The people of the world do not understand the concept of secularism. We unusually beat about the bushes by proclaiming as the only nation in the world as a secular society but the fact is that we are not a secular society, whist we are a society that is leading towards the formation of a Christian Muslim society within a period of 25 years. Remember that those who do not respect themselves, other too do not respect them.

8 The youth is the future of Bharat & youth everywhere is the future of that society. We have a large pool of youth who never care for the culture but are swayed away towards Christianity or to a negligible extent towards Islam. These youths were never educated of their culture but now they have been learning from various TV serials. They have been to some extent in addition to being partly informed, have been confused by knowing Ramayana & Mahabharata. They need do certain additional analysis on the culture to adequately understand the Bharat culture that is their cohesive part of the soil from which they were born. I should say that after watching various serials, I too got a lot of information about our culture prior to that I was extremely blank & had high regard exclusively about the Islam & the Christianity due to the lack of information. Our pundits as well as rishis never tried to reach the information to us by any means & no one tried to explain the facts about the history. The exclusive history that we learnt in school was only a few centuries old & no farther. That is the reason of disregarding our own culture. For example, these days, Vastu has been in common reception but should we go the facts of the past, we shall find that this despite being a pure science based on North & South directional orientation of the magnetic field, was introduced as a religious documents by the processors of those times as the people were not well versed in sciences but had a belief in religions sanctity. Just to accord a recognition of this subject, the writers made it as a religious documents but should you go through the realistic approach of understanding it, there is nothing as a blind faith but flow of the magnetic field & the sunrays & the sun route effect on the blood circulation as well as on the soil. The Gurutva Akarshan also plays an important role while the religious matter goes on the back seat. We credit Newton on the centre of gravity but the Sanskrit world gurutva itself tells the formula of falling objects & their attraction by a centre within the earth lithosphere.

10 Therefore, we the people of Bharat have to come out of the darkness created by the lack of information. We should try to integrate all the cultural science with the advanced physical sciences that too are the result of the cultural sciences revealed out of Vedas. Our culture says that our instinct is within the soul & the par bhram is within us. Then what about the physical sciences? The physical science is just a way to understand the system that the nature has formulated. There is nothing on its basics in the physical science. Even the scientists around the world have started accepting the existence of soul in the human body but they do not openly accept the facts. The day, the scientists community accept the soul & integrate it with the physical sciences, the scientists shall be perfect.

Bharat First-Everything Else Later
Jai Bharat

By Professional Engineer Suraj Singh


:Shree Hari:

7th February, 2008, Thursday
Maagh Krishna Amavasya, Vikram Samvat 2064, Guruvar

Question: If children do not take care of elderly members of the family, what must be done ?

Answer: In such cases, the attachment must be lifted from the children. You must hold within that these are not your children. The root cause of sorrow during old age, especially in situations where no one is taking care of the elderly, is expectation of amenities and comforts from family members. "Asha hi param dukham, naraashyum param sukham." Therefore that expectation itself must be renounced and where there is discomforts and lack of proper amenities and facilities, one must consider these as their austerities" It is God's immense grace that we are given the golden opportunity of austerities in the form of unfavorable circumstances. If family members were to take care of us, serve us, then we may get entangled and allured by affection, attachment, delusion and infatuation. By Gracing us, God has prevented us from being trapped in this illusion.

The main obstacle to spiritual progress is when man is trapped in attachment and illusion. We must be thankful and indebted to those who are helping remove these obstacles, freeing us, uplifting us and leading us to salvation. They are showering their grace on us !

When one has been accepting help and service from others throughout their lives, then in old age due to incapability, there is keener desire to receive help and service from family members. Therefore man must become alert and cautious from the very beginning, by thinking that he has not come here to receive service, rather his only aim is to render service to everyone, because this human birth is to serve all. So we must not expect or desire to receive comforts and conveniences from anyone. If from the very beginning we do not desire happiness, comforts and conveniences from others, then in old age we will not be unhappy. Yes! when in our mind there remains no desire to receive service or help from others, then in others, the desire to serve naturally arises.

In all fields, renunciation is essential. With renunciation, there is immediate peace. Remaining happy, even in unfavorable situations is a great austerity. The inner faculties are purified by austerities, not by receiving amenities and comforts. By desiring conveniences and comforts the inner faculties become tainted. Therefore man must never desire these, rather with his mind, speech and body, he should provide comfort to others.

From "How to Lead a Houserholder Life ? " in English pg 10, in Hindi pg 15 by
Swami Ramsukhdasji

Ram Ram

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Monday, February 04, 2008


[prohindu] Ramprsasad's Children and the Rs. 1,868,00,00,000 handout


Devendra Singh to hindiusa, prohindu
show details 11:19 AM (7 hours ago)


What a sad state of politics in Bharat in the name of religion. It's better to kill a person instantly rather than giving him/her a slow poison. My heart goes out to millions who have to endure the kind of inhumane injustice Ramprasad goes through often.


Ramprasad, our neighbourhood rickshaw puller came to me this morning. He was looking happy. Before I could ask him the reason, he said, “Sahib, ab bacchon ki fikar nahin hai. Sarkar padhai ka paisa de de gi.” Someone had told him that the government had announced scholarships for deserving children in class 1 to 10 and he had two daughters, studying in classes 9 and 8 and a son, in class 6. Studying mostly by candle-light, in his shack in Kanhai gaon, all three usually came first in their classes. It broke my heart to disillusion him. This scholarship was not for his children, I told him and when he asked why, I had to tell him that these scholarships were not for any Hindu children. They were only for the children of parents who were non-Hindus.

Ramprasad’s face fell. He was silent for some time and then asked me to find out if he can convert to Christianity, so that his daughters and son will be eligible for the scholarships. He told me that he would be sad to convert but if this ensures the future of his children, then he would convince his wife. He added wistfully, “Khali bacchon ka dharam badalne se kaam nahin chale ga Sahib?” Will it not work if only the children changed their religion? I told him that I still do not know what the rules are – perhaps the local pastor will have to issue a certificate or something like that, but I will find out. I am waiting for the detailed procedure to be announced and will then approach the neighbourhood church to find out if Ramprasad can become a Christian and then apply for the scholarships.

This episode has made me think of the State of our Union. Our government has just announced a scholarship fund of Rs. 1,868 Crores. Hindu children are not allowed to apply for this. Does it not skew the concept of freedom of religion? Would this work as an incentive to convert to minority religions? On the face of it, it does not appear that one should give up one’s faith for Rs. 350 to Rs. 1,000 per month or so per child. However, as Ramprasad’s case shows, if you do not have money to send your children to school or keep them there, perhaps it is better for them to have a better future as a Muslim or a Christian. At least they can study and make something of themselves, rather than pull a rickshaw as a Hindu. For millions of Hindus living in grinding poverty, this is a real unpleasant choice which they will have to make if the present government’s skewed anti-Hindu policies continue.

The preamble of our Constitution states:

We, the People of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens:

· Justice, social, economic and political;

· Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

· Equality of status and of opportunity;

· and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation

in our Constituent Assembly this twenty-sixth day of November 1949, do hereby Adopt, Enact and Give to ourselves this Constitution.

Is our government providing Ramprasad and his family equality of status and opportunity? Would this biased treatment assure him dignity? Would it promote a spirit of fraternity in him and his like? Is this an example of social or economic justice? On no count does this edict of limiting the scholarships to non-Hindus conform to the fundamental principles on the basis of which we the People of India formed our union. It is an example of our present leaders breaking the sacred covenant made with the vast majority of the people of India sixty years back.

Yes, the state must do all it can to promote education, but it should be on the basis of economic necessity and demonstrated merit, not on the basis of which faith an Indian follows. I wonder why the political leaders in the UPA government would do such a thing, which goes against all common decency, is socially and economically unjustifiable and would deepen the religious divide. The given logic is that in Hindu-dominated India, Hindus have a “natural” advantage and the non-Hindus have been persecuted. Mr. Jinnah formed Pakistan on this very expectation and now our UPA government is saying, in effect, “Yes, Mr. Jinnah, you were right. We have been persecuting the minorities and they deserve to be treated by our UPA Government in a preferential manner. During the last 60 years, the Congress Party has led the country for more than 80% of the time and now we must atone for our sins. Let us bend over backwards to prove our non-Hindu bias.” Thus, the Prime Minister announces that the minorities have first right over the nation’s resources and his Finance Minister demonstrates his own “secular” credentials in this unsecular manner.

One is reminded of the Latin adage says, cuius regio eius religio – the ruler determines the religion of his subjects. In Ramprasad’s case, this is perhaps literally going to be true. However, even metaphorically, this is not far off the mark, in today’s secular India. In West Bengal, we have the cadres imposing the Communist Religion. At the center, we are ruled by diverse religious groups but the predominant voice of the leaders and the media is of the adherents of a faith which is not a formal religion, but which carries all the weight of a religion. It’s founder was Macaulay and it is his children who rule India today. As assiduously nurtured and shaped by Macaulay and his ilk, they have learnt to sneer at whatever is Hindu. They feel that everything Hindu is to be looked down upon and the language, culture and faith of the Hindus treated in a manner so that their self-esteem remains as low as possible. And, they treat the Hindu faith dismissively in a similar manner, taking its adherents and votes for granted. If they themselves are Hindus, they are generally dismissive of their religious affiliation and are often embarrassed even to admit it. Truly, the faith founded by Macaulay appears to have totally conditioned the minds and hearts of Indian intelligentia, its media and its leadership. And, in these perverse times, these people determine what the religion of their subjects, the often mentioned “common man”, should not be.

Elections to our Parliament are due in April 2009, almost a year from now. This is the right time for the majority religion to ask, “What has the UPA done for Hindus in Hindustan?” The answer would not be far to seek, for the list is not too long. A bill was introduced in our Parliament in 1978 to declare that Secular mean “equal treatment for all religions”. At that time the Congress Party had voted against this definition of secularism. It appears that its stance has not changed over the years.

I do not advocate that the government should do anything special for Hindus. I feel that it should do whatever it can, for the upliftment of all Indians, regardless of religion or caste. The only criterion for affirmative action by the government should be economic need. Only then can India be really secular and only then can we effectively be one people. The present religion-based petty politics will lead India into social injustice, bitterness and inter-religious strife. If you do not believe me, ask Ramprasad.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Second terror camp unearthed in Karnataka
4 Feb 2008, 0141 hrs IST,MANU AIYAPPA,TNN

SMS NEWS to 58888 for latest updates
Riyazuddin Nasir alias Mohammed Ghouse was arrested recently (TOI Photo)
HUBLI: Ominous signals are emanating from the jungles of Karnataka. Investigation into the unearthing of a terrorist training camp in Dharwad has led to more disturbing evidence: the location of another abandoned terrorist training centre, this time, deep inside the forest of neighbouring Uttara Kannada district.

Sources in the anti-terrorist cell said the camp was located in the midst of dilapidated temples belonging to the period of Chalukyas.

Going by the evidence they collected, an investigating officer said that the abandoned camp could be the first location of Riyazuddin Nasir alias Mohammed Ghouse and his accomplice, arrested recently. He said this could be the place where Ghouse worked on the elaborate recruitment process of jihadis.

According to the officer, the camp inside the jungle, which is roughly 5 miles from the Dharwad-Karwar highway, is hidden in a cluster of gigantic teak trees. After a closer look at the walls of the dilapidated shrines, the policemen found slogans written in Arabic.

The officer said some locals told him that a year ago, a group of students frequently made weekend trips to the woods and held "classes". But they stopped it when some residents objected suspecting them to be indulging in illegal activities.

He said Ghouse and his aides admitted that they visited the place but denied they had indulged in terrorist activities.

The officers, however, suspect that Ghouse and his accomplice identified the "most able", particularly from professional colleges, invited them to weekend trips that involve trekking and water rafting.

This, they did to identify those that are especially aggressive or have leadership qualities to conduct their terror campaign. Eventually, this process led to terrorist training camps in Pakistan, as it was in the case of Ghouse.


Golden Chariot vs Terror camps, Pak Flags in Karnataka Post Your
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Today on Feb 2, 2008 President flags off Golden Chariot. TOI reports today “Terrorist training camps may be closer to home than the distant mountains in Pakistan, This chilling evidence came to light during the interrogation of three Islamist radicals arrested recently - Riyazuddin Nasir alias Mohammed Ghouse, Asadullah Abu Bakar and Mohammed Asif,”

Karnatak through terrorist as Andhra won through Naxalites

Central government is for whole India but Shivraj Patil says that every state is free to take decision separately for naxalites problem. Congress captured power in Andhra with the help of Naxalites. As reported on Feb 3, 2005 , Sonia Gandhi forced cops to let Naxal leaders free to murder democracy! Several Naxalite leaders importantly Ramakrishna, Sudhakar Peer, S. Appa Rao and those from Jharkhand and Bihar , were reported to have been allowed safe passage after the Greyhound commandos — of the crack anti-Naxalite force — surrounded them in a forest. Congress supported ULFA to re-capture power in Assam . Now after getting power they are going half heartedly against Naxalites and ULFA.
Why Shivraj Patil has five Guns and Naxal enrolled him as his father?

As fish can’t live without water, like that without power Congress can’t live. dCongress can compromise any level. History of Congress and Nehru Gandhi reflect this.

Is India a Property of Gandhi dynasty?

Is there a auction of India? Is India property of Gandhi dynasty? Why are people being made fool that Gandhi dynasty is a reserve caste to rule India? What did foreign born Italian cultured Rahul Gandhi for India and Indians in his age of 35 years?
So Rahul Gandhi followed the tradition of Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. They are born to rule. Rahul Gandhi also can’t live without rule. What are the qualities or qualifications of Gandhis? DMK is even ready to change the Constitution for Quota. Congress is also ready to divide country on caste and religion basis. Congress got power to divide India. It can’t live without power as fish can’t live without water.

Congress has lost confidence. Congress realizes now that Rahul can’t be PM. So Congress threw his luck in Uttar Pradesh to make him CM of Bundelkhand, He could not win. So now Congress wants to divide Uttar Pradesh. He may be probable Chief Minister of Bundelkhand. After that he may try for PM post. Many former and present CMs want PM post. So they are in the line to be PM. Mayawati, Mulayam, Jayalalitha, Lalu, Sharad Pawar are among them.

Some headlines from Kannada papers, is placed at ‘media_monitor5’ by Nagraj Patil.

1. In the twin city of Hubballi-Dharwad, 200 youths got Jihadi training
2. 8 more youths are being arrested in the twin-city who are involved in the jihadi mission.
3. The turmoil created in Pakistan due to Butto's killing saved bloodbath
at the time of Paryay in Udupi.
4. The Jihadi activity in the twin-city has support of Politicians.
5. IT milan of Jihadis on regular basis, not just in B'lore, but in district places and towns of Karnataka.
6. Only educated youths are being recruited for the Jihadi network in KArnataka.
7. Jihadi meetings were running in Karnatak Medical College, Hubballi for a long time.
Hostel warden had already reported this to the Police long back.

The investigators have unearthed a thick forest area bordering Dharwad and Uttara Kannada districts of Karnataka, which was used to train terrorists in the use of firearms. The three youths arrested by anti-terror police in Hubli and Davanagere a fortnight ago allegedly received weapons training in these woods which are surrounded by religious shrines.

Sources said this could well be the first time that a terrorist camp used by self-proclaimed Islamist fundamentalists has been detected in southern India, where a spate of terror attacks in the last few years.

“TOI further reported: Investigations led by DSP S V D'Souza revealed that the radicals were taking camping trips to the woods for "initial training as terrorists". During a raid, the officials noticed Pakistani flags flying and had them removed.

”The details of the camp have been passed on to Central intelligence agencies. "The existence of the camp and the fact that the likes of prime suspect Mohammed Ghouse allegedly worked for a terror organization in Pakistan through intermediaries is of vital importance for intelligence agencies," an investigating official said.

”Given the sensitivity of the matter, the police are keeping investigation details a secret. Sources said that investigators have spent the last few days trying to establish who was running the camp and who were the men being trained. They are also trying to establish the operation for which these people were being trained.

”A local police officer said the three accused revealed that they had established base in Kalghatgi and were preparing for a jihadi strike. Ghouse and his accomplice Abu Bakar frequently visited Kalghatgi along with Asif, a MBBS student. Here they met about 20 young radicals who were being taught the use of small arms and double barrel guns.”

We got independence due to those who gave blood for freedom: “Give me blood and I will give you freedom” - Subhash Chandra Bose.
After independence we hear fake secular slogan: “Take blood of people but give us votes”
Subhash vs ‘Take blood but give votes’

Take following examples in consideration:

It exposes a serious chink in the country's intelligence armour but also opens the door to getting answers on why and how Bangalore engineer Kafeel Ahmed transformed into the Glasgow bomber and his brother, Dr Sabeel Ahmed, joined in the UK terror plot.
Syringes as Mini Nuke for Doctors of Death

93 blast, Malegaon blast and HYD Macca Mosque blasts on a pious Friday for Namaz show that terroists have no religion. Like that so called false human right activists, fake secularists and Vote bank politicians have no religion and nationalism.

Attack at the Indian Institute of Science
The December 28, 2005 attack at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), in which a Delhi University mathematics professor was killed, was also attributed to the HuJI-JeM combine. Intelligence sources indicate that Shahid, a Hyderabad local based in Bangladesh and linked to HuJI-B and JeM, played a key role in the IISc attack.

By Premendra Agrawal


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dilip Mehta <dilipm12@yahoo.com>
Date: Feb 3, 2008 6:25 AM

More dangrous than muslims are our secular bastards. They encouraged Islamic terrorists. For them muslim is seating in their heart like god.
Dilip Mehta

Babu Suseelan <babususeelan@hotmail.com> wrote:
Dr. Babu Suseelan
The detection of Pakistan ISI Jihadi terrorism training camp in the deep forest of Karnataka is nothing new. It is as old as Islamic invasion of India. The irrational obsession of Muslims to take over India by the Islamic sword is nothing new .For centuries; Muslims have shown obsessive ferocity to destroy Hindu civilization and India by ideological, military and other violent means. The fact is that Jihad war is endemic and Muslims have been waging war against infidel Hindus for centuries. The real cause of the never-ending Jihadi terrorism is the unremitting desire of Muslims to annihilate infidel Hindus. The hatred and intolerance are fueled by fanaticism and intransigence and unwillingness to accept diversity in religion. Muslim extremists interpret Jihad primarily in terms of the use of force to impose Islam on others and to fight "infidels" to conquer the world. Muslims are united in their hatred against "infidel Hindus".
Since 1947, Pakistan has built vast war machines for the ultimate Jihad to take over India. Pakistan invokes Jihad to help Kashmir Muslims and support Muslims in different parts of India. In their view, homicide bombing, killing of innocent Hindus, destruction of temples, research institutions, burning passenger trains, hijacking airplanes and assassination in the name of Allah is justified.
The mushrooming of Jihadi terrorist organization in India is the direct result of appeasement policies and special privileges accorded to Muslims by the Congress government. Realizing that Jihadi terrorism is a profitable business for Pakistan, Pakistan has now established Jihadi terrorism training camps deep inside India. Pakistan is training Jihadis in the use of explosives, rifles, selecting target for bombing, hand to hand combat and hijacking. Pakistan provides funding and training instructors to achieve its political and military goals-by destabilizing the country. These ISI trained Jihadis are quite unafraid to kill civilians and bomb centers of higher learning in pursuit of their Islamic goals. More than anything else, various Jihadi terrorist groups in India are united by their unvarying commitment to establish Dar-Ul-Islam in India. They have motivation, dedication and direction from Pakistan ISI. Pakistan provides direct funding, logistical support for Jihadi terrorist training camps.
Islamic madrasa networks in India provide the most essential support base for the Jihadi terrorist groups. They establish close links with Marxists, subversive groups, so called human rights organizations, corrupt political leaders, phony secularists, and bogus intellectuals. The anti-Hindu media continue to support Jihadi terrorist groups. The mainstream media continues to assault virtually every Hindu organization and blame Hindus for Jihadi bombing. As a result, these Jihadi groups have grown increasingly brazen, bombing civilian targets with impunity.
Muslims are united in their greater hatred against "infidel Hindus" and India. Muslims in India have built vast war machines for the ultimate Jihad to kill Hindus. Indian citizens have wondered why many secular and human rights organizations and the Marxists in India did not strongly condemn the outrageous Jihadi terrorist attacks in different parts of India. One of the more direct and honest answers to this is that Muslims, Marxists and bogus secularists perceive Hindus are the instigators of Jihadi hatred. Others wonder aloud: Why do Muslims hate Hindus? Except some nationalist leaders and few Hindu organizations, none in India had taken this issue seriously.
For decades, vested interest groups have compelled political parties to implement exclusive benevolent programs for Muslims. A clean example is Hajj subsidy, job reservation and Islamic budget earmarked for Muslims, and quota system. Muslims in India enjoy more privileges and political and religious freedom than in any Islamic nations. In spite of their special status, political right and privileges, Muslims hate infidel Hindus. By extension, they hate India that had treated them with special status and more rights than Hindus. Islamic Pakistan harbors resentment and hostility against the people of India. For the past few years, Pakistan has been recruiting, training and deploying Islamic terrorists throughout India for subversive activities. Many Hindus were burned to death, temples were bombed and commercial as well as research institutions were bombed.
According to Intelligence agencies, Jihadi Terrorist groups are guided by Pakistan ISI and they are active in many states. Pakistan would continue Jihad until the independence of Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Hyderabad, Utter Pradesh, Kashmir, and Junagarh-with significant Muslim population. The pro Pakistan Muslims and Al-Qaeda sympathizers in Kashmir, Kerala, Karnataka and West Bengal have revived themselves and reorganized their organizations with funding from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. The madrasa industry and Jihadi factories scattered around India produce thousands of Islamic terrorists for subversive activities. Criminal incompetence of the police, corruption and inefficiency of law enforcement agencies, as well as political interference further strain India's capacity to prevent Jihadi terrorism. Marxist state government in Kerala and West Bengal has sidelined efficient police officers who have known ample courage in fighting Jihadi terrorism. The congress government at the centre has many sympathisizers and supporters of Islamic terrorists.
To tackle Pakistan inspired and managed Jihadi terrorist camps deep inside India, the government must devise strong and effective strategies to reduce the power and influence of extremist Islamic organizations like SIMI, NDF, Lashkar-i-Taiba, and Jama-et- Islami.
One of the maddening realities of modern India is that the pseudo secular politicians and Marxists are not worrying about safety and security of the country. They are worrying about appeasement and special privileges for Muslims. The greatest threat is from the selfish opportunism from politicians who are ideologically inclined toward appeasement and surrender. They invariably dismiss or underestimate the Islamic terrorist threat, as well as Pakistan involvement. Rather than confronting Jihadi terrorists, they prefer appeasement and unconditional positive regard and non-judgmental attitude towards Pakistan trained Jihadi terrorists. This special treatment for Muslims has forced Hindus to face pure Jihadi wickedness in a way we had not in generations.
Bogus secularists and the Marxists have been scorning Hindus for their tolerant, spiritual faith. It is fashionable for them to mock Hindus, but have a blind spot about Jihadi terrorists. Bleeding-heart Human Rights activists and phony liberals could accomplish for more if they are willing to battle against Islamic terrorists.
It is tough time for Hindus in India. The majority are largely indifferent and uncertain how to shape sound social policy and gain political power. They pay little attention to Islamic terrorism and believe that Hindus could reduce Islamic hatred, vulnerability and terrorism if we would be more tolerant. Such thinking is irrational and would not remove our vulnerability. Muslims will always hate us because of our values of openness and tolerance. We will have no choice but to deal with Islamic rigidity, intransigence, hostility and jihad war through more effective counter terrorism policies. Our Central government has forgotten that government's primary purpose is to defend the country. Sooner or later the silent majority must wake up and must realize deadly danger of sleeping with Jihadi terrorists.